The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Love the manip Wojo!

Okay, I'm about to wake Natalie up to start her avatar session for you all. I saved all the screencaps last night for her. So thank you Wojo and Seabird for posting them!

Stacy, I could see Nicky now falling for someone, that's really Greg online! That would make a great fanfiction. Great! Maybe...ok, I call it! I'll do it! I'm not doing one right now! That's Natalie! (PS-I'll tell her to type today!)

Clarrisani, I watched "Torchwood" last night! I don't remember what it's called, the one with the weavals and the men fighting *roll eyes* straight men are gross. Next week in the Jack/Jack kiss!
The manip is so sweet. *sigh* Our boys in love! :)

Twins~ cant wait to read that story. If you want any help I have screen name possibilities.

Candy~ i totally agree with you, a little makeup on Greg. ;) And dont forget a skirt!!! or leather pants. Scratch that. i just obsess over seeing him in leather pants!!!! hehehehe
Great manip, just what I had in mind when I saw that cap! A so much better picture!

Just saw the clips and boy can you say subtext?! First the lube then the privacy comment and when they watched the pictures online they were standing so close, and let's not forget that look they gave each other when GHB was mentioned.

Ah, now I'm a happy girl!

QOTU, I'm so not creative and writing isn't really my thing so I don't think I can contribute anything to the WIki although I'd love too. You know what, if I find the time I'd try to come up with something but I really can't make a promise.

Oh, twins, looking forward to your story.

Now I'm off to finally read Maggs' post-ep!
I'm making some avatars as week speak. I'm relaxing while watching my hockey game.


So far I'm making one for Stacy, and Anita (hurry and post). I'll make several more, unless someone wants a specific one. They'll also be 120x120. Yay! :D
Anyone else remember Greg in "Table Stakes", with the head piece? Probably one of my favourite 'labrat Greg' moments, especially the way he flirts with Catherine and then is all business when he realises Grissom is there. Damn, now I want to watch that episode again. Love shirtless Warrick/teasing Nick in that episode too.

Love the manip, Wojo. Sara really was a ghost in that scene. They were talking and responding to her, but somehow I think they really wishes she wasn't there. That, and the scene with Archie. Archie was definitely dropping hints there, wasn't he. I've always stood by the fact Archie knows about Nick and Greg, and now maybe he thinks it's time they let everyone else know, especially since Grissom and Sara were outed.

Twins, come to the Torchwood thread. Then we can debate, lament, complain and worship to our hearts delight. The thread is nearly dead, and it saddens me greatly...
As promised, I mad some avatars! :D

Some teasers:


Here's one that I made specifically for Stacy! No touching. When you see this Stacy, take it!


This is one of my favorites!

Bye-bye Sara

Girls need lube?

Give Nick the lube

Greg wants sex

The Great Lube Hunt!

Hope you like them! Again, if you like one, use it!
I've always stood by the fact Archie knows about Nick and Greg, and now maybe he thinks it's time they let everyone else know, especially since Grissom and Sara were outed.

I agree! There was a scene in the infamous "I thought we had a relationship" scene. Nick goes to Archie and after looking at the tapes, Archie makes some kind of comment about the girl and Nick goes "You need to get a girlfriend, man." Nick leaves and Archie shouts down the hall: "You first!"

Yeah, Archie totally knows. That and Archie just rules to begin with.
Hey guys,

I shouldn't have to do this again and again but everybody needs to remember that all posts must contain at least three FULL lines of on topic posting. That means actual discussion about Nick/Greg. There are too many off topic posts being made with absolutely no on topic discussion at all.

This is the last friendly warning. More drastic measures will be taken the next time. This is your thread guys, it's up to all of you to make sure the rules are followed.

1CSIMfan said:
I shouldn't have to do this again and again but everybody needs to remember that all posts must contain at least three FULL lines of on topic posting. That means actual discussion about Nick/Greg. There are too many off topic posts being made with absolutely no on topic discussion at all.

1CSIMfan, I just looked back over this page and there are two posts under three lines, and every post is linked to Nick/Greg in some way. We are staying on topic. We might mention other topics in our posts, but all posts have a connection to Nick, Greg, or The Love.

jay said:
I agree! There was a scene in the infamous "I thought we had a relationship" scene. Nick goes to Archie and after looking at the tapes, Archie makes some kind of comment about the girl and Nick goes "You need to get a girlfriend, man." Nick leaves and Archie shouts down the hall: "You first!"

Yeah, Archie totally knows. That and Archie just rules to begin with.

I think Greg would tell several of the techs about him and Nick. I hold to the fact that Bobby, Jacqui, Super Dave and Archie all know. Nick would tell them too, I think, just so they can have someone to talk to and help cover their tracks.

I also debate that Nick and Greg would tell Sara, for several reasons. Ever noticed that some of their more subtexty scenes also feature Sara?

EDIT: Oh, and guys, three lines in the text box is only two lines on the thread. Aim to write four or five lines in the text box in order to get the length.
So no one dared to talk yet? So I'll be the first.

First of all, I agree with you that Greg would tell Sara and for some reason also Archie. I think Greg and Sara became friends after she made it clear she wasn't interested in him. Yes, I believe he had a little crush on her. So I guess she knows about the two of them.

Archie, I think, found out about them somehow. That's of course if they're a couple.

I can't really see Nicky talking about their relationship to anyone. He's not really close to anyone on the team in a I-talk-about-my-relationship-kinda-way (except of course Greg!). Of course, that may be because he's not out yet, so he couldn't talk about these things. Who knows?

So, now that I've said my 3 line on topic, I can admire your great icons, twins, I don't really know which one I should pick. Hm, let me think a minute - looks closely again - I take "Greg wants sex" unless of course someone else picked it already. Thanks twins!

I find it so great that we make our own little titles like episode 8x07 will always be associated with "The Lube Scene" and Felonious Monk has "The Look of Love" and so on. Do other ships have something like that too?
Wojo, love the manip. The boys are so sweet in that pic *sigh*

twins, those avatars are great. And too funny. I still don't know which one to choose because I love them all :lol:

Maggs said:

Did we REALLY just watch Nick asking Greg to pass him a bottle of LUBE?! :D Christmas came EARLY this year!!

Did we REALLY just hear Nick (with a clueless look) ask 'how does that work' in reference to attracting girls? :D

And did we REALLY see Greg ONCE AGAIN bring up his teenage dating life to Nick, which is so obviously his way of trying to get information/confirmation out of Nick. But Nick ONCE AGAIN says nothing about girls even when the subject is girls and college and dorm room sexual activity. All Nick says 'you shoulda seen mine' and I do believe he meant that LITERALLY...he really wished Greg had been in his dorm room seeing it up close and VERY personally. :p

And then for a bonus... we got to see Greg cringing in reference to his Goth act attracting only depressed girls and Nick (with his back turned) smirking at silly bisexual Greg for even bothering with chicks.

Perfect analysis of the Nick/Greg scenes. Maggs , here's a pic of Nick smirking at "silly" Greg:


A few more pics from the scene with Sara in the lab.

Greg enters the room (Sara is also there) but he only has eyes for Nicky:


This time Sara was not in the middle and the boys could sit together:


Again, Greg is staring at Nick:

Love screencaps!

I was just rewatching the clips and when Greg talks to Archie about privacy, Archie makes a comment about people value openess, like he wants to encourage Greg to say something. And Greg gives his Whatever comment. Loved the way he said it, like he didn't want to admit to it. Almost sounded like they had had a similar conversation before.

And then the walk on the corridor shortly before Nick walks in the evidence room it looks like Greg is eyeing him tip to toe. :eek:

Great episode! From what i've seen I'm really curious about the case too.
love_fan, hmm...I don't know the problem with your banner...I'll PM you.

Valid points Jay and love_fan. Now it makes me really think that Archie knows about Nick and Greg. Now, I don't know if Archie knows that both are gay/bi and that they like each other or if he knows that they're together. Although, I think he pretends not to know whichever it is and he's constantly trying to pry it out of them.

Away from Archie, do you think that Bobby or Grissom knows? I know we've stated a few times that we believed Sara knew.
Well good points all around ladies and gents.

Grissom? I have this feeling that he does know, but has the attitude of ignorence is bliss. Yeah that suits him down to a tee. Grissom is far too smart not to know.

Besides as Grissom and Sara were/on a break/ etc/ an item I'm sure that they mentioned Nick and Greg when they was eating their breakfasts of morning before theyre bed time.

Bobby, well as he is the offically the only outed gay character of CSI (the scene where he was going to tell Grissom he is Gay was cut) probably knows about Nick more than Greg, but maybe both of them because being a gay man he would (unless he is useless at it) pick up the femininate energy of a gay man can project.

Or Gayda.

Lovefan - for sure Archie pratically told him that he knows and is fine with him. From the time Archie came onto the show, he has been saying to Nick ' you get a girlfriend' and he has been watching for Nick's response.

Archie knows big time.

it does make me wonder how close Nick and Greg's characters are compaired them to fanfiction. I have a sneaky suspicion that Maggs's version of Nick and Greg is very simular to the show's version and mine lol... Good minds think alike eh?
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