The Defenders

A hotel owner's son is accused of strangling a casino host in a hot tub. Meanwhile, a comic [Kathy Griffin] is sued for mocking a overweight audience member

TV Guide, issue March 7-13~
The law firm is dissolved tempororaily so Nick and Pete can defend a husband and wife

TV Guide, issue, March 7-13~
This episode was the season finale, and Pete and Nick break up their partnership so they can defend a couple one for the wife and one for the husband. A dead guy is found in their Yoga studio and he's had confrontations with the guy, so it all points to them. However after investigating it more closely Nick finds out it was the owner of a Vegan restuarant next door. She'd was jealous because she thought he was having an affair with the wife. They shared the same drain and she had worn a red wig and flushed it down the toilet. The crazy lines betwwen them extrodinary, I hope CBS picks this show up for next season. It's really enjoyable:thumbsup:
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It was good. I hope CBS pick it up for second season. Desertwind, it's was Yoga, not Karate. I love the show beside CSI and Criminal Mind.
Jim Belushi was on "Live With Regis & Kelly" this morning. He's doing a play in N.Y. "Born Yesterday", and stated "he's waiting for S/2 of "The Defenders" to start", so it look's like this show was picked up. It's so good. and he's a real charmer:bolian:
Another show that has bit the dust. This was so good, intense with a comic relief going on. Jim Belushi and Jerry O'Connell were superb:thumbsup:So my 3favs. didn't cut it. "Outlaw" with Jimmy Smits, "The Event" with Blair Underwood, and now this one..big bummer:(