~The Break Room~ - Off-Topic Thread #2

Cool, you're going to Amsterdam! :) Have you been before? (I expect so). What's it like? I'm thinking about booking a trip there next year.
That would be so cool, wibbs, if you'd come here. I live near Amsterdam, so I've been there a lot of times. It's a nice city, though they're working on a metro line, so there's nothing but detours 'n stuff. You should go to 'De Dam', there's a palace where our queen once lived, it's really pretty! :)
Congrats on the new thread *cheers excitedly* :p

Oh, the weekend. My favourite time of the week. Explained my weekend plans in the previous thread, but once I have finished all that I will be writing letters to two of my friends. No one writes real letters anymore, it's sad actually. I've bought nice paper and everything.... :)

Amsterdam, love it! My colleague has been there all week at a conference, it is wasted on him though, says he misses his wife and wants to come home. Annoying, because the rest of us would have killed to get his place....
Ahhh....Congratulations on the new Off Topic thread. Hehe... :)

Oh yes, the weekend. I'll be anticipating the final Moto GP race at Valencia. I say, Rossi should win this one. I can't see anyone else getting that cup and he seems most deserving. Cheers for The Doctor!! :D

Amsterdam? Nyeh...never been there but I aspire to travel before I die. Have any of you been to Kuwait? That place looks awesome! I was watching Globe Trekker on Discovery Travel and Living and it looks like a pretty fascinating place to go to. *wonders......*
Amsterdam's gorgeous. I like the canals. :D

Kuwait? Hmm, a friend of mine's from Kuwait, it's a pretty rich country, isn't it? I don't know.. haven't seen any pictures of it.. *hints*
I maybe going to England and Wales next year. I got an invitation to join the student ambassador program, I have a eeting with them tommorow. I'll tell you dfinitvely tommorrow eveninig.
I'm recycling tuesday's dinner leftovers...I feel food poisoning coming up ahead. But what can I do? I'm hungry and it's raining, I don't feel like going to the store first.

Sorry that I'm directing this back to food talk. I'm just always hungry...feel free to ignore.
Plans for the weekend? Yeah right I have no life. :rolleyes: :lol:

I'm going to have a fun-filled day though. Sitting in social studies, then french and then I get to meet my dad at a funeral (Erm..Because I need a ride home) and then go home and eat! *cheers* Thank goodness for half days huh?


:devil: :lol: :p :confused: :cool:

I haven't abused the smilies in a while. Hee.
speed_cochrane said:

:devil: :lol: :p :confused: :cool:

I haven't abused the smilies in a while. Hee.

*tut tut*

*makes note* Warning for Geni. Reason: inappropriate use of smilies and generally being a nuisance. Reminder: keep two eyes on this young lady.

:lol: j/k ;)

ETA: Thanks Roos, Amsterdam is looking likely for next year :)
:eek: You wouldn't! *flails* I never took you for being a meanie mod. :p ;)

So you normally only keep one eye on people? :lol: *runs away really fast*
on the weekend i'm going to watch chick flicks with my cat because Levon's going away :( .

yesterday i gave my other cat a half nelson and pinned him...he didn't even try to scratch me either...he purred :)
speed_cochrane said:
:eek: You wouldn't! *flails* I never took you for being a meanie mod. :p ;)

So you normally only keep one eye on people? :lol: *runs away really fast*

^ :lol: Nah...I'm no meanie mod *smiles innocently* :D Just like to tease you all ;)

And yeah, I usually only need one eye on everyone, 'cause y'all so well behaved in this joint ;)