The Fan Fiction Challenge Idea's Thread

I have a fan fic Idea, here it goes I hope every one under stands it :D

Must be Snicker

Can be a one shot, or chaps, you choose

The other ships, must be Grillows, and other stuff you choose, but not as prominent as Snickers

Now here is the basic plot of the story:

Nick tells his mom he's married because she's bugging him about it, So in panic Nick asks Sara to pretend to be his wife as his Mom is in town.

go from there, must be Humor, Drama, Romance,

PG-13 for the youngins ;)

and I want it to be like a movie I saw where they pretend to be married, but she's going out with a guy (new person) Nick becomes jealous, but doesn't let her know it, so all the wile there pretending to be married, crazy stuff happens.

then his mom has to plane a real wedding for them, and of course stuff happens.

I hope this all makes since, if not I'll write it, I only put out the idea here because I didn't have time to write it :D

any way tell me what you think and please tell me if I should just write it ;)
OK, I've come up with an idea and I'm intrigued to read some versions:

  • GSR or Snickers - no Grillows
  • Set in the lab at Christmas time.
  • Centered around mistletoe
  • Has to be some sort of awkward moment
  • One-Shot

Okies that's all folks. Hopefully, someone'll write for this one. I'd really love to read some contributions. If you take up the challenge, please PM me with a link to it :D

RocketScientist, I've started your challenge. I think it would be really interesting! I'll try and finish it soon.
How about this?

A Nick/Greg fic but based loosly on the movie "Guess whose coming to dinner". Nick's parents are eager to meet the new person in Nick's life but they have no clue that Nick is gay and they are not prepared to meet Greg.

ur fic can be angst driven or humourous (your choice)

Yay! Can do.

Aaaaand, here it is.

Chill Me, Thrill Me, Fulfill Me.

I must admit, it's got some shameless fluff. And Greg in drag.

Probably PG-13. Maybe R. Depends on how sensitive you are.
Crysthala said:
Say, I've got one!
1. Must include Grissom saying, "Is that a plastic lawn flamingo?" (10 points
2. Some part of it has to take place in Grissom's office (10)
3. Someone MUST hit Ecklie (50 pts, give him a beating)
4. Must include a reference to Star Wars (10, bonus points if it isn't Greg or Archie!)
5. Nick has to sing the Survivor theme song. (10)
6. Even more bonus points if you can do this in 200 words or less. That'll bring you to 100 challenge fic points... bwahaha.

Random, I know, but trust me, it's fun.

I'd love to give that one a try, Crysthala. But...what's the Survivor theme song!? :lol: I don't watch it xD
hey Cordelia_GRS_Fan] I'm going to try my hand at your challenge :D

now this is the first time I have done a challenge so i hope it comes out well, and I will pm you the link :D