The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Hey I fainted at the lube scene. I believe I also mentioned a squeegasm... then again, I think I was pretty incoherent in my last post... I was pretty excited :p

lol, HoYay! What a fun word! The new Moonlight show has a lot of that, too, which I'm becoming completely obsessed with... *see icon*... I think I have an unhealthy obsession with slash shipping :rolleyes:
only_true_love, your inbox was full so I couldn't send you a reply to your PM but basically thank you and I will try what you suggested!

I didn't faint. I think I was too cynical about how it'd be played out to get a good reaction. I'll watch it again to get a better reaction!
Loki, you and me have both have an unhealthy obsession with slash. LMAO! Hey, Loki, I thought you liked Sara, why are you so happy she's gone? Are you just sick of GSR like everyone else?

Jay, a squeeing fanboy! I love squeeing fanboys, don't worry. And if we're rubbing off on you, then it's proven, slash loving is contagious! Right Stacy? :p Like Loki said, HoYay is a very fun word. I wonder if I'll start using it.

Gosh, now I have to watch that scene AGAIN! You guys are driving my nuts with your subtextyness and your theories. I just love them all!
well, Twins, I DID like Sara, but I eventually got sick of her being Just Grissom's girlfriend, and I didn't like what tptb were turning her into, so I pretty much started hating her. It's like there's 2 of them, old sara and new Sara. Old sara has been gone a loooooong time already, and new sara was only there for GSR, and I HATE GSR... I wanted to go onto the GSR thread and tell them I was sorry for their loss, but I would probably come off as being cynical and mean cuz I'm pretty much evil that way, so I won't :rolleyes:

Someone needs to post a pic of the lube scene. And someone also needs to make an icon of it. and a video. and a tee shirt... too far? I think not!

Boy, I'm sure blabbling a lot. I must be pretty giddy :D
well inbox situation is fixed. that was do to my lazyness

Loving the word HoYay too. And of course slash loving is contagious!!!

And call me crazy or just loving the lube scene a bit too much but if you all reply when Greg finds it and he is still on the floor it looks as almost like he'd be a spokes person for it. LMAO. I'm stopping now b/c I will get myslef in trouble.
I see Loki, I agree, I used to like Sara too, and eventually, I just got sick of her and began to hate her and GSR, recently too.

In regards to the lube scene. As soon as Wojo, cause you know she will, adds screencaps (what a doll) I will be making many banners/icons/whatever you want!!!

Come on, you can't get any gayer (is that a word? My spellcheck says it's right) than lube. Our boys are so great together! What a great slashy episode! We are so lucky. :D
Well I couldn't do the pause then fast forward thing so I just pressed pause over and over. Greg has such a 'come hither' expression when you do the slow motion and he begins to stand. Also when Nick says 'give me that' it looks like he starts to lean back a bit and give a small smile. That or it's my wishful thinking ;)
CSIElizabeth said:
Well I couldn't do the pause then fast forward thing so I just pressed pause over and over. Greg has such a 'come hither' expression when you do the slow motion and he begins to stand. Also when Nick says 'give me that' it looks like he starts to lean back a bit and give a small smile. That or it's my wishful thinking ;)

Its not wishful thinking b/c I saw that too!!! hehehe i hope Wojo hasnt passed out from seeing that part of the epi.

And i think I found another subtexty moment here. When our boys are walking with Sara and just as the get slighty in fornt of her they look at each other & Greggo winks at Nicky!!!! hehehehe ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Oh please, someone YouTube that scene. You're all making me excited, and I can't wait til next year. I want to see the lube scene! Nick + Greg + lube = blatantly obvious chemsitry and subtext + very happy fans.

I do hope they keep these moments coming.
only_true_love, your eyes are better than mine. I didn't notice a wink but I did see Greg's eyes go wide when Sara says that GHB was found in the girl's system. Hold on let me look at Nick. Yup he does the same. So they had the same reaction. I found something hehe.

I have a feeling that scene will forever be dubbed 'the lube scene' lol. I am so giddy right now.
Hey guys,

Please keep in mind that you need to use spoiler boxes until the episode has aired in the entire US, not just on the east coast. That means you will need spoiler boxes until 10 PM Pacific time.

Please make sure to start using them. Everything about any episodes that haven't aired in the entire US should be in spoiler boxes until after they air.

Oops, I got so excited I completely forgot about the spoiler boxes. I went back and edited them in. I apologize and I'll remember for next time. Thank you!
Wow, I'm with Clarrissani here, put on some pics, youtube it, so I can see the slashy goodness. It was really unexpected, wasn't it, especially after that horrible spoiler.

That's so great! I'm lost for words here. "The Lube Scene" what a great name it will make Love history.

So anyone, post screencaps and since I'm up for an avatar soon I'd love it if you could make me one, twins? You're so good at it :D

My weekend is saved, the bad spoiler is forgotten because how can anyone expect Nicky to ever get a girlfriend, right?

Oh, and yeah for the end of GSR, I'll miss Sara though, just a tiny little bit.
So, for those who have seen it, where does "The Lube Scene" sit in terms of great moments of The Love? Sounds to me like it's going to rate rather well.
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