The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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for some reason that first pic brings this senerio to mind: Greg is mad at NIck about something and is puposley ignoring him, Nick want to make up and is trying to get Greg to talk to him. Greg does talk to him but his comments are brief until NIck finally wears him down and they sneak off to the supply closet to make up!! :devil:
Ooh, I'm liking that scenario. And I think it does look like Nick's trying to convince Greg to fogive him, which explains the puppy dog eyes.
haha the first time I looked at that pic I seem 2 think of that senario 2 =D haha I was gunna write a fanfic like that but then I'm not that good at writing so I didn't... lol

what did happen in that episode with the pic? I don't think I saw that episode =(
Greg wasn't mad, he was just reading a magazine about surfing, Nick said there wasn't a beach anywhere near them, and Greg said that surfing is a state of mind. Nick asked about his results. (Can't recall episode name)
The result was tranmission fluid. The boys had a discussion about types of transmisson fluid and the cars that run on it.
Nothing major really.
o ic haha 2 bad nuttin major there. thanx Wojo 2 bad it wasn't like what our imagination hehe that b really cool if it was like what we imaginged it =D lol
I've never had a Nick/Greg dream :( I had one that Hodges came to my school and gave me careers advice though :lol:
It's weird how screencaps can give totally the wrong impression, like in Abra Cadaver where there's a cap where Greg looks all depressed but he's just on the computer :confused:
aw man, i have LOADS of nick/greg dreams! the last one i had was rather pornographic though ;)

the less pornographic one was quite funny though. this is what happened:

i met Nick outside a restuarant or something? and I got my photo taken with him and when i looked at the photo, Nick was holding a wite bit of card which proclaimed "I'm gay with Greg Sanders"
Then after that, Nick held a press conference to tell the world the same thing.

Rather funny i have to say :D
If only that would happen on the show...

Well, maybe the press conference wouldn't be totally believable, but if they end up together, who cares?
I dreamed once about George Eads. My sisiter and I drove off in his car. I looked around the car and said "I don't see any sign of Eric in here." Then we were stopped and instead of being upset we stole his car, George asked me if I was okay.
I had a dream about making out with Greg on my livingroom floor while the TV was on, but I woke up before we could remove our clothes....dammit!! :devil:
I have many Nick/Greg dreams. Turning the main one into a fan fic at the moment. Most of them are hurt/comfort dreams though - Nick or Greg finding themselves in a bad situation, the other coming to the rescue and being a shoulder to cry on. One thing leading to another...

Considering what we've heard about season 7 thus far, it just may be the writers are finally listening to reason - The Love is one of the major fan followings after all. And that may just mean more Nick/Greg moments. Maybe another bio-hazard shower where Nick and Greg are tossed in together. Or a crime scene in the middle of nowhere, meaning they have to share a hotel room or, even better, the back of Nick's SUV...

Oh the possibilities... *dreams happy thoughts*
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