The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Thanks for that insightful info, Shacky! It makes perfect sense!

Twins- Would you want to add that to the wiki? So everyone will know?

I thought the ep was awesome over all, even though the flirting was on low...there was eye contact, and that scene were Greg makes Nick run was hilarious! And I loved the ending too, priceless...

And a big, warm welcome to Emily! Enjoy your stay here!
love_fan said:
Shacky, can't wait for a new video, I love Milkshake to death, actually all your videos!

Damn, my post got deleted, so again... Thank you, that was the first video I almost gave up on, I had to quit and come back to finish it, but I was really glad I did, it is one of my favorites... Hopefully I'll be able to make a new one this week, I just need to hopefully find certain things from last nights episode to do it with, if not, I'll still hopefully be able to come up with something..

Welcome Emily, always love seeing new people at The Love....
And when did the site go down and for how long??? I can't imagine it was the bandwidth, but I'm not sure, I'll have Matt check it out, so if someone can let me the specifics and I'll check it out... Thanks...



Shacky! :D We've missed you!

Looovely screencaps, Wojo! :p So tell me, at the end when everyone was at the go-kart track, who was actually racing? D: I'm trying to get out of the nasty habit I have of getting Greg & Warrick mixed up on screen, and my cousin is trying to keep me in it...>_>
Welcome back, Shacky! We miss you alot.

Wojo , thanks you so much for all those wonderful pics of the boys.

And welcome to the newbies! :D

Noe, let me say this: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

"A La Cart" was so much slashy goodness!. I almost sure that, in seven years, this is the episode where Nick and Greg have shared more screentime. Seeing our boys finally working together made me all kinds of happy; Greg looked so excited and happy working with his Nicky...*sigh*

I absolutely LOVED the scene where Greg just gave a knowing glance at Nick and Nick started to run after the guy ! :lol:
I find it very interesting that Greg expected Nick to chase the guy by simply looking at him. It says a lot about their relationship; they know each other so well that they seem so natural, so comfortable together.... ;)
suckerforasmile said:

Looovely screencaps, Wojo! :p So tell me, at the end when everyone was at the go-kart track, who was actually racing? D: I'm trying to get out of the nasty habit I have of getting Greg & Warrick mixed up on screen, and my cousin is trying to keep me in it...>_>

Everyone was racing but Sara, Warrick & Greg were dressed alike, black shirt and jeans so it was easy to mix em up but Greg wore a red helmit while Rick wore yellow.
Ah, awesome. :p I don't feel so stupid anymore, thanks.

Bleh! I forgot to welcome the new forum-ers! D: I apologize, and welcome now! >_> :D Forgive me, I'm forgetful. And mix people up often, as if the Warrick/Greg thing wasn't obvious enough....-sighs at self-
seabird said:
Welcome back, Shacky! We miss you alot.

Hey, I've missed you too, I'm so glad to see you hear. Life has been hectic lately since I've gone to work, and I must admit, I've just been plain lazy and tired.....I plan to be around more often, and yes, last night's episode was just plain awesome Nick/Greg goodness all around...
Hi guys! Lots of talking while we've been at work! I'm Loving all of your interpretations of "A La Cart". I Love what Seabird said about Nick knowing to run off of Greg's look.

Welcome to The Fort EmilySanders!!!!! I always Love new Lovettes. :p

I'll add on the main Nick/Greg page on the CSI wiki, just how we got our name. Thanks QOTU for the idea and thanks Shacky for remembering where our ship name came from!

Speaking of wiki's I just got THE coolest email! Which told me to brag, so I will! :D :D :D

Go to and you'll see our screen name on the main page! You should see it right away, but if you don't let me know! It's right next to a picture of Luke and Noah. They are complimenting us on our work on the CSI and Luke and Noah wiki's. The link takes you to our profile page on the Luke and Noah wiki.

I'm just so proud that my site is featured in 2 places on the main wetpaint page (the Luke and Noah site is also a Rising Star). They wondered if we ever got any sleep! LMAO! And they refer to us as "they", which cracked me up!

I'm now going to work on the CSI (especially The Love page) and the Nuke wiki, and the 2 wiki's I belong to and the other 2 I created even more!
Oh yay! Lovely screenshots. And here I am in Australia, having not even seen "Leaping Lizards" yet, and with my download limit almost up due to downloading classic Doctor Who episodes (2nd Doctor/Jamie are sooo canon).

And I'm loving all the spoilers coming out for Episode Seven. I wish they would hurry up here and get around to season 8 instead of holding back on season 7. Season 7 almost killed CSI for me, but I'm so glad it's redeeming itself with season 8.

Welcome back, Shacky, and hello to all the new members!
Welcome to all new lovettes, hay EmilySanders yeah, we all live in hope that will come soon...

Ok well i've watched it twice now.

Greg making the comment about Hot Rod make me giggle it did the first time it was just sooo corny like old Greggo.
HAHAHA Greg letting Nick run after the go cart driver, I mean how bad is that lol. When Eric is younger than George... But the 'no you go run' is funny still.

Yes i noticed the first time but it didnt register, (i was munching on my late pizza- so its the pizza's fault), that Greg lied to Nick when He asked him about the "did you know about Sara and Grissom?"

Nick's body language could be interpretated (sp?) as if Man why didnt you tell me?

Greg and Nick shaired a moment with Grissom and Ecklie, now what did Greg say to Nick because they both giggled.

The hair styles, im sorry but was their fringes almost identical?. That im sure was done on purpose just for us love fans you know...

Yeah they were both wearing dark coloured tshirts under their new Foresnsics jackets. Did you notice that the police was in yellow. Is that a new added extra for season eight? Think that Greg was wearing dark blue whilst Nick was wearing black.... I might be mistaken...

Anyone notice the look that Greg had on his face, when the driver at the go-cart got off of his cart and was saying something about a man wearing a dress...

Did you see his face? That might've sparked an interest in him somewhere. What was that about, Nick standing away from Greg instead of standing right next to him questioning the teller??? (unsure if thats the correct word) Anyway, that was rude of Nick because there on the top of the frame was a policeman watching the racing...

Ok now seeing it again, i'm happy it was good. Would've prefered them doing the food one and Warrick and Cath doing the go carting one.

The food one, it was funny its was full of sexual expressions... Food is errotic, so replace sex with food and bobs ya' uncle you have sex. Regardless that the courting just engaged couple was up to lol....

7.5 out of 10. for the boys working together. 5 out of 10 not much of Greggo. 9 out of 10 just seeing Nick run lol...
:D So candy, how d'you manage to see the episodes if you're in the UK? Do they air earlier in the UK or what? Lol, clueless me...

xD I'm going to have to watch it again, you guys have mentioned a looooottt of stuff that I completely missed the first time around.

Oh, yeah, and we'll see about new chapters. School is going to take over and I'm already not going to get any sleep this week as is, so...-shrugs- We'll see. You might get lucky, too, I may venture into something that ventures farther than the Rashomama post-ep...>_>

And, of course, congrats twins! That's pretty much awesome.
candygirl1uk said:

Greg and Nick shaired a moment with Grissom and Ecklie, now what did Greg say to Nick because they both giggled.

I believe Greg said something like "This is gonna be fun" I thought it was cute, the way Greg was so excited about the experiment. I'm glad to see happy Greg back...
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