Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide
Roos, let me say: I'm celebrating with you that you got your Photoshop back - awesome icons and tutorial!
OK, some members wanted to know how to open new threads, and now I'll try to explain it - bear with me, my dictionary is unavailable atm, so beware of a very complicated post!
First: don't be afraid, it isn't very different from normal posting.
When you realize that a thread reached the 1000 posts limit, and nobody else seem to react on it, and your lovely moderator duo is out of town again (

), go to the main page of the Fan Art Forum and take a look at the top of the page, right corner.
**You will see this**
Click on the 'Post' button and the posting area will open -
here it is - it looks very familiar, doesn't it?
Now just go on the normal way just as if you want to answer on a post.
Only thing: use a proper subject title (e.g. 'CSI Icons #?? - Showcase, Links and Requests') and recheck in the previous threads if any rules were given, e.g. in the challenge threads etc. If so, just go ahead and copy the rules, that's the easiest way
Well, that's it already. You see: nothing horrible. I hope my explanation was understandable, if not, don't hesitate to ask any further questions
**ETA: Ha! I knew I'd forget s/th! Try to remember to post a link to the previous thread in the new one, and the other way round: a link in the old thread to the newly opened one, this way everybody will be able to find the threads without problems. Hm, NOW I guess I'm done...