Hello everyone. I hope the moderators will allow me some leeway here. -- I decided I wanted somewhere that was safe to talk about CSI and my favorite characters. When I first joined Talk CSI it was June 10 2004 it was virtually dead around here, except for a few folks (you know who you are) we became friends and have remained that way. Anyway moving forward many things (people arrived in groves, I became a mod (Oct 2004), and most importantly I made more friends and met some wonderful people along the way) happened and then I left (in 2009) for a while due to personal reasons. I still stopped in when I got the chance.
One of my favorite characters at the time was Nick, of course it was the good looks that really helped lol but also the innocence that George brought to the character so as to let him grow. I am glad I got to watch that happen. There have been many ups and downs with the show, and as I've always said it takes more then one person to make or break the show, and in this proves that. Georges portrayal of Nick couldn't have happened on it's own, all the other talented actors/actresses from those he worked with, the bad guys and the innocent people who kept Nick balanced. To the writers/directors/producers who guided George/Nick but also gave him the freedom to be the character we could sympathize with, relate to and also admire.
I surmised that one day this time would come when it was time for both George and Nick to move forward, I honestly couldn't decide if it would be like now, or at the series end. I (and now don't get down on me here) really like that it's this way. All these characters on the show they are leaving one at a time allowing in a way for fans to find healing and closure. We may not like seeing our fav character leave but we the fans (as much as we wish) know it can't last forever the stars want to move on try new things, be different characters, etc.
So George Eads, kudos to you for bringing alive a character on a piece of paper that not just anyone could play, the way you have all these years. You deserve your time and I wish you the best.
To a favorite character of mine, I have watched your ups and downs, the laughter, tears, fears and knowledge you have brought to the team, kudos to you for never veering from who you are and growing into the man you showed us (and your fellow CSI's) you could always be.
Congratulations to George (and in a way Nick) may great things happen for you, and peace, light and love be with you, around you and forever apart of your life. Fair well and since I rarely say goodbye, I will just say see you around.
PS: Lets see who remember this "Don't make me get the hose out to cool you all down" LOL