The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Hrockz said:
Any one know what's H fave dish? I know it was mentioned in some ep but I think I never caught what it was.
I think we are to assume it is Ropa vieja, as it was mentioned in Simple Man (at Yelina's house) and The Score (when Marisol said she would cook him a meal).
Dynamo1 said:
Calleigh? :devil:
Wrong hair colour I'm afraid Dynamo! ;)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

dm550 said:
I was wondering what some of your favorite episodes were from Season 5?

^^That question would be a fine idea for a thread, dm550. Please feel free to start one any time you'd like. ;)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Happilyhappy said:
Calleigh was hired before Delko, they mentioned this in an episode about Horatio's brother. The name of the episode escapes me though.

Wasn't that episode Grave Young Men?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

what was the episode where horatio was in the crosshairs of a rifle as he turned to enter a building , I think he was going to get married
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

that was 'Shock' in season 4...not sure of the episode number.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

If you are talking about the episode where he is walking into the courthouse to get married to Marisol, that is 4.22 Shock. (or 4.23 depending on which you go by)

:) Hope that helps.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

okay this may seem like a stupid question and if it is please feel free to smack me. anyway, i just watched 'crime wave' on A&E and now i'm lookin at screen caps of it. did i miss like an entire scene? i'm pretty sure i didn't see anything with alexx and ryan like in a graveyard it looked like in the caps. i've seen crime wave a few times and i never saw that part. now i'm confused. either i'm losing my mind or they've cut part of it out...both are entirely possible. :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

You are indeed losing your mind. :lol: Just Kidding.

That scene if I remember correctly did infact happen right after the tsunami. It's actually what hatched the story b crime.

Hope that helps.. If I made any sense at all.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

'Crime Wave' was originally an extended episode when it first aired on CBS. I think it was originally an hour and a half long...I may be wrong about that though.

So when it came time to air it on A&E they cut it down to make it fit into a one hour time frame.

Which I don't understand as they made 'Nothing To Lose' (another extended episode) into a two-parter when it aired on A&E by adding in some scenes which didn't originally air on the CBS broadcast...I wish they'd done the same for 'Crime Wave'. Assuming they had unaired scenes for that episode as well, that is. ;)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

thanks Thumpy! that makes a lot more sense, i was beginning to wonder if i blacked out for half the episode b/c i missed an entire case lol.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

Thumpyg42, now and then I receive mail with information and videos of CSI Miami and the cast. I want to share them. What I am allow to post as a link? I notice that youtube is not allowed. I have a video, can I put that one?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

YouTube is allowed as long as it is a video put up by CBS itself. It's ok to link to any videos that are sanctioned by CBS themselves so if it's on CBS' website or one of its affiliates that would be fine. Also linking to cast interviews and the like from sites like the Entertainment Tonight website would be ok as well.

What we don't allow is directly linking to copyrighted material that is not put up by the original copyright holder, for example someone posting clips of CSI: Miami on YouTube or hosting them on their personal websites.

Hope that helps some...if not feel free to pm me any links you'd like to post and I'll be glad to take a look at them for you. :)
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