The Fan Fiction Challenge Idea's Thread

Dreamsingr said:
I got one:
Sara and Nick are married and she is pregnant with their first child, the challenge is she has to tell him. The rules are.

1, she has to tell him at work.
and 2, she can either tell him by talking or giving him the home pregnancy test or someother way.
I'll give it a whirl, I suppose. I'm not what you'd call a Snickers fanatic, but I'm bored...
1. Must use the characters Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Sara, Greg and Grissom.
2. Any pairing (although YoBling is encouraged).
3. Must use the line “not my goodies”.
4. Must include a broken air conditioner; the break room; Blue Hawaiian coffee; ice cream; and a record breaking heat wave.
No slash and try and keep it PG-13. Have fun and be creative.

Las Vegas’ Killer Heat Wave

Catherine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes and Sara Sidle all sat around the table in the break room waiting for Grissom to arrive with the evening’s assignment. Even though it was evening, the day had been an extremely hot one, hitting record temperatures.

“Know what? I won’t be at all surprised if there’s a guy that was killed by this heat.” Nick spoke quietly, gazing at the television at the other side of the room.

“Yeah, I second that.” Sara replied. “But, Nick? You should be used to this, you did come from Texas, remember?”

“I think day shift had a case like that…” Rick mumbled in the background.

“I don’ ever remember it being this hot before.” Nick huffed. “You ain’t kidding are you Rick?”

“If you make it through the night, ice cream is on me.” Catherine smiled before patting Warrick on the back. “And bring Tina. I think she’d like it too.”

“I think she might be at work at that time… I’ll see.” Rick replied before looking up at the break room door, seeing Grissom enter with a handful of assignment slips.

“Nick, Catherine, I want you two to go investigate a death at Devil’s Smile, take Greg with you-“

“No, not my goodies, Greg’s coming with me.” Sara piped up. “’Sides, he won’t live in the middle of the desert.”

Everyone gave Sara an odd look before Grissom handed her a slip. “Fine, you take Warrick as well and go to the strip, a death at a casino.”

“What about you Grissom?” Greg appeared at the door and looked at his supervisor, Blue Hawaiian coffee in hand.

“I’m going to do paperwork to get that broken air conditioner fixed. And Greg, drink cold water… Not coffee on a day like today.” Grissom moved past Greg to his office and left the 5 to disperse at will.

“Yeah, what he said Greg. You won’t live on coffee today.” Nick stood and motioned for Catherine to follow.

Soon after Nick and Catherine left, Sara, Warrick and Greg followed suit. “Oh just wait for the ice cream.” Warrick said before he laughed at Greg’s reply.

“What ice cream?”

Sara ruffled Greg’s hair teasingly before she said; “You’ll find out later.” And the three disappeared down the hall.

((Hah, pathetic attempt, huh? Took all of a half hour with minor interruptions.. It’s all I can do with my mind on neutral.))
PurpleAm5 said:
Here a challenge someone gave me but I don't have time so I thought i put it out if anyone wants to do it:
1) GSR
2) A crossover between CSI and one or both spin offs.
3) A character from either Miami or NY must be attracted to Sara and she is sonewhat interested.
4) someone ( maybe more than one) of the CSIs (any show) must be seriously hurt during the case.
Good luck. Please post where your a posting the story so I cab check it out.

I might have a go.
csirookie said:
ok i'm a newbie so this is all new to me, this is the only challenge i can think of

1, csi/csi:miami crossover
2, snickers or eric/calleigh relationship or both
3, must include grissom saying 'I saw a pink hippo do it
once' reffering to something calleigh says
4, should have the line 'why don't sheep shrink when i rains' said by catherine because her woolen jumper has shrunk in the rain
5, has to have a case involving sand from miami being found at a murder scene in a casino which is how eric and calleigh get to be there

ok thats it, its my first challenge anyone got any tips to make it better feel free to say so.

Okay I will
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Umbrello said:

I've come across many fictions where Catherine plays match maker for Grissom and I've often wondered what it would be like if the tables where turned and Grissom would try to fix Catherine up with one of the team.

Here's my challenge:
The pairing has be Catherine and anyone, slash included.
There must be some humor, after all this is Grissom playing cupid.
Rating must PG-13 or lower - obviously.

Other then that, have fun! </pre><hr />

Give me one or two days...
Ok, I'm new (this is my first post to this board, ever. But I've been lurking for a bit, and I decided that it's time to give it a shot. So I think that I'll try this one:

alwayswrite05 said:
Ok, simpler. Hmmm. How's this:
1. Must use the characters Cath, Warrick, Nick, Sara, Greg and Griss.
2. Any pairing(altough YoBling is encouraged).
3. Must use the line “not my goodies”.
4. Must include a broken air conditioner; the break room; Blue Hawaiian coffee; ice cream; and a record breaking heat wave.
No slash and try and keep it PG-13. Have fun and be creative.


Oh, and I don't have a account. I do, however, have my own webpage, so I'll post it there if ya'll don't mind.
Mini_Catherine said:
I had this idea, randomly. I wanted to do it, but I'm not that great of a writer! So here it is.

1.Catherine must go to a Bon Jovi concert
2. She has to invite someone, who refuses her, and makes her angry
3. She must say "He's my hero, that's why." to Nick.
4. Sara has to become p.oed at her.
5. Someone has to die at the concert, and they have to investigate it.

Lame, I know. *shrug*

I'll do it!!!javascript:void(0)
:) :)
does anyone know some good G/LH fan fiction?? i know only staff from "The Body Farm", and some on but it's not much. and i mean GOOD fanfic, cause there is also some crappy where grissom is a sex slave or tries a treesome or anykind of kinky techniques :lol: i don't mind ratings but it has to be POSSIBLE to happen if you know what i mean :)
I don't know of any... wanna try a Google search? :) Google is now my answer to pretty much everything... *sigh* I am not a "fanfic author" but I can try. ;)
I also don't have an account and I don't plan on getting one (too much trouble!). BUT I would like to respond to a challenge or two, if only to see if my writing is any good.
Hmmm... maybe I can post it here? But it would have to be short. ^_^
hey, i would be more than pleased Hestia :) i'm not a fanfic author either that's why i depend on others. but when i'll be desperate i will have to try by myself. i'm not desperate yet though ;) oh, and i think you can post it here :)

p.s. i tried on google, and didn't find anything valuable other than body farm and stories
Google has failed you? Oh... :( :eek:
Hmmm, I need to get an account somewhere to write a story. I'll take a challenge! Maybe I'll even pull off a Lady Heather/Grissom fanfic! Time to get started...

Edited to say: I just started another thread. I'm gonna write Las Vegas "ficlets" and I am taking requests! ^_~ I'll try and do a Grissom/Lady Heather story as my first request! Hope you come see it! :)
heck yes!! :) thanks a lot!!! that's awesome Hestia!! you won't believe but lately I felt desperate and started writing my first fanfic ;) (G/LH of course). i've got 3 chapters already and when i'll finish it i'll post it on fanfiction forum!! :D
I might take a request or two from here, If my thread gets slow... as long as I can fit it into a short story. ^_^
I think I'm going to try out one or two of these, working right now but I'll give it a whirl when I get home! These are some great Ideas, keep em coming!