The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I don't get the CSI thing either. I thought initially they would bring Dan Cooper up, but Natalia? It makes no sense. Btw - about Valera - I'd like her to stay in the lab, like Greg in early Vegas series. He was funny and engaging, and I think they could do the same with Valera. But I'm veering off topic.

I could just about accept Natalia as a lab tech, after the fed thing. While I don't really see her as a meaningful character, I liked the fact they highlighted that labs don't work for free and someone has to bring in the dough. She worked best when she was trying to get her lab out there while maybe annoying the people she worked with. (We don't always want cutesy, nice women) I don't agree with the fact she needed to be defined by Eric and Ryan, or that she needed a deep dark secret. Make her a woman who's about business, and I could have liked her a whole lot more.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

We don't have to like her at all, I'm all for having a antagonistic type character in the show like Ecklie in CSI.
It's the writers fault I hate her so much because they made her character so soap-like and unrealistic. The only thing I can fault Eva on is being overly orange.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Ouch @ the orange thing, but it's true. Natalia didn't need to be liked, I meant me liking her in term of a character. She didn't need the Eric/Ryan thing, didn't need the dark secret thing, didn't need the baby thing. Have her as being utterly obnoxious, but give her a point.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

i guess i dont mind having her on the show as someone i dont like but it will kill me to see her out in the field, more screentime :mad:. i would honestly be happy enough if she stays far away from Ryan...thats my only worry.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Well I don't like her and don't want her in anyway increasing her screen time in S5. The mole turned CSI is a major turn-off. That and the fact that she acted like a ho with both Eric/Ryan - playing them off each other. Using one to get the other jealous - it was so moronic. If she was a smart, sophisticated b#$%^ we loved to hate that would be one thing.
But not this pandering fool who can't do anything right - not even be a good mole! :D
The one crime scene she was on last season she stepped on evidence and acted like a fool.
What can she do? The whole 'grant'/cold case thing was that a roose to cover as the mole?
Nope don't want to see this chick being redeemed all season.
I'm rooting for the ex to win - throw her to the fishes! lol Find someone else to bring 'conflict'
But I probably won't be that lucky! :(
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Lyn said:
Ouch @ the orange thing, but it's true. Natalia didn't need to be liked, I meant me liking her in term of a character. She didn't need the Eric/Ryan thing, didn't need the dark secret thing, didn't need the baby thing. Have her as being utterly obnoxious, but give her a point.

Exactly. And I couldn't resist the orange dig ;). Don't even get me started on the mole business :mad:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

MiamiGal said

The whole 'grant'/cold case thing was that a roose to cover as the mole?

Maybe if that was the case, the lab will go back to normal? :p Well, at least it's wishful thinking. They're not going to tear down new sets just because of one bad apple. :rolleyes:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

From my 2nd post halfway down page 8 of this thread:
Carolyn318 said:
*Ties up and gags Natalia then wraps an anchor chain around her. Tosses Natalia and the anchor in the water*

Now ^^there's^^ a good way to, as this thread's title says, "Get rid of Boa Vista!!!"
Oh I'm so bad. Shame on me.
Maybe I should play a villian on CSI: Miami or at least be the writer for the bad guy's/bad girl's part. :devil:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Like 'Pirated'? Awesome!

I think we should have a competition to see who can come up with the most original death for the Snake :D.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Ok, so let's get this competition started. So shall we make this realistic ways that she leaves the show or is it gonna be total fantasy up to you to make it crazy, super far fetched..etc? We could have both catergories going!!
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I say she continues to sleep with every male character, and every male secondary character, and every male extra until eventually she explodes into a rainbow of sexually transmitted diseases.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I don't see what so unlikeable about here.
Sure, I know people feel that Delko shouln't be with her bla bla bla...They look very good together though.
Anyhow, like alexxwoods said. She is always happy, she seems serious about her job and has no irritating habits.

The cold cases are not needed on the show, but it would be great if they'd just made her a CSI. She might fit in the team better.

I am so ashamed of myself! I posted this in January..just so you know, I really really can't stand the Boa Vista chick anymore!!! She's useless, she's a maneater, she's blegh.
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

I've just watched the promo clip and I nned to vent my frustration, so... here I am, back in the thread!
I can't stand her, really. She shouldn't even have been hired as a lab tech and now she appears in the promo! That's way too much. :mad:
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Promo clip? Where? How did I miss that? I'm still fuming that she'll be added to the credits. Rex deserves it, but she certainly doesn't. The credits are already orange enough without you!
Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread

Ok I probably will regret asking this, especially if Snake Vista is in the clip...but where is this promo clip - is it for S5 of Miami??
I guess watching this will give me another reason not to like her (as if I need anything else)!!