The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Yeah, I remember.
Greg:"Anal swabs, money!"
Nick: "Anal swabs?"
Greg:"Anal swabs."
Nick: "Ouch"
I loved that scene =D hehe Yeah for Anal Swabs =]
I love ur fic Wojo it was so cute =D
I justed watched Loco motives trailer, sigh i guess that Greg is woring with Grissom and Nick with Warrick =( I just want the boys to work together alone soon =(
First things first: Happy birthday aznxbabe !!!!!

And secound:

I was watcing a ep today from the fist season and i went crazy when Nick got those bug bits and then Greg told him what to put on it and Nic said "This comming from a guy who told me to put hemeroid cream on my acne" and Greg was like "It worked didn't it" :lol:

First anal swabs and then hemeroid cream, they just cant get butts out of their minds.
csikicksurass said:

I was watcing a ep today from the fist season and i went crazy when Nick got those bug bits and then Greg told him what to put on it and Nic said "This comming from a guy who told me to put hemeroid cream on my acne" and Greg was like "It worked didn't it" :lol:

First anal swabs and then hemeroid cream, they just cant get butts out of their minds.

That scene about Nick's acne always makes me smile, because it's such an intimate thing to be talking about. I can just imagine the two of them standing at the bathroom mirror in their house, just before going to work, and Nick is groaning about his acne and squeezing the spots, and Greg just reaches into his drawer, pulls out a tube of hemeroid cream, hands it to Nick and winks. :D *sigh* Boyfriends.

Happy birthday aznxbabe!!
That is true, they do seem to share some intimate moments. I just hope they will again in the future, since this weeks episode was changed and they are no longer working together...
Something is keeping our boys apart! :( (maybe every time they get together they contaminate the crime scene :lol: )

Happy birthday aznxbabe!!
haha mayb Sara's jelous, but I would think that mostly everyone's jealous of the boys haha they're so... intimite with all of those intimite scenes. haha I want thoese scenes to occur again I loved watching those. =D I can't wait when they accually work on a case by themselves, alone.

omg I feel so loved haha thanx 4 all those B-day wiashes =D
Yeah, everyone is jealous because their love is so powerful and they are devoted to each other.

well anyway I was board and made this manip:


so what does Nick want?
A) Ice cream
B) Greg
C) Both (a Greg sundae)
I VOTE C!!!!!! At the risk of no longer being PG13, Greg covered in ice cream seems to be a great way to kill some time!! Squee!
course the answer is C!!! and just coz i can...


and lighting makes them both look angelic! its gorjuz :D *sigh* the love man, look at it! SQUEE
Loved the manip, Wojo. Great job :). And I agree with everybody; I'd choose Greg + ice cream too!

We ( and Sara) know that the boys share the closet :devil:



On CSI, subtext is everything ;)
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