The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Wow, why couldn't I have dreams like that!! Uncensored!!

Looking forward to S7, to see what it has in store for our boys.
oh you so wanted my dream ;)

right. when does the next eppy air? so i can start a countdown on this calendar i have here. of course i won't be telling anyone what the countdown is for. but I will however write "N/G" surrounded in little eharts.

because i am cool.
I hope Nick is there for Greg when he makes the desison. Nick can comfort him and just talk to him and sit down next to him. Friend ships moments like that really mean something :)
I thought it was the 20th, i dont want to wait i want it to come on now *Pout*

and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ziggystarduzt hope your day is going well :)
^Thanks, babe! It's actually tomorrow, but apparently the cake shows up a day early. Can't complain, I'm too lazy to make myself a cake, so it's probably the only one I'll get :D

I'm pretty sure it's the 21st then, cause the 20th is a Wednesday. Alas. You're right, I want it NOW.
Stupid Greys taking over it's time slot I want my Greg and my Nick now! (I sound like varooka salt)

And no problem, me and palm are throwing you a party of at the eh team :D
csikicksurass said:
Stupid Greys taking over it's time slot

Grey's is on a whole other network sweetie :rolleyes:. so CSI's time slot has not changed. They just have competition in the ratings (or so they hope to compete with CSI)

And the new season does start on the 21th of Sept.

Happy Birthday Ziggy!!
Oh *Face red* well imdb is wrong i have to go tell the press's :D

Do you think Nick and Greg are going to react when they hear they are working on a case together alone
Lost2MuchSpeed you just made Greg/Nick fans cry they need to show it, it'll let us kids learn that Nick and Greg need to investigate more then just the evidence :devil:
we should make our own channel then, for all the shippers. i fact no. just this ship.

and only we can get the channe. man that channe; would be hot :devil:
i'd have to wait till no one else was around to watch it
Hehe :devil: it would have to say that it is pg 13 :D

Why is it that this thread is always swimming with smut :)

...oh yeah because are ship causes smut :)
Thanks, Wojo!

I think our ship swims with smut because those boys are just so damned fine that it's impossible NOT to imagine them naked and... *cough* damn PG-13-o-metre.
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