Yay! New Fort! -dances- You guys have been so busy...
Oh, by the way
twins, I know I'm really late, but I promise to have your (very belated) birthday surprise gift thingy thing sometime soon!
shazza and
It's wonderful to see new people in this thread!
As for the "I know something jucier than Grissom and Lady Heather" comment from Brass, I'm not sure if I believe it's Nick/Greg or if it's GSR... N/G definitely have better... chemistry, and it's really possible that he was talking about N/G. I'd actually really like it, but I also think that it was written as Brass knowing about GSR. Buuut, because it was never really touched on, it could be aanyone. :3
Aand, to take something from
jays post from #17...
jay said:
Maybe with Nicky's outing it could be something a tad more major. Nothing ground breaking that would take up the whole episode... Maybe Nick is investigating a murder at a gay bar and one of the bartenders recognizes him. Or even better, he makes some kind of comment to whoever he's working the case with that he used to go here all the time.
He could say it in a way that we know he doesn't go anymore. Maybe have a moment later on where Greg mentions the same club
And if I may...
Kay, so I'll take the "bartender noticing Nick" one because it works better... So you know, they have a case at this gay bar and whatnot and there's not really any big thing about it, other than the bartender recognizing Nick. But let's say someone calls him on it and he answers with a "oh, yeah, I know him..." and either trails off or says something about being a friend of a friend or something.
Anyway, so a few episodes later one could find out that that is a lie by having Greg on a case at a gay bar (lol, redundant?) or... Not even a gay bar, maybe a suspect who owns or works at a gay bar, and as soon as that's said, Greg pops up and the guy recognizes him. Anyway, this could be another chance where Greg's outed. He could say something like "I like to spice things up sometimes" (except a little less lame, :lol: I'm an idiot), and then, that'd get Greg "out" but not necessarily hooked up with Nick. Then only the people who reaaallly pay attention would get it.
Or anyone who can decipher that large paragraph up there.
Nick and Greg get a call about a murder on a chicken ranch. As Greg investigates the body, Nick finds a clue under a rooster. Greg looks over and goes, "Hey, Nick! I love your cock." Nick smirks and/or winks and they go back to investigating.
xDDDD I love it. Let's just go with that one, okay? :lol: