The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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yeah! i've noticed that. it's definitely nick that does the touching, i've yet to see an episode of greg touching nick, but i have to admit i've missed a helluva lot!

anyone know of any episodes where greg decided he couldn't keep his hands off him ;)
Thats in every episode because Greg is dreaming about it ;)

sorry not at this moment though in feeling the heat they were touching hands and when he was talking about make out creek he was looking right at Nick ;)
I honestly can't think of one! except in High and Low when Greg reached over Nick's shoulders to take something from him, then he kicked both him and Warrick out of his lab.

Greg was being very pissy that day.
Greg is cute when he's pissy, Greg and Nick need a fight because the best part about friend fights is the heart warming make up, and in this ship it would be the heart warming make out ;)
See, try and combine Nick and Greg.. what do you get, Gick? Sokes? Southern Fried Chicken? You don't get anything all that sexy.

Now... focus on the elements of the ship... what do you get? Pure.. unadulterated LOVE. ;)
We were talking about this ovetr at fanforum and it said that we agreed to call it love but i dont remember getting that memo ;) all the other ships are laughing at us well we'll show them just because it doesn't have a name doesn't mean it would sink it is the only ship that can float on subtext.
We don't need a clever name. We call it what it is, that makes us unique. The Fort is strong!! So is The Love our boys share. :D
Yeah ships can sink and unless the ground opens up forts wont plus are fort comes with a theme park.

Hehe im bringing people from other websites over here because i told them about this thread and the smutty conversations we have all the time and over there we have to keep it PG13
hehe I think the love is just perfect for the boys =D
And the Boys do like to show us The Love lol =D
hhee and a Fort is definatly cooler and stronger than a Ship hehe and besides Forts are cool =D
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
did this ship ever have a name?

You know? I'm glad we don't have a name. Shipper-names make me cringe. Serioulsy... YoBling? Sandle? *shudders* Nick/Greg or The Love will do fine.

*steps off soap box* :'3
I'm with you Sillie, I'm very glad that we don't have a stupid name.

"Hi, I'm a Grick shipper"


The Love is where it's at.
Serenity said:
I'm with you Sillie, I'm very glad that we don't have a stupid name.

"Hi, I'm a Grick shipper"


The Love is where it's at.

Ditto on that shudder girl. I loved your pic by the way. Did you get my reply? I have been trying to catch up since I got home. I have so much to catch up on. And I posted a whole bunch of pics of the kids. And of course a CSI meme which I shamelessly stole from Matt.

Oh cool, I'll try and get caught up with everything.

I'm in the middle of writing a letter to Carol to ask for more gay/gay friendly characters on CSI in the future. I'm sick of any gay character being a suspect or a victim. I want a character where being gay isn't the entire facet of the character, they're not defined by their sexuality, it's just another part of them.

I really wish they'd reshoot that scene with Bobby talking about his partner. At least that would be something.
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