~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/DC!'~

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Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Hey Casp! Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the piccie too! I love the wind in Horatio's hair... :lol:

Glad I found someone else as nuts as me! Just ask Cori and a few of the other girls who know me here...

Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Thank you Ims, Leanne, Lucy, Ducky and anyone else! Too many of you to keep up with at the moment...

LOVE all the piccies, btw! Been perving since yesterday afternoon! Whoo hoo!

I think I landed in the right place...
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Just thought I'd stop by and give you guys some piccie's.



God that puppy dog face jsut makes me want to hug him.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

awww he looks so sweet in the last one :(

Yes so sad that i just want to reach out and hug him .. I saw Lost Son for the first time last week ..and i just felt so sad for H .. he was so devasdated in that eppy .. David really did a wonderful job in portraying that !!

I also saw the eppy Extreme last night .. and the way he helped out Tim's friend "cookie devine" was so true H .. ! He may not have much luck in love on the show but he sure does go out of his way to help others .. and is so full of compassion!! Gotta love that!! :)
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

yeah, it's about time Horatio had someone looking out for him- like Yelina :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

or ME... I can do it.. I promisse.. i'd never let him out of my sight... :p oh okey.. maybe I trust him... :lol:
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

awww he looks so sweet in the last one :(

Yes so sad that i just want to reach out and hug him .. I saw Lost Son for the first time last week ..and i just felt so sad for H .. he was so devasdated in that eppy .. David really did a wonderful job in portraying that !!

I also saw the eppy Extreme last night .. and the way he helped out Tim's friend "cookie devine" was so true H .. ! He may not have much luck in love on the show but he sure does go out of his way to help others .. and is so full of compassion!! Gotta love that!! :)

That wasn't extreme that was Game over. And I have a feeling that miss cookie devine wasn't just timmy's friend. so i don't like her very much

spoiler warning




The scene were she asks for tim speedle was sad but stupid as well. I was like don't you watch the news. Anyway...the way Horatio studadrd like was so sad. I was like awwwwwww.

Sara: Tim Speedle please??
Horatio: Um...ma'am I was a collegue of Tim's can I help you?
Sara: Was, Oh did he get transfered to another dept/
HOratio: Tim....Tim was um....killed in the line of duty a few months ago.

I swear the look on his face I was just abuot erady to go threw the t.v. and hug him.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Horatio's compassion is such a likeable characteristic. He's just so decent and caring, and will go to the ends of the earth to help someone if they are a victim of injustice.

I found a couple of pictures from DC's movie 'Deadlocked', courtesy of the DC Gallery website.

He definitely needs yet another hug!
Look into my eyes......
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

:lol: Steady on there Leanne! Hypnotic, isn't it? ;)

Thanks speedmonkey for those pictures earlier btw. :)

I'm going to post it again - it's just so mesmerizing! :devil:

Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Thank you for those shots with the sunnies, I love them. I was just thinking about that messed up hair too, I would voluteer to sort that out!!!
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

wow it's like he's staring at you, I've sat here for 5 mins and just looked at it :lol:
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