The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

^^^ Again i am sorry about that, i understand how it could casue offense and it wont be bought up again my me ;) and as an apology free cookies for all :)

Im also hoing to try to get that link working for y'all(which is weired cuz its working on my computer)

lets see.... Does this one work?
And if that doesn't work i am stumped, i guess it must have been that mini coffin i found under my bed...dun dun dun!!!!IM CURSED! :lol:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

alex21591 said:
^^^ Again i am sorry about that, i understand how it could casue offense and it wont be bought up again my me ;) and as an apology free cookies for all :)

Thank you for understanding, alex21591, it's much appreciated. :)
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

KiaraMebarak said:
Depending if she's around that age, I'm ok with her and H...
1) Okay, I think people heard my scream of horror in CHINA. *shudders*

Although, you'll probably be equally horrified when I say that I didn't mind seeing her with Eric. Not that I LIKED it, but in retrospect, he's never had a good girlfriend, and as long as her character's main purpose was to showcase him in the role of boyfriend (um, in a manner of speaking anyway), I was semi-okay with that. Yay for PSVs at CSI!

2) Really, the point at which I turned vehemently against her was when she was revealed as the mole. I'd spent the last 6 or 8 episodes telling myself to be nice and accept her, because she was here to stay and the sooner I got used to that, the sooner it would stop being painful to watch. But after that, it was "WTF? I wasted time DEFENDING you. *HATE*"

And since every episode she's in only grates on my nerves more and more (is this what it's like for people who don't like Horatio? Ouch), I think the only way to redeem her is to give her a truly horrific and emotional death scene. It worked for Ray... although, I can't think of anyone who'd believably mourn her, so, maybe not. Nope, can't think of a single scenario in which I could stand her. She could show up to work with an adorable dog, or single-handedly save the life of one of the pretty CSIs, and STILL I would hate her.
(See, I said the same thing about Ana-Lucia on Lost, and then by the end of the season, she was dead! Second time a charm?)

Actually, on second thought: if Natalia showed up with a cuddly puppy and/or kitten, and proved herself an animal lover, that might change my mind. Absolutely nothing else, though. I promise.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Painted_Shadow said:
if Natalia showed up with a cuddly puppy and/or kitten, and proved herself an animal lover, that might change my mind. Absolutely nothing else, though. I promise.

Eva + kitty/puppy/pony,etc = adorable.
Natalia Boa Vista + kitty/puppy/pony, etc.... would that equal animal cruelty? :confused:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

ROTFL! that was funny

Unless its a snake that she owns, then its not animal cruelty...i think... :confused:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

She could show up to work with an adorable dog, or single-handedly save the life of one of the pretty CSIs, and STILL I would hate her.
If she single handedly saved the life of one of the CSI's, I think I might like her even less, because it most likely wouldn't be believable. It would just be another ploy by the writers to make us like her... which I rather resent.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I seriously don't get the use of her character...I mean, she originally was brought to work on the cold cases...which has nothing to do with the field...then she was used for some little drama...and I have to admit I fell for the whole "I'm late!" thing..Pathetic..
Then She was used to make Eric jealous by going out with Ryan...poor thing..he was made to be a fool when he told Natalia that Eric gave her permission to land the plane...
and then she was the mole in the lab *sigh* I could go on....
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I actually thought the writers tackyfied Eric in a scandalous way with that commnet. How disrespectful can he get?

And Ryan was made look like a total snitch for telling, and N went on a date with him for anger over the comment.
That's how I see it.

And not to mention that Ryan asked Eric for the money for the date.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik :(
No class at all.

*bad writers* :mad:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

The mature thing for her to do would've been not dignify Eric's comment by going out with Ryan. But then again, we all know she's lacking upstairs.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

^^^ :lol: total low blow...i like it :lol: You ever heard the intro to big butts/baby got back by siir mix-a-lot?? It totally puts that into the right thing use to describe her column!!! I am still not over the fact that she's the mole!!!grr and that she dared grass on alexx for giving ryan a prescription!!how very dare she!!! She should grass on herself for all these inter-office relationships she's having!! :mad:

Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Grrrr I just saw a preview for next weeks episode. Snake needs to go! Seriously she just doesn't fit as a CSI! She doesn't look the part and she has caused enough havoc inside the lab. Can't she go and be the mole and sleep around with men in another lab? Ship her off to Las Vegas or New York Please!!
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

i watched deviant and she had a scene with the TOtallyGOrgeous one!!! And add that to the previews i saw...we'll be seeing even more of the snake!! :mad: i am so mad its driving me to tears :(
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Dear Writers,

Can you please make use of Miss Boa Vista as CSI's official mole, and send her to the remaining CSI labs she has yet to screw with? Her character is great for sleeping around with other male characters, getting Medical Examiners in trouble, as well as alerting D.A.'s of everything that's going on inside a lab.
I'm sure the other CSI labs aren't that perfect.


*signs name here*

An Angry CSI:Miami Fan
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I turned on A&E just now and I saw our lovely snake's face...

*points to above post and follows suit by grabbing a pen and note paper*

Dear A&E,

There seems to something wrong with season 4 of Miami that you're airing. Every once in awhile, a giant snake slithers onto the screen. You must have a virus. I also know I am not alone in this matter either. Perhaps you should stick to airing the first two seasons only. I have issues with season three that belong to another thread. Thanks.

*signs name*
A disgruntled Miami fan