The Did you know...? Thread

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pabzi said:
EricaSJ said:
^ LOL that Jorja one was interesting.

Marg Helgenberger, Jorja Fox, George Eads and Robert David Hall were all on ER (and Alan Rosenberg, too). :D

i remember hearing somewhere that wallace langham was on one episode, and that archie kao was on a couple, but correct me if im wrong
Wallace Langham:
Doctor Carter, I Presume (1996) .... Dr. Melvoin
Archie Kao:
Abby Normal (2004) .... Yuri
Just a Touch (2004) .... Yuri
There were rumors of a fourth CSI series, to be set in London and using "Eminence Front" as its theme tune, but the show never materialized and there are not presently any plans for such a spin-off.
Wow, thank God. I'm glad though that never happened... I'll be too busy watching all of them and they'll probably kill or ruin it with that.
I'd like to join in on this, even though all of my facts have more than likely been posted.

George Eads:

George Eads and William Petersen are golfing buddies.

In season 5 of CSI, George had to shave his head do to hair problems from the filming of Evel Knievel.

William Petersen:

Billy refused to appear in any other versions of CSI.

Billy's grades were so poor in college that he wasn't allowed to play football. He began taking theater classes to raise his Grade Point Average.

Petersen played members of the famous Kennedy family twice. He played Joseph P. Kennedy in The Kennedy’s of Massachusetts (1990), a TV miniseries, and he played John F. Kennedy in The Rat Pack (1998) on HBO.

When William was younger he was into rock concerts, drinking and the usual pot smoking. He called it "General brattiness."

William only signed up for acting lessons in university as a way to boost his grade point average.

Eric Szmanda:
Eric and Jorja Fox are members of the Adult Kickball League. Their team is the "Royal Blue Balls".

Has a competition going with CSI co-star Marg Helgenberger over who will have the most hair styles before the show ends.

Eric was the one who suggested that his character Greg in CSI become active with field work.

Eric Szmanda: (About the spin-off CSI series) I watched the first ten minutes of CSI: Miami and I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two shows and it was kind of frustrating. It was almost like I felt like there was a parody of our lives being made, like they were making a TV show about something that was real. It was too surreal for me to watch it, so I haven't watched either one--either New York or Miami. But there's plenty of room for all of us and I really have no say in what goes on, so I try not to get too upset about it. I guess everyone was afraid in the beginning that it would dilute the success of our show, but I have no doubt in my mind that the fans know who the original one is and the original is always the most popular--even in potato chips!

Jorja Fox
Jorja didn’t find out that Sara and Grissom (William Petersen) would be revealed to be in a romantic relationship until four days before shooting the scene.

Jorja admits to being extremely pleased that she gets to play a character "so much smarter than she is". She also said she barely passed sixth grade, proving her point.

Jorja advised Emily Procter to take the role of Calleigh on CSI: Miami.

Jorja: It's a dream and a joy to work with William Petersen. He is funny, he is very smart, and he is wild!
Has WP ever said *why* he doesn't want to be in the other shows?

I remember the companion book saying that after that they finished filming that landfill ep, someone saw Marg pitch her shoes from the scene out the window.
i know that WP is against the other shows which is why he didnt want grissom to go to miami in cross jurisdictions, but i dont know why he is against them
kaylyne said:
According to an interview with Jorja - Marg went into shock while filming at a real landfill for the Got Murder episode:
"When Marg, George Eads and I were at that landfill, Marg when into shock for an hour and barely said anything. We'd ask, "Marg, are you OK?" and she'd just nod. George was trying not to get sick, and true to my Lower East Side New York City roots, I was screaming at the writers, "You guys are f***ing crazy! You f***ing suck," for maybe 10 minutes."

LOL. That last part was funny. I can totally picture her doing that. :p

I like this thread. :D
Paul Guilfoyle was a stand out hockey player in high school. He still plays in a hockey league (Bruckheimer's Bad Boys) in L.A. and in various charity games.
pabzi said:
i know that WP is against the other shows which is why he didnt want grissom to go to miami in cross jurisdictions, but i dont know why he is against them

Did he say why he was against them? Did he feel the quality would suffer from splitting things up too much or something?
Did you know that according to the commentary on 4x4, Eric didn't want to do that pose in the mirror in the body builders house, he had to be talked into it, and in the shower scene, he wanted to (and tried to convince them to) let him wear board shorts until the costume department came up with something that made them look like they were naked.
WP, as far as i know did not say why he was against it, but it makes sense about the wuality.

what are board shorts?
I think he thinks with so many spin offs, it sort of waters down the series, plus, I think a lot of their stories and or writers go to the other shows, and there are only so many stories that can be told.

I only watch the original one, I've only seen the Miami one twice, and once was the crossover one from LV..I can only do the original flavor (yep, I call it that too) I've never watched the NY one either, I mean, for me, I'll stay with the LV one, that's more than enough.

And board shorts (as in surf board)..they are a bathing suit, but they are longer, they go all the way down to a couple of inches before they hit the knee.
oh I like all of these facts ,some I didn't know :D I have some...

Did you know?

George Eads was once held up at gun point by a robber, when he was a teen working at a 711 type store.

George and Jorja knew each other before being on CSI.

George was a pole volter in high school.

If I have more I will post them :D
I think both WP and MH have mentioned CSI being turned into McDonald's or something to that effect. They weren't too happy with the spinoff ideas.
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