Sara's Girl
Prime Suspect
Wouldn't it be funny if Nick and Greg came out to the lab, and no one is shocked? Instead, they all say, "FINALLY!" I could see a few of them rolling their eyes and saying, "This is old news."
Yes! I always like fics where they have other members of the team betting on them they've known it was inevitable they would get together, it was just a matter of time. Because it is so, SO obvious. I'm sorry, but there's no way there's not gossip going round that lab, with the way they act anround each other. Workplaces are terrible, people notice stuff like that and it's a distraction from having to do your work.
Bubbles - will my Catherine/Wendy and Nick/Greg fic do for now? There will be more Nick/Greg soon...and yes, I am working on it right now never fear.
Hodges...I think he's got little man-crushes on a few of the guys, definitely Nicky and Grissom. I don't know if it's hero worship or something more...but I read some fics this weekend where he is in love with Greg...and to my shame it kind of fit. I think Greg's everything he's not...I don't think Greg would ever ever think of him that way, apart from the fact that he loves Nick. But just...a thought, as to why he's so snarky. I like him though, I do.
Nat x