The Dead Zone

Yeah!!! Christmas Dead Zone on Sunday, whoo hoo, I love the Dead Zone. AMH is such a good actor, its really sad I didn't discover him until this show came out, he is a great actor. Anyway, it's great that they decided to do a christmas show, it kind of eases the withdawl some of us face waiting a year for the new season. But it's worth the wait.
This year they started to show The Dead Zone over here in Germany. I watched it from the start. I love it! ;) Unfortunately they now put it even later in the time schedule. Now it's shown at 11pm. Soooo late. :(

I hope they won't cancel it. The ratings are not good. But I don't know why. *sniff* :rolleyes:

Yes I agree! AMH is a great actor. He isn't very famous over here. I love his eyes, they're his trademark. :D
I really started watching the show faithfully in Season 3, but I bought all three seasons on DVD, so I have seen them all now. I have seen the original Dead Zone movie with Christopher Walken, he has nothing on AMH. AMH is so much better than him, and the show is soooo much better than the movie. The book is ok, but the show is the best. I watched the Christmas episode last night, it was good, I enjoyed it a lot, and I hope to see it again before Christmas. I am looking forward to June 11th, 2006 for season 5 of the Dead Zone and the release of Season 4 on DVD somewhere in there. I hope they include more outakes, the one's they stuck in the season 3 boxed set where great. I am so glad that they dedicated last night's show to Michael Piller, I am so happy they could pay tribute to him by dedicating the episode to him last night. When do you guys think this episode was shot? I am thinking Sept. or October, because there is Snow on the ground and the kid who plays JJ (Spencer Achtymichuk) looks older. What did those of you who saw it think?
Dead Zone Will See Season 6
LOS ANGELES, CA September 18, 2006 USA Network has picked up THE DEAD ZONE, the hit series starring Anthony Michael Hall, for a sixth broadcast season of 13 one-hour episodes, it was announced today by Jeff Wachtel, USA's executive vice president, original programming. Produced by Lionsgate (NYSE: LGF), the leading independent filmed entertainment studio, and CBS Paramount International Television in association with Piller-Segan, the series will return to USA Network in summer 2007, with production scheduled to begin early next year.
Dead Zone Changes Scenery

Don't worry their not switching networks, on the contrary they are switching locations, from Vancouver to Montreal. Hall who is interviewed in the above link has said that its a nice change that there are "new writing staff, new directors, a new cinematographer". The only thing that won't change besides the network [usa] is the premise of the show. For more see the article link above.

The fifth season of The Dead Zone was released on DVD June 5. The show returns with an all-new episode, "Heritage," on June 17 at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
Hey - go Montreal! :D

I used to watch the show, but haven't been able to catch it lately. I liked the early seasons, the later ones I don't know so much about. I admit I haven't felt compelled to rent them, but that may change. The summer's pretty drab up here for tv programming. If I can get the broadcast, I'll definitely be into watching the show again. Sounds like it's re-energizing a bit, and that the move has brought some new excitement for the staff, which I guess is always good. I don't know Vancouver so well, but now I can always amuse myself by location-picking too. :lol:

Thanks for the link. :p
I can't wait for this show to be back tomorrow. I have always been a fan of it and is is sad they only make 13 eps a season.
WHOA! :eek: Tell me I missed something in the story, that they did not kill walt off. Cause that just did not feel right, I admit you can not stop destiny (err no pun intended) but according to what I saw they really only tried once and it was half baked, either I missed something or there is definitly more to this then was shown, need to find spoilers lol. Cause HUH!

Sara pregnante, and really pregnante at that, though her hair looks good. Seems less umm chipper and more friendly, fun and yet serious.

J.J. Being called Walts son I get that he was raised by walt, and John has accepted that, but I thought that it was sort of like sharing thing, occassionally J.J would slip and call John dad, but now they have him acting like Johnny is more like an uncle.

and Bruce talking about leaving, you kidding me, he has been there since the beginning, dude leaving is like breaking up the team.

Okay but honestly I need to go back and catch up on what I missed cause DANG!! I am lost and confused and thinking CRAP!
Yeah I was shocked they killed off Walt too. But maybe the actor wanted to leave.

I do not like the new kid playing JJ. And it was weird with him acting all totally like Johnny was not his real dad at all in this ep.

Sara pregnant was a shocker, but it almost looks like she is in real life too. I wonder if they wrote it in.

Yeah Bruce better not leave. Johnny needs his sidekick and Bruce has always been great.
I still wonder if they did kill him off or if its some sort of ploy, now they are investigating him, Sara & JJ moves in with Johnny hmm.

Such is the life of confusion JJ referes to Walt as dad, and Johnny as Johnny, and to clear up my confusion thank you very much, Sara and Johnny made it clear that I did not miss anything about the parentage of JJ by Sara noting that Johnny had a vision of JJ (his son) being born. :D

Aww the new baby is a cutie, and to name her "Hope" is so sweet, I loved this last episode I thought it had its drama moments and its funny moments, like Sara asking the woman whose husband was on the craft to help her up off the floor when she sat down to talk to her. Or when Johnny told her not to get up when he went to answer the door. :lol:

Now the USA Network website has it where you can unlock the clues to Walts investigation by going through his computer Here is what the shows website says.
"The investigation into Walt's life and death has just begun. Now you can access Walt's Computer to see what clues he may have left behind. Each week you'll be presented with a new task that will get you deeper into Walt's personal files. Now that you've found Walt's username and password, Sheriff Turner asks you to recover an important piece of information from Walt's laptop. But can you find it? Also, check out one of Walt's favorite old-school video games."
Well supposedly whatever Walt was hiding has something to do with Johnny. And by looks of next week's previews we might learn something more about Johnny's past.

Yeah it does have it's funny moments. That is why I like it. I like that the VP is at least a better guy this year. Not sure I like the idea of him coming on to Sara though.
Thing is a season or two back I believe they slept together my mind got it so mixed up because I missed a bit of it I thought dang she got pregnante by him again? Then I realized how much time passed and thought *Smack should've had a V8* :lol:

Actually from the USA message board they are saying that both Chris Bruno and John Adams have both left the show. Others are saying that Chris left this show like "Dylan Bruno" his brother left "Num3ers" but I don't think Dylan actually left Num3ers to my knowledge.

I will have to check out the USA network website about the computer I didn't have time the last couple times I went there but as to Sarah (my bad correct spelling of her name) I think with the new move, and her and Johnny being so close I think they are trying to show that bond thats been there for a long time, maybe re-bringing it back full circle. Right now I think they are allowing her to grieve while helping JJ (who should be near Johnny) and give birth and deal with a new child. I don't think he is coming on to her, they just have this way about them that is how it is I guess.