The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Here's my video.

I'm sending to whoiskeppler and WMTDB.

Again, it's my first.

Oh, and I have a banner. :D

Edited to remove link to fan made video
That was one of the best videos I've ever seen. So pretty. I almost cried watching it. Very good.

I was thinking of things we could discuess.

How about these two things:
-Favorite scene with the two of them. Try to list the episode or post a pic so we can all see!
-Favorite line between them. Like, Greg's "I thought we had a relationship" (try to post the episode too!)

Anything else is fine! Just thought since we have a new thread, we could christen it with our favorites :) (feel free to post more than one! I know its' hard to choose =D)

My favorite scene between the two of them is in Abra-Cadaver, with the "I love you" sign. So perfect. And my favorite conversation between them is in "Face Lift" when Greg is on the phone and Nick walks in. The hurt look on Nick's face is enough to make me all shipper-coma-y. But then these lines:

Greg: Don't you ever goof off, huh? Do you ever get a little lost in life?

Nick: No.

Greg: Well, you should.
Uh! You are my new best friend!

I LOVE this scene it made me go "aw," twice!

NICK: Hey, Greg.

GREG: Hey.

NICK: Get anything off the rope?

GREG: Yeah, a few brown hairs around the knot. Only one with a skin tag,
though. And those fibers that Sara found on the body?

NICK: Yeah?

GREG: Polyester upholstery. Cheap rugs and tacky furniture.

(GRISSOM walks into the lab and looks at the samples on GREG'S table.)

GRISSOM: I need these hairs.

GREG: Uh, uh, no DNA tags on those.

GRISSOM: Doesn't matter.

(GRISSOM finds what he's looking for then leaves the lab as quick as he entered
it. NICK looks at where GRISSOM goes, his back to GREG.)

GREG: (grumbling) You know, I hate it when he does that. I like to make a
presentation, you know?

(NICK turns to look at GREG.)

NICK: So, present.

GREG: Eh, forget it. Scope's interesting.

(NICK looks into the scope. Scope View shows skin cells. Resume to present.)

NICK: All right, fresh epithelials.

GREG: Yeah, I found them on the rope near the anchor point. A minuscule
sample, but useable.

NICK: How long for DNA?

GREG: Well, give me something to compare it to. Get me the fiancée's blood.

NICK: Well, I can't just give you her blood. That takes a court order.

GREG: I'm open 24 hours.
twins1729 said:
Here's my video.

I'm sending to whoiskeppler and WMTDB.

Again, it's my first.

Oh, and I have a banner. :D

Edited to remove link to fan made video

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos. You can tell where they are, you just can't link to them.

Also, twins1729, please don't double post. You can edit your post for up to 24 hours.
I'm a member at like 10 different boards/forums. They all blend together in my mind. They have different rules and regulations, whether they're strict or not.

Also, I would have double posted if people actually talked here more. *ohhh* lol

"Meat Market" was okay, Nick was in a lot of it. You can't say the same for Greg, but the three scenes he was in he was with Nick.

I liked the one where Nick asked about his trial and Greg said he had it postponed. It seems that they know things about each other. :D

(On a side note. I am pissed off to no end. I tried typing this four times before changing computers due to fears of smashing my laptop on the ground. Something's wrong with the damn thing. Someone do something to cheer me up please.) :(

Oh, I also liked the scenes for next week. I can't wait. I'm checking whoiskeppler tomorrow to see if CBS uploads new clips.

EDIT-CBS just uploaded six videos on whoiskepper. I'm going to go and check them out.

My video's on photobucket. Screenname twins1729.
twins1729 said:
Uh! You are my new best friend!

haha, woohoo! Lol. I love that scene too!

And as for tonight's episode... I loved how Nick was worried about him. That was cute. But I'm glad it was posponed. I'm so worried about him, you know?

LoneWolf, that sounds fun! We can kick it, speedo and bikini style! haha.
Ok so last nights eppy was a good start as far as the boys having a case together but it just wasn't enough, since it seemed more like Kepplers case to me. They actully did interact and one scene alone. So Greg's deposition was postponed, I had wondered if that was why Greg was gone for a lot of the episode.

Like I said, it was a good start but they have yet to work alone.
Wojo said:
Ok so last nights eppy was a good start as far as the boys having a case together but it just wasn't enough, since it seemed more like Kepplers case to me. They actully did interact and one scene alone. So Greg's deposition was postponed, I had wondered if that was why Greg was gone for a lot of the episode.

Like I said, it was a good start but they have yet to work alone.

I couldn't agree with you more, Wojo. They need to work in a case, just the two of them. I miss those LONG scenes they had in past seasons: "Caged", "Slaves in Las Vegas", "Anatomy of A Lye", "Chasing the Bus", "A Little Murder".....

This is one my favourite Nick/Greg scenes because the subtext becomes actual text: a jealous Greg in "Random Acts Of Violence".

GREG: "Look, I thought we had a relationship"


"What are you doing taking Archie out into the field, instead of me?"


LoneWolfe001 said:
Has a venue for the FORT been decided upon? I think the Fort should be a pool party at Eric's house.

Great idea. Let's go with that.

*Holds nose and jumps in...the pool*

*reaction to Greg's smirk*

Awww...He loves Nick.

I know, they've still yet to work ALONE.

I hope they do eventually.
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