The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Sadly I was watching "From the Grave" last night, and it was the first episode where they introduce the snake (Grrr :mad:)... After watching it I came to a conclusion that it will be hard to get rid of her after all...
The treacherous desease carrying snake was the one who paid for the remodeling of the new lab...How did she get soo rich? I mean, she clearly has money! Look at where she lives! :eek:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

KiaraMebarak said:
How did she get soo rich? I mean, she clearly has money! Look at where she lives! :eek:

I believe in Shattered (S4), Ryan is at a crime scene with our lovely lady who comments that she lives in the area, which happens to be a well to do neighborhood and even Ryan is surprised. Sorry if that's an awful recap - but I think her wealth probably comes from her divorce; I could be wrong. Can anyone else elaborate? My season 4 knowledge is wicked sketchy.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

SincerelyInDenial said Ryan is at a crime scene with our lovely lady who comments that she lives in the area, which happens to be a well to do neighborhood and even Ryan is surprised.

Lovely? HA! Anything but! Sadly my Boa-free days are over on A&E as she was introduced into the show yesterday *bangs her head on desk* Grrr
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

excuse me! bitch is a cussword. don't use it will'ya!
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Really?? I've read posts on this thread with the word in it...*sigh* If it offends ya then let me edit it
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

You are very welcome :lol:

Now back to BV
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

i i already said that i hate her with a firey hatred that would burn a hole through a wall and put supermans x-rey vision shame? If not then let me.. I HATE HER... i see and and she is completly pointless, if she did something i would maybe tolerate her, but she dont!!! :mad: And she screwed Ryan and the lab over :mad:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Go ahead girl, say how you feel :lol:

i was having a conversation with my cousin and father...
Now, they don't know I'm a huge Miami fan. So when we were talking about Curse of the Coffin last sunday, my cousin was like, "You know who I don't like? *snaps her fingers* Um...that girl, Maria. And now they made her a CSI? Please!"

In my mind I was like,"Umm its Natalia." But I kept quiet. She is so useless, i let her keep thinking her name is Maria. :lol:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I meant "lovely" in a very sarcastic, obviously I am lying through my teeth way, thank you very much. She's not lovely in any way (well the woman who plays her is in my opinion), shape or form.

But that's funny Kiara that you didn't correct them. I was watching NY last night, and my mom made a comment about not liking Lindsay Monroe and I gave her a look (because I adore Lindsay actually) and I quipped, "Uh, at least it's not Natalia on screen right now." and she replied ,"You're right.Oh thank God for that."

Maria...Natalia, it's all good. Heck, I call her Medusa.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

hehe...I knew you were being sarcastic.

I like Linsday, I don't know why so many people don't like her.

Again, I would have the writers ship her over to Miami any day in place of Medusa!

*goes to check out next week's preview to hate her even more*

P.S. Are we the only one replying on this thread? What happened to the other Anti- Boa Vistas?
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Hmmm...good point you make there. Oh my gosh, maybe the snake got to them! *is horrified* Are we the next targets?
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

^^^ If we are i'll have to fend her off with a pointed stick...just like i do to fruit!!*high 5 to anyone who gets the monty python reference - hehe just realised thats a type of snake to!*

Even if it is just us keeping the thread alive at least its alive!! WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED AGAINST THE SNAKE!!!! I saw the preview og her and ryan togetehr and i swear another second longer and i would have puked up everywhere! How can they forgive moley just like that?! She betrayed the lab people! Get with it!! :mad:
Stupid...*mumbles cuss words* and she thinks shes so cool but really she's just a f...*continues mumbling cusses*...chop her up into little snake pieces... :lol: rant over...But i do have to agree that ELR is a very nice not-snake life in anyway person...its just Natalia *egh!*
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

chop snake up into little pieces? I think that's a delicacy in certain countries ;)

Ekk you almost puked watching the previews, wait til next week when we have to watch the full scene *does the cross sign catholics do*
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I still dont' like her, don't worry. I just tend to be less vocal about my dislike. I feel that this thread is getting too... how do I say this without being insulting?The critisism is no longer constructive, I guess. I don't know if that makes sense. But rest assured, even if I don't post it in here, I don't want her on the show.