The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

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Twins, don't make us hunt you down. We need you, lol.

I agree with the heavy flirting between seasons 1-3 being pre-hookup for our boys. I always believed they hooked up at some point during season three, and as they began to become more comfortable the flirting reduced and became more knowing. After Season 5 I think there was a new edge to the relationship. The 'marriage' comments started popping up after then, I believe.
okay I'm back lol had a busy day yesterday so didn't manage to post lol. okay I guess it not really that surprising what the rest of the team would think about Nick/Greg's Relationship.
I actually don't think Hodges would be creeped out. In fact, I think Hodges would be one of the first to work it out, and I can just see him rolling his eyes in the background whenever Nick and Greg have one of those subtexty moments. I can also hear him saying "get a room, you two".
the last line so funny and so typical of hodges lol. He would be creeped ot a bit by the relationship but then when like one of you guys said, he realises no cares about what he feels/thinks then he'll get over it. Warrick....erm hard to say what he'll think but obviously he'll accept it for what it is as nick is his best friend.
Erm agreeing that season 1-3 was had subtext moments between Nick and greg. I think between Season 4-6 Greg was mostly with sara as sara was his mentors. so i'm think the fact the sara has left is probably bettter for our ship as we see more nick and greg together lol.
Erm twins ~ cool look forward to seeing the final result of the vid and thanks.
okay gotta go chat later
I know I have answered when the boys have gotten together before but I dont remember what I have said so this is what I'm thinking as of now.....

First before I get in the stages an all I want to say even though I believe Nicky is gay, he hasnt had a lot of experience sexually with men. Maybe one or two partners. This does not include all the fumbling teenage everything leading up to "going all the way." :p

Now on to the stages. I agree that seasons 1-3 that there was flirting and the touching and some forplay fun stuff. As for their 'first time' I'd think it was after Greg got out of the hospital after getting burned. At some point I think things died down between the two of them. Whether it was stress of the job, Nicky not wanting to come out to the team &/or to his parents I really dont know.

Shortly after "Grave Danger" I think they got back together. I'd like to think when Greg went to visit Nicky that they both realized how much they care for one another and worked things out. And I dont know if this has been said in any of the forts' or just in fanfiction but I also like to believe even though they might not have been together sometime Grave Danger that Greggo was the reason that he didnt pull the trigger.

As for marriage talk or some type of commitment ceremony or just maybe some jesture to say, "I want you and only you for the rest of my life," I'd say shortly before "A La Cart" and definately by our x-mas present aka the lube scene epi. :D :D :D
Your timeline sounds good to me, only_true_love although I'm not so sure about a break-up. S4 and 5 were really low on subtext and interaction but a break-up? It makes sense but I don't want the boys not to be together.

Well, anyway, after Grave Danger they got really serious. I think it was always serious for Nick, I just picture him the monogamous type. Don't get me wrong I don't think Greg would be fooling around on his boyfriend, especially not on Nick!

Can't wait for new videos and suckerforasmile, I loved your birthday story, so funny and cute.

When does Nick admit he's an ass man? It's S7, it's not Redrum, is it, 'cause that's on Thursday. Can't wait to hear him say it :D
Love_Fan- You are soooo right! I'm only three eps into season 2 and it's completely nuts! lol. Man, I just wish I'd known about this ship back when these eps were originally aired. *sigh* lol. And those pics, along with the quotes are hilarious! And oh, if that episode is gonna be on this Thursday where he mentioned being an ass man, I've got to rewatch that!

On another note, it seems kind of odd to have an ep called "Cockroaches" and not be about Gil... know what I mean? hehehe, picturing Greg and Nick having a conversation about the little creepy crawlers...that could be really funny no matter which way it went, whether Greg was squicked, or not. I see Nick as the just step on it and kill it type but Greg would either find the thing cute and want to name it, or he'd be squicked and running away.

Well, off to write some fanfic...ttyl!

Relationship my ass.

You know, all that they needed to do to get a completely different view on the "I don't wanna borrow money from him or sleep with him, so he's safe with me." sentence is by changing it by this much: "I don't wanna borrow money from him or sleep with him, so he's safe with me."

ETA: If there was anything said about Eric, it was cut out. But I think there wasn't, mainly because it was about GE and GD's friendship on and offstage. Nick & Warrick seem close, so it would be safe to assume that George & Gary are friends.

And "healthy" man love? Wow. I'm curious to know what ISN'T healthy man love in his opinion. I also noticed they didn't mention male fanbases. o__O

I still find it weird that he said that. >_> But wait wait wait - I thought the new episode was airing Dec. 6th....? Did I just get the wrong impression from the article, or... what's the deal?

xD Thanks love_fan. I still think that they're waaay too OOC for my liking, but eh, I haven't gotten any complaints about it yet, so...-shrug-

:D I totally agree with OTL. -nods- And as much as I'd like to think that they stayed together since they hooked up, their breakup seems to work, too.

And you guys remember the "love interest" thing on George's part, right? Well. I have a new thought on that. On the off chance that it is true, it could just be because we're totally off base with the timeline, and he's (Nick) STILL trying to prove to himself that he's not attracted to Greg. :3
Well that was interesting snippet of George and Gary...

Theres nothing to be dissapointed about, what does disappoint me is that the writters strike is still on. So what will happen then to the shows? Will they run longer than they normally do?

Ouch sooo basically correct if I am wrong, then no scripts means no work for the gang? Maybe that is a good time to send in your letters to Nick and Greg???

Regarding the relationship between the boys, maybe they did break it off, and got back together when Greg got beaten up... Who can say, but that look in season 7 in Empty Eyes i think, shows the boys are healthy in love.
NickyandGreggo- Welcome back! And yeah, that was a horrifying article to read...however, Sucker, you made it all just a little better with your side comments. Thanks! I feel a little better now.

So, I'm assuming there's a new episode this week. I really haven't checked. I hope there's some N/G in it somewhere. Just watched Bully For You, and Greg's lines to Sara started off hilarious "You smell like death," in a very grave goth-like tone. Then his following line that was something like "You know a real man wouldn't mind" would really get a Sandle fan excited... but I thought about it, and really, he could have meant that he knows a real man who wouldn't mind... especially if it was Greg that smelled that bad. *hint* *hint* Nicky, of course. Or, well, we all know how much he flirted with Sara, which helps to fill the suspicions that he's bi. Anything's possible.

*sigh* well, the first chapter of "Club Starlight" is up. And I'll be working on the first chapter of "Ghost" later tonight, I hope.
And one more note... Shazza's got a great video posted on the wiki if you haven't seen it yet, go check it out! And, as always, may I remind you to tell everyone about it, and get writing and posting! Thanks!
Heh, for some reason the phrase "healthy man love" mad me laugh.

That and this part: "And sometimes, George gets the diva thing going on, and I have to bring him back down to earth and go, "Come on, man, chill out." "

Diva!George.... hmm.

I also find in interesting how quick George was to name Matthew McCaugna-whatever.

SO back to Nick and Greg... kinda. I have the CSI theme on my iPod and for some reason, since i'm insane, I can't help but picture the CSI gang singing it.

Grissom as lead vocals, Warrick on Keyboards, Nick on guitar, Catherine singing backup and co vocals with Grissom and Greg on drums. Greg just screams drummer to me, don't know why.

What do you guys think?
Sorry for the confusion QOTU, I meant Redrum airs here not in the states. And if you thought the first few episodes are nuts, your in for a fun time! It really does get better and better :D

About the articel, well George as a diva and healthy man love. Do I really need to comment that?? They should have done an interview with George and Eric about Nick and Greg but I bet they thought it was too risky ... we all know why!

Greg being an ex-lab-rat would probably save the cockroach from Nick's foot and they would banter about it. Did I mention that I miss their banter! They had such great lines together, I want that back! Well, this season really seems to focus on Greg getting back to his sparkly self so maybe there'll be more A La Cart and Lube scences!
Wow, I have so many different scenarios about Nick and Greg. Either they were dating in the first place, or they aren't even together now. My sister and I can talk for hours about it. We really haven't come up with something we believe 100 percent yet.

shazza, Natalie will have your banner later tonight. Promise. :)

The episode where Nick is an ass man is "Law of Gravity". "Redrum" is the Wink of Love, which is still great. :)
Hey gang! Congrats on 18 and welcome to all the new Love fans. :) I'm still lurking around, just not posting as much as I used to...

Anyway, wow. That article... there were parts where I was like "Oh, George, you just outed yourself there." And then I was like, "What?! Take it back, take it back!" I could had sworn he and whats-her-name broke up a long time ago. Three years? WTF?

And they just HAD to mention Sara, didn't they? The SNickers fans are gonna go ga-ga over that little tidbit. :rolleyes:

So, back on track; The Love! Okay, I'm gonna agree that there was major flirting in the first three seasons, then they got together in S4, but I'd have to say I think they broke up in S5 and Nick's been trying to win Greg back ever since. Maybe they got back together this season, maybe not. Maybe that's why Nick's getting a 'love interest'; to try and forget his Greggie. It'll never work!

But they will end up together. At least in my mind. :p

EDIT: Oh! I finally got around to playing the Hard Evidence demo that came with my S7 DVDs. The part where Nick's like "It's a matchbook from a gay bar..." Love. It. I'll probably buy the whole game just to finish that case. XD *two thumbs up*
The article made me smile and giggle. I could say a lot on the Diva nickname but I wont. I was a little bit peeved by the 3 year relatioship comment, cause I thought it was 4yrs. So Zodiac dont fret.

Another idea on this g/f for Nicky~ She maybe a love interest but its her who falls for Nicky not Nicky falls for her. He may like her and respect her, but there will be no love! Greggo is his one and only! :D ;)
From what I have seen in recent previews Nick will have some scenes with Warrick. Dont know if Greg will have any. With the closeness of the team being like the family hopefully there will be some Love scenes but it will about the case or Warrick's behavior and their concern. I'll take whatever they are willing ot give us!
wow, a new thread, where have I been?

I skimmed through that article, but I didn't really read it cuz it didn't have anything to do with Eric :p

OTL, as much as your view of their relationship makes sense, I don't want to think about them ever having a breakup or anything. In my head they have been in a happy, healthy relationship for years with no problems and lots of lovey-dovey-ness. :rolleyes:
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