The 30 and Over Club

You can't play street hockey in T.O.? HOME OF THE MAPLE LEAFS?!!! That's just crazy. What would Mike Meyers think? And how would they police that, exactly? Do they drive down all the side neighbourhoods and tell the kids to scram? Craziness. How can you go through childhood without at least once calling out, "Game on!" once the cars have cleared? :lol:

Nope. The wise politicians in the city decided to make it against the law to play street hockey :rolleyes: I don't know whether they were concerned with the safety of the kids or what. Some neighbourhoods do try and have street hockey tournaments every year but i think they have to have permits :wtf: another good old cash grab for the city :shifty:
Seriously, you gotta wonder... do kids have really have it better these days? Sometimes I think that, despite all the advancements, they're really missing out on a lot of the cool, simpler things that we had. Then again, I'm guessing every generation must think that. :lol:
The tv channel changing was one of them. I don't remember channel surfing for myself but my dad sure made use of us kids :lol: I don't remember when we got it but at some point we had a converter and I'm surprised we didn't wear it out pushing all the buttons while changing channels :lol:

We had a great time playing in the streets growing up. You don't see it anymore. Heck the city of Toronto won't let the kids play street hockey anymore :brickwall: What neighbourhood didn't grow up with the shout of 'CARS'

I really feel sorry for the kids today that can't experience the freedom that we had. Heck most kids don't walk to school by themselves anymore. They are either driven or walked.

I remember changing the channel on the TV myself. As a matter of fact, my first tv is in my garage (used up until about 3 years ago) and it has a dial...13 channels.:p

CAR! Geez how many times have I yelled that in my lifetime? Kickball and wiffleball were what we played. We also played our version of night hide-and-seek but we called it man hunt. :)

My parents still have the old Pong game too. :)
We had a great time playing in the streets growing up. You don't see it anymore. Heck the city of Toronto won't let the kids play street hockey anymore :brickwall: What neighbourhood didn't grow up with the shout of 'CARS'

I really feel sorry for the kids today that can't experience the freedom that we had. Heck most kids don't walk to school by themselves anymore. They are either driven or walked
My kids spend very little time outside, even in the summer. When I was young I was always outside riding something, climbing something or digging something up. My kids are so into video games now, its sad. We have a trampoline and up until a few years ago they lived on it. They use to spend all day on it play wrestling. They had tons of kids from the neighborhood over and had wrestling matches. now it sits all alone. Hell, even in the winter I was outside playing in the snow. Sledding, building snow men or trying to make an igloo. My kids never went out once this winter to play in the snow.

I remember changing the channel on the TV myself. As a matter of fact, my first tv is in my garage (used up until about 3 years ago) and it has a dial...13 channels.:p

CAR! Geez how many times have I yelled that in my lifetime? Kickball and wiffleball were what we played. We also played our version of night hide-and-seek but we called it man hunt.
I remember the time we didn't have remote controls. now if we lose the remote no one knows how to change the channels or turn the tv on. We just stare at it till someone finds it. Oh and lets see I think we have about 13 remotes for various's insane.

wiffle ball..omg I loved it. Night hide and seek, loved it. We use to catch lightening those things still exist ??? LOL...doesn't seem like there are as many these days.

Seriously, you gotta wonder... do kids have really have it better these days? Sometimes I think that, despite all the advancements, they're really missing out on a lot of the cool, simpler things that we had. Then again, I'm guessing every generation must think that.

I don't think they do have it better. They are missing out on so much and they'll never be able to experience it. I'd really like to send my youngest son to some camp this summer, but I don't think they even do that anymore. Too many people sueing for stupid stuff. I read that because of some kid dying this winter that they were trying to ban sled riding...are they serious? And make kids were helmets and padding for things such as sledding, riding skateboards, skates, bikes... how the hell did we all survive without helmets and padding?
Lightning bug! Yep. My kids still try to catch them at night. I live in a pretty small town so my kids do some of the things I did as a kid. But not as much. They do however, play in the creek and catch crawdads.

Helmets & pads....for sledding?! Ummmmm....Ok then. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of hills where I live so we don't get to sled that much.
. how the hell did we all survive without helmets and padding?

I think we were a tougher breed back then. We lived outdoors or at least played out doors so scrapes and scratches were part of our life. Today's kids live in what is called here a Nanny State. Parents are told what they have to do for their kids. Here kids have to wear helmets when on their bikes. I know helmets do save lives but if parents would teach their kids road smarts when it comes to cars then there may not be so many bike and car accidents. And Sue I think you said it best when everyone is suing each other now a days. Governments don't want to be sued so they pass these laws that won't allow kids the freedom to try and have fun.
Lightning bug! Yep. My kids still try to catch them at night. I live in a pretty small town so my kids do some of the things I did as a kid. But not as much. They do however, play in the creek and catch crawdads.

We live out in the country, you would think my kids would be all in the nature stuff, but they aren't. We lived in the city too long and they are spoiled. Last year the whole family, including hubby was out side picking apples from the neighbors tree. Lightening bugs came out and we had a contest to see who could catch the most. I won, because my boys, including Hubby, didn't want to touch them...sad! kids would have no parts of that. lol

I think we were a tougher breed back then. We lived outdoors or at least played out doors so scrapes and scratches were part of our life. Today's kids live in what is called here a Nanny State.

If I didn't have a skinned knee when I was little or some bruise on me I was grounded and not allowed outside. My youngest son is 11 and has never....ever had a skinned knee. My oldest has only had a few. He got into skateboarding a few years back and when he fell and almost scraped up his face, he gave it up.
CAR! Geez how many times have I yelled that in my lifetime? Kickball and wiffleball were what we played. We also played our version of night hide-and-seek but we called it man hunt. :)

And here I thought my neighborhood was so creative! :lol: We too played night hide and seek, but we had a version called Wolf. Its kind of weird, I vividly remember having to be in the house when the street lights came on. I can't remember is it was a temporary curfew or if we snuck out in order to play. :p
We did street tennis, until the neighbor got a new car and got all worried we would scratch it. Jeez ruin a kids fun.
Man, we'd be out at night too. We'd climb trees and one of my friends had a tool shed and we would sit on the roof and have lunch. My other friend had a pool and we would swim at night.

When we had a blizzard in 1979, talking a few feet of snow, we climbed onto the roof of my friend's house and we jumped off it into a big pile of snow. It was a ranch house, but you wouldn't probably catch kids doing that today.

We did a night time hide and seek called 'Ghost in the Graveyard'. That was lots of fun.

I remember catching lightning bugs (that's what we called fireflies). How about 'Mother May I?'. 'Red light/Green light'?

I agree, though, I think most kids are coddled today and they definitely don't appreciate the simple things.
BAMBI!! OMG, that movie scarred me for life. I use to have the Bambi album. I had it before I actually saw the movie, so I really had no idea what happened to Bambi's mom. Then when I saw the movie my mother had to take me out screaming. Every time I listened to the album I cried.

Same here!! Haha, I asked my Mom to take me to a screening and I ended up crying my heart out. I love to watch my Disney movies over and over again but I never attempted to watch Bambi again. Too damn traumatic!! :lol:

As for the Muppets, I love them!! I still remember pulling up a chair in front of the TV, standing on top of it, and singing along to the Rainbow Connection at the end of the Muppet Movie. In fact, I have the soundtrack in my iTunes. :lol:

Here's some of my old fav TV shows:

~ V miniseries (Both the first and second)

OMG, V scarred me for life! I totally freaked when Diana would eat those mice!! :eek:

Anyway, yesterday I started feeling my age. :lol: Last Saturday was the first time I ever tried playing with the Nintendo Wii. When I saw the health warning as the console powered up, I scoffed at it heartily. Now, I'm thinking that I should have taken that health warning seriously since I am in considerable pain. I think overdid it. My thighs, my back and even my ribs are very, very sore. I can't believe that a few games of bowling and tennis could do that to me! Haha, now I know better. I guess my competitive nature just kicked into high gear and now my battered ol' body is paying the price!! :lol:
I'm considering a Wii myself. As a kid, my mother would have to drag me kicking and screaming inside the house when it got dark. My friends and I were always outside. Now, it takes an act of God to get me on a nature hike. I need to do something to get this body moving (whether I like it or not!).
And with the remote, I think my first remote was when we got cable in the mid-'80s. Before that, I would sit so close to the TV my mother swore I would go blind before I became a teenager. Hate these damn glasses ...
I remember a remote for the VCR when I was young that was attached with a cord. It was tiny, I think only doing play, fast forward, rewind and stop. It didn't even reach to the nearest chair in our house so we always made my little sister sit on the floor and work it. :lol:
Not much better than going up to the machine, but it got us an extra 4 feet maybe?
I'm considering a Wii myself. As a kid, my mother would have to drag me kicking and screaming inside the house when it got dark. My friends and I were always outside. Now, it takes an act of God to get me on a nature hike. I need to do something to get this body moving (whether I like it or not!).

Hahaha, I can relate!! :lol: I was an athlete growing up but now...ah, it takes a lot to get me to exercise and I'm skinny as hell, just out of shape! :lol: I'm always telling myself to get back into the pool, get back into the pool. One of these days, I will. I miss the water and even the smell of chlorine in my hair! :lol: Plus, swimming is a low impact sport, which is easier on the body.

I remember a remote for the VCR when I was young that was attached with a cord. It was tiny, I think only doing play, fast forward, rewind and stop. It didn't even reach to the nearest chair in our house so we always made my little sister sit on the floor and work it. :lol:
Not much better than going up to the machine, but it got us an extra 4 feet maybe?

I remember that remote well. In fact, that remote was my best friend! Haha, that extra four feet made a world of difference. :lol:
I remember a remote for the VCR when I was young that was attached with a cord. It was tiny, I think only doing play, fast forward, rewind and stop. It didn't even reach to the nearest chair in our house so we always made my little sister sit on the floor and work it. :lol:
Not much better than going up to the machine, but it got us an extra 4 feet maybe?

I remember that remote well. In fact, that remote was my best friend! Haha, that extra four feet made a world of difference. :lol:
I also remember that remote, it plugs into the Beta Max machine sitting in the garage. :eek:
I remember not having the remote control! My mom set up a yardstick on the livingroom floor (this was back in the days when we only had 1 tv! :eek:) and unless you were changing channels you had to stay behind the yardstick. :lol:

I do miss running around outside all the time. (You can't do that with kids these days, you gotta be there to keep an eye on them) we used to go outside on Friday nights once it started getting dark and play hide-and-seek in the dark. Me, my brother, and the neighbors 4 kids anywhere on our acre and their 8 acres was fair game for hiding. The tree next to their house was safe. You haven't played hide-and-seek until you've played it in the dark. :thumbsup:


When I was a kid, my dad used to call my brother or me out to the living room to change the channel for him. I don't think we had a TV with a remote until sometime in the 80's.

I also remember playing outside all of the time and playing hide and seek in the dark. I rarely let my kids play outside, unless I'm right there to watch them or if they're in our back yard (which is fenced in).