The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Hello to everybody :D
Does anyone if it's possible to make an animated icon with GIMP 2? If yes..could you tell me also how?
Thanks ;)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Thank you so much SunestBoulevard :D.
These are very useful ;) ...Now I have a lot more ideas in my mind :)
And if I want to make a GIF with two or more pic? :confused:
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I think the tutorial describes that as well. BTW I don't use Gimp at all, I prefer Photoshop CS3. Sorry, I can't help you more, but remember: Google is your friend ;)

PS: I found you a useful LJ community
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

To anyone here who is good with PSP, Im having trouble making banners. When I resize to 220x75, it should I say it? It gets really smushed together :lol:

Any tips?
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

ILJT you just need to go to image-resize-check the resample box and choose from here smart size.
Let me know if you need more help I would gladly make some shots.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Hey Sarah :)
I'll try to explain: when you posted your icons on your LJ there's an option "Link" beneath every entry - click on it and copy the link in your browser navigation (where you insert the URLs, don't know its name right now :p )
Come back to Talk, post some teaser icons and add the link to the rest of your icons, et voilà :D
Oh, some people use a LJ-cut, if you do so too, open your cut and then copy that link. (Hope it was somehow understandable *coughs*)