The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Hey Hrockz!

Well, I don't use Vista already, I'm still working with XP, but I don't think that there are extremely great differences in using and extracting the fonts.

Here's how it should work:

After d/l a font, open this file with win zip.
Click on 'Extract' - there you have to choose the folder in which you want to "unzip" the file.("Extract to...")
You have to write/extract to C:\Windows\Fonts

Make sure you've checked the box: "All folders/files in archive" and click on "Extract".

Now the new font should show up in your Windows Font folder and also under fonts in your graphics program (in Paint it's the letter A, but I'm sure you know that).

S/t it could be that you first have to reload that program or even your pc before the font shows up, so you can use it.

Just try it, perhaps it will work ;)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Vera, that's brilliant! I've always just extracted them to wherever, then dragged them into the Fonts folder! *doink* Why didn't I think of that? Thanks - that's helpful. :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I just made a PS tutorial.


click on the link in my sig to check it out.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I see alot of icon tutorials but nothing on wallpapers. I'm a beginner on wallpapers (and kinda okay on banners/icons. Don't let my banner fool you! I'm just okay-ish!)
I really want to learn how to make those beautiful wallpapers I see in the wallpaper contests! If I can make wallpapers half as good as them I'll be satisfied. :)
Any tips for wallpaper tutorials (something between beginner and intermediate)?
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Hestia said:
I see alot of icon tutorials but nothing on wallpapers. I'm a beginner on wallpapers (and kinda okay on banners/icons. Don't let my banner fool you! I'm just okay-ish!)
I really want to learn how to make those beautiful wallpapers I see in the wallpaper contests! If I can make wallpapers half as good as them I'll be satisfied. :)
Any tips for wallpaper tutorials (something between beginner and intermediate)?

I just wanted to let you know that Bleed Like Me has tuts for wallpaper. Karen is very, very good. :D
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Thanks for the recommendation, Speedslady. I should go check that site out. :)
And if anyone has anymore suggestions, please let me know! (it's always good to have more than one learning source) Post them here; maybe someone else wants some tips on making wallpapers.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Ok I am completely new at this and I feel like an idiot because I cannot even get an image sized correctly to make an avatar. I have photoshop and I thought I figured out how to get the 100x100 but I keep getting this message.

It appears that your avatar (the image below your name in each of your posts) is in violation of our rules.

All avatars must be GIF, JPG, or PNG images, with dimensions less than 319 pixels wide and 239 pixels tall.

JPG and PNG images may be no larger than 20,480 bytes (20k), and GIF images may be no larger than 61,440 bytes (60k).

The avatar utility reported the following problems with your image:

The image is too large. PNG and JPG images may be no larger than 20k (20,480 bytes)
I guess I need a tutorial from the very beginning. Does anyone know if there is one out there that could help me? Thanks!
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

i don't know about the tutorial, but i used to have that same problem.
maybe you should safe the icon as "gif" instead of "jpg"....i don't know if you already did that but that was the problem i had. it isn't enough if the icon is 100x100 pixels, it must not be larger than 20kb, and to safe it as "gif" is a good way to reduce the size.
hope that hepls :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

^^I tried saving mine as 'GIF' but the quality was lowered. If you save it as PNG it'll be a bit smaller, and usually won't be over 20k. I had a problem where my icon was 26k as a JPG and I saved it as a PNG and it went down to 21k. :lol: Still can't use it but oh well, it might help you.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

katbug, in photoshop you can choose a 'save for web' setting, and this will allow you to lower the file size by changing the file type or lowering the quality settings for your file. Go to file - save for web, and you will get this:

I hope this helps you a little, any other questions please ask. :) Generally speaking I believe .jpg files are usually smaller than .png, but they are also of a slightly lower quality, so if it's too big and a .png then change the type to jpeg and it will probably be small enough. Make sure you have 2-up selected (from the top left corner) so you can see the quality difference of any changes you make. I don't know much about .gif but I only use it for animations.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Hestia said:
Thanks for the recommendation, Speedslady. I should go check that site out. :)
And if anyone has anymore suggestions, please let me know! (it's always good to have more than one learning source) Post them here; maybe someone else wants some tips on making wallpapers.

You are welcome, also for BLM you have to be a member in order to view the tutorials. :)