The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

Happilyhappy said:
I just thought of one.

In Under Suspicion, Calleigh talks to Horatio and says, "Ten years in Miami and you have never been injured. But you were in New York." But in Season 1, Body Count, Horatio gets stabbed by Otis. Granted it was nothing HUGE, but that still means he was injured in Miami.

how about one more kiss at the end when H talks to megan about hes early years dealing with the prominent family a long time ago blah blah blah. If he was in new york.. how could he have handled that case? Lot's of errors on that matter. This is the one I can think of at the moment
In Lost Son when H goes in the water to rescue Joey, he trips and the water rised up to his shoulder,getting his sleeve wet. but two seconds later his shoulder was dry. and how on earth did he dry his shirt so fast on the way to the lab? what is there a secret dryer in the back of the hummer? :lol: LOL!!!!
Here's one from the season 3 episode GAME OVER. This one is for all you Deaf, hard of hearing and those of you who are like me and just like to watch with the closed-captioning on. The scene below has a goof in the closed-captioning.
Here's the scene with the closed-captioning goof. I'll put the closed-captioning goof in BOLD CAPITAL type and underline it.

Alexx: Hello, Maxine. Maxine?
Valera: Oh, Dr. Woods!
Alexx: Hi.
Valera: Hi. Uh, sorry. No one here ever calls me by my first name. Almost forgot I had one.
Alexx: No worries, honey. Sometimes... Hey, you smell that?
Valera: I've been smelling it all afternoon. It's like...ew.
Alexx: Exactly. Should only smell that way in my building.
Ryan comes up to them. Alexx turns to him.
Alexx: HERE, Ryan, you want to help me in the garage?
Ryan: Sure. What's in the garage?
Alexx: Decomp.

What Alexx said was: Hey, Ryan, you want to help me in the garage?
Alexx didn't say "Here, Ryan, you want to help me in the garage.
I've got one, and this is something that probably only bothered me (or that I noticed, but whatever), in the episode "Addiction" in season 3. I don't know how far into the episode it is, but when they are checking out the woman's bank accounts and talking about her cash withdrawals/deposits Horatio mentions that they were all under the $10,000 mark the alerts the feds (or something to the effect). However, it's actually cash transactions over $10,000 that have to be reported (so what that means is anything up to $10,000 doesn't have paperwork filed, but once you hit $10,000.01 you have paperwork filed on the transaction).

Like I said, this is probably something that only bothered me.
Often times the closed captioning doesn't always match what's said on screen...I've noticed things like that several times.

I like to turn it on during the CSI shows as well...I like to see the big scientific words as well as hear them. ;)
I always have to closed caption on. I can't watch tv without it on. It happens on a lot of shows where what shows up is different than what is said.
The only thing that I can think is that the tv company gets the script and types it up but things get changed during shooting....
Thats my theory anyway.
yeah sometimes the captions can get screwed up but yeah you can really tell if they mess up if you have the captions on.
i know this isn't technically a blooper, just worth pondering. did you ever realise that in Pro Per, H is dress just like Speed was when he got shot. same color blue shirt, black pants and black shoes that look a lot like Speed's. oh and in that episode you also see....ewww. Stetler in his pajamas....seriously ewww. that is something i didn't need to see! yeah i don't even wat to think about it anymore!!!!
This might not be a blooper, but are they actually allowed to wear any other colour of labcoat besides white? I'm just curious because usually anyone working with chemicals etc has to wear white so they can spot dirt/blood that may contaminate what they are doing ie. doctors. Wearing blue coats may not be the best idea as evidence may be contaminated!

Just a general wondering but if its true, then the blue labcoats in the first few seasons was a BIG blooper :D
I dunno if it was a blooper or not but in the season finale at the end when they were playing the song they showed Alexx pushing in the dead body. Like during that scene first you see her with her hair down then all of a sudden her hair is pulled back then it changes to down. I was confused for a second but then realized like they probably just threw in that scene from another episode or watever.
Carolyn318 said:
At the end of tonight's episode (season 5 finale) there was a continuity goof involving Alexx. During that song, when they showed Alexx from inside that drawer in the morgue her hair was slicked back and in a ponytail in the back. Then when the camera is outside the drawer her hair is back to hanging down loose and she has bangs again. :lol:
I didn't even need a DVD or repeat button or a video tape or a rewind button to catch that one. :D

patluver144 said:
I dunno if it was a blooper or not but in the season finale at the end when they were playing the song they showed Alexx pushing in the dead body. Like during that scene first you see her with her hair down then all of a sudden her hair is pulled back then it changes to down. I was confused for a second but then realized like they probably just threw in that scene from another episode or watever.

See the ^^quote of my post^^??? I caught that continuity goof with Alexx's hair the night the season finale aired. In fact, I saw it while I was recording it. I didn't even have to watch it again to spot it. :p