The Catherine/Sara Slash Journal

Dear diary,
I just found out some very interesting news..It seems that Nick is my first cousin....Can you believe it....Now I can go get me some Sara and maybe he will leave me alone this time....Unless he is into that sorta thing....Ohhhh Noooo!!!
Please dont let that be true...Anyway time to show Sara that former Lab Rats do it with lots of fun equipment!!
Dear Diary,
Greg, I am sure you and the LabRats have lots of fun equipment, but nothing is more fun than having a sexy, hot red head teach you how to pole dance. Cath I am waiting for you at the penthouse.

Kiss, Kiss
dear diary,

i am going to sneak in the penthouse and try and replace the pole with myself. now if sidle will just keep her mouth shut i won't make any smart remarks and give myself away.

^^^^^they had to write that scene just for this journal! lmao!!!!

dear diary,

the pole is asking me for dating advice.

Dear Diary,
I am getting kinda concerned about Catherine. I just walked in from work and she is standing in the living room giving dating advice to our dancing pole. Better check and see if she has been dipping into the vodka again.

dear diary,

the pole thinks that going to eat at a woman's house with her roommates is a date. i explained to it that staying here with us dancing would get him much more action than that. actually, being dead would get it as much action as that dinner.

Oh Sara,
I think you need to come over here and give me a demonstration on how you can dance on the pole. The pole is begining to look bored and may start snoring again.

Dear Diary,
That is the last time I take advice from Sara about becoming a pole to get a hold of Catherine....twice I screwed up...once I grabbed Sara's butt then I grabbed Nick's...Funny thing was, He liked it...Now do I feel dejected....I think I will go and find some fire ants...