The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Wojo said:
Yeah, He had that "I can't wait to get you home" look.

Yeah, that "I can't wait to get you home and into some women's underwear" look. Someone should write that.

The thought of Nicky in a garter belt is kind of hot. I think its because George has such slim hips.... *off to my bad place*

Lol...I was having a similar discussion with someone, about Greg's 'wait 'til I get you home look' and what they'd be getting up to later. Only I decided it'd be G who did the dressing up, because the thought of Nick in women's underwear disturbed me a little...but somehow I could deal with it on G! :p
Really? I think GE in femme-wear, *LOL*, would definitely rock my boat. And more people should come aboard!

I know Nick/George has the appearance of being the bigger, more butchier of the two--especially when he put on pounds for "Evil Kineval"-- but he's not really bulky at all.

In magazine pictures and screencaps, I'm always taken back by how slim his waist, hips, and legs are. If it wasn't for the shoulders [slightly wider than Greg's] and biceps, I would say he has a swimmer's body.

And in the long established tradition of couples *grins* looking like each other, Greggo has appeared to bulk up as well since S3. His entire upper body is definitely fuller than when the show first started out. I think Nick is catching on to Greg's 'gym bunny' ways.

In any case, I think its a close battle as to who wears the panties in this relationship.

hahahaha... I'm probably sending alot posters on this thread into therapy. Or their showers.
I think my image is of Nick as being the more 'masculine' of the two because, honestly - Greg walks like a girl! Just watch him walking along a corridor and it's all from the the jump from how we see him onscreen to imagining him in women's underwear isn't quite as far :p

I love that George is so slim...muscular but not in that bulky way that just puts me off.

And I had noticed that about Greg, he's definitely bulked up a bit over the past few years, and it looks good on him. Nick's 'looking like Greg' thing of growing his hair out, I wasn't so sure of...:p
It's true that George packed on the muscle for Evel, but his more natural state is gorgeous, especially now he's not as thin as he'd got there for a while, he's more of a happy medium. He's got a lovely waist, nice broad shoulders and great legs, but he's also quite slender, you can see it in his long fingers. I think his square jaw gives him a 'beefier' look than he actually has in reality. I bet underneath it all he's a very gentle, artistic soul.

As for Eric, he's defintely gained more muscle since the early days but he's very well balanced, he's gained in all the right areas. That shot of him from spellbound in the tailored jacket is a perfect example of how great his body is looking these days.

As 'someone' we all know and love said about him "He gets more beautiful the older he gets" and I completely agree with that. He was always cute and gorgeous but he really seems to have blossomed recently, he's gained this incredibly sexy confidence. And Poteidia, you are so right, Eric walks from the hips in a strut. I can imagine that Greg would be able to work a bikini given the chance!
I think my image is of Nick as being the more 'masculine' of the two because, honestly - Greg walks like a girl! Just watch him walking along a corridor and it's all from the the jump from how we see him onscreen to imagining him in women's underwear isn't quite as far

Oh, our lil' Greggo was just trying to get Nick's attention, that's all.

[Look at me... look at me... look at my bum... c'mon, now, here's your milkshake... ... ... *ugh* would you stop emoting for two seconds, dammit, and look at me!! Supermodels would kill for this walk!... ]

As for George, I mentioned in his "hair & mustache" thread that I loathe the show's stylist. I've seen some candid pics, plus that aussie interview he did month or so back, and his hair looks way more toussled and sexy than the stiff Aqua-Net coif that the set's hairdresser seems to be punishing him with.

All in all, I'm enjoying the longer cut. Its different. And grabable. I bet Greg can steer him in all sorts of directions at night.

nibbler77 said:
In any case, I think its a close battle as to who wears the panties in this relationship.

hahahaha... I'm probably sending alot posters on this thread into therapy. Or their showers.

defiantely showers. LOL :lol:

Yes, Greg does get sexier as he gets older & I love that he has been working out. But I prefer Greg's body type over Nick's,

As for Greg's walk, damn that boy can swing his hips. LOL :D. this reminds me of the music vid someone posted on WMTDB called "Am I sexy" (wish i could link u all to it. its brilliant).

ps. Happy easter
Serenity said:
And Poteidia, you are so right, Eric walks from the hips in a strut. I can imagine that Greg would be able to work a bikini given the chance!

*snorfle* And we all love it. :'3
Nothing much to add, just got home, so tired, wild sugared up kids, yes, they are starting to look way alike, but I love it. I love George's hair long or short, as long as he has some, they are so together. Ok done, tired, bed.

nibbler77 said:

Oh, our lil' Greggo was just trying to get Nick's attention, that's all.

[Look at me... look at me... look at my bum... c'mon, now, here's your milkshake... ... ... *ugh* would you stop emoting for two seconds, dammit, and look at me!! Supermodels would kill for this walk!... ]

*LoL* that cracked me up so much. But I have noticed that Greg struts more noticably when he's interacting with Nick. Hmm...*thinks* I don't know, maybe that's just me though :confused:.

Sometimes, I wonder if that walk is actually the way Eric walks or it's just something he does to add onto his character...(i sooooo hope that made sense *HeHeHe*)

And call me crazy, but I actually adore Nick's hair--well,most of the time anyway. There are just times that it's styled a bit oddly.
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kids!!!

wow, you've been busy while i've been busy. new fort!! and you went with my suggestion (or was it an order?!) for brokeback mountain...

*squeals with delight* and kelly saw BBM finally!!! yay!

okay gang, i brought my harmonica. and i've got cowboy boots, my black leather aussie outback hat, and my bushranger rifle.


you ro-dee-yo???

BTW my n/g story, which is being re-tooled for a particular purpose, will eventually need a beta to give it a once-over. any volunteers? i need as much help as i can get for this gig. of course i've had to change the names to protect the guilty, but it's still essentially the same story. as well, my deadline is june 23, so i need ass-kickers to - well - kick me in the ass because i have to script one chapter a week to get it done on time.

let me know at my lj, fragiledestiny, or pm me here. thanks so much!

/shameless self-promotion
sofine said:

BTW my n/g story, which is being re-tooled for a particular purpose, will eventually need a beta to give it a once-over. any volunteers? i need as much help as i can get for this gig. of course i've had to change the names to protect the guilty, but it's still essentially the same story. as well, my deadline is june 23, so i need ass-kickers to - well - kick me in the ass because i have to script one chapter a week to get it done on time.

let me know at my lj, fragiledestiny, or pm me here. thanks so much!

Good, we got a rifle for shooting some moose. I brought the JD, oh and what else did I bring, I brought my featherbed, sorry can't sleep on the ground, and crap, I can't remember.

Anyway, I'll be happy to beta for you, I am the orginal, "Big Bad Poking Stick" wielder, so let me know what you need.

*peeks into tent nervously*
Hey guys? You remember me? I've been MIA for a while cuz of family crisis sh*te, but now im back! Yay for Nick/Greg love!

So we're all camping up on Brokeback aye? *Grabs swag, knife, Acubra and vodka*

Add me to the camp that love Eric's body shape. I love a guy with slim hips, a narrow body, but broad shoulders and some muscle on top. And, Greg doesn't walk, he swaggers (like he has the best arse in Vegas, and he does) :p
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