The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Do you remember which episode it was schell? I don't recall seeing him (other than in two episodes of LV), but I'm not a big fan of the Megan episodes really, so I don't know them so well!

Congrats on reaching your 100th post btw! Nice choice of avatar. :D
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

im so confused! i must have missed an ep and not realized it which idk how i did. i think my mom didn't tape one while i wasn't home or somthing...anyway. back to the question. what happed to ryan's eyes????? i feel like an idiot asking but apparently everyone but me knows!!
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

In "Nailed," Ryan got shot in the eye with a nail gun. At first it seemed he was ok, but his eyesight has been deteriorating (off and on) for awhile. Alexx has prescribed antibiotics and they haven't cleared up anything.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

thanks...i felt pretty dumb though idk how i missed it...i guess i'll have to check it out. poor baby!!
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

OKey Dokey... here's a question... I am renting/watching season one dvd's.. and I thought I saw the actor that plays Stetler in the fingerprint lab with Megan Donner... truth?

:eek: that was my hundreth post!

Hi schelle, I'm sorry for the delay in answering your question, I only just now had time to sit down and rewatch the episode. Is it the part where Megan and a male lab tech are examining a fingerprint? On my dvd it's right around 15 minutes or so into the episode. Anyway, that actor isn't the same actor that plays Stetler. :) I hope that helps.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

If one was wishing to contact the producers to write a letter to point something out what address would one write to?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I would be inclined to write to them c/o the CSI:Miami production studio. This address can be found on this page at :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Hoping this is the right place to put, but as I'm very new to Miami, I have a couple of things I'm hoping someone may help me with :)

What level CSI is Speedle in season 1? When I was watching the pilot episode yesterday, Speed said something to Delko when they were working in the lab together that made me wonder whether he was superior in rank to Delko.

Carrying on from this question, could anyone please point me in the direction of somewhere I can read profiles of all the Miami characters, like their ages, backgrounds, specialties as a CSI etc.? I think it would help me out getting to know the characters a bit quicker and clarify what their role in the team is etc. :)

Any help would be much appreciated :D
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Ah Wibble will have a go at answering.

As far as ranks are concerned Horatio as Lt is head of the day shift so highest rank. Under him I believe Speed is a level 3, Calleigh level 2, and I think Delko is a level one, Delko is the newest appointed cause as you will have picked up from 'Golden Parachute' he wasn't aware of Megans past indicating he was appointed by H!

The best place for character background would be the CBS official website for Miami, there are character profiles there, but be aware that TPTB do like to add new things to the characters backstories that seem to contradict these at times, this is currently causing us dedicated Miami fans a few headaches :eek:

Have a look but by all means keep asking us questions we will be happy to help you out!

Hope this is useful :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

These mini biography things come from the PC game handbook:

Horatio Caine
CSI Level/Rank: 3/Lieutenant
Place of Birth: Miami, FL
Date of Birth: 4/7/60
Education: B.S. in Chemistry from Florida State University
Marital Status: Single
Special Skills: Arson and explosives expert, speaks Spanish.

Eric Delko
CSI Level/Rank: 1/Detective
Place of Birth: Miami, FL
Date of Birth: 12/19/76
Education: B.S. in Chemistry (University of Miami)
Marital Status: Single
Special Skills: Fingerprints, drug identification, fluent in Spanish and Russian.

Calleigh Duquesne
CSI Level/Rank: 2/Detective
Place of Birth: Darnell, LA
Date of Birth: 2/28/74
Education: B.S. in Physics (Tulane University)
Marital Status: Single
Special Skills: Ballistics, firearms, fluent in Spanish

Tim Speedle
CSI Level/Rank: 3/Detective
Place of Birth: Syracuse, NY
Date of Birth: 6/24/73
Education: B.S. in Biology (Columbia University)
Marital Status: Single
Special Skills: Trace, Impressions evidence, audio visual analysis.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Footyliz and brittany0710 - thanks very much for the info there, that's very helpful :)

Now I am not so confused :D though I am surprised Calleigh is only level 2 - I thought she was same level as Horatio.

I'll go to check out the official website and see if they have any further details :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

from what i know, H is divorced, not single.
delko is relatively new, but calleigh was new when raymond (H's brother) died. (that was either in 1996 or 2001, depends who you ask).
when speed came, we dont know.
the bio's are alittle messed up, the whole timeline thing with H kills me.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

though I am surprised Calleigh is only level 2 -
I'm actually also surprised, I didn't think Speed was at a higher level than Calleigh, for some reason I though it was the other way around!
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