Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

Oh, evel_queen27, I'm sure you are going to get used with the idea, babies are just too cute to not get used to them soon (well, at least for me) *thinks about cousins* :rolleyes:

And speaking about babies, my English teacher (not in official school) has just been a father, which just leads to my next point. Yesterday, the class was so boring, because we had another teacher giving the class, and we spent one hour and a half reading some texts and answering questions. And, well, I think she was really new to the thing, because I felt she wasn't reall confortable, I mean, it looked like she was thinking about what words she should use to explain things, not being fluent, you know what I mean? And that shouldn't happen in a teacher. But I understand everyone has to practice to get better. And I think she was portuguese, so her accent :rolleyes: maybe it was just me, but it sounded so strange :p Plus, and this is kind of a question for you that speak english well, can we say 'persons', 'that persons' :confused: She said both. I might have not listened well, but I would swear I heard exactly that :rolleyes:

Good luck for your exams, Reeble and Lilly ;)
About school stuff, I am actually having a easy week, as 9 of my classmates went to France, then teachers are going slower than usual...And that means, no homework and no tests till next friday...Better than nothing, I would say!
Yeah,im horrible with people and even more so with little people.Im sure i'll get used to it though.I hope anyway.

I was at the college that my brothers goes to today and everyone was spitting and smoking.It was gross. :rolleyes:
Oh my gosh. I just finished my PLAN exams, it's like the ACT. but Ugh, it was so hard, I'm so fed up with school, I can't wait to leave school :)

Anyone going on vacation this summer?
On June 6th and 7th we have MCA'S and then that same friday our exams start and I believe we have two that day.

Are anyone's teachers piling homework and projects on anyone?

And i'm not going anywhere this summer.
I'm going to sports camps at my next year HS, to get ready for softball season, and I'm on a travel team so we'll be moving around a bit. Also, I might be going to Ojai (a few hours norith of LA, here) for summer camp for a few weeks, but that's really it. My vacation is more about this college course I'm taking, to get college credit while I'm still 14 and eligible for free courses.
^^Lucky. I've been trying all year to find places that give college credit to freshman, but of course you have to be a sophmore or higher :(.
Classes end in about 11 days for me, then EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS! I think I have 6 this year...

For summer, I'm going to my shore house for probably the whole summer. I know that this will probably sound like I'm spoiled :blush:, but there really isn't anything to do there when it rains (which is like a lot of the time), and most all of my friends are traveling this summer and won't be able to visit me.
When it's not raining though, I play tennis A LOT, surf, and bike.
I have 18 more days. June 6th, 7th, and 8th, I have exams. Than it's sweet summertime :)

I have badminton, tennis, softball, and cross country camps, just because it'll be fun.

I'm going up to my friend's trailer most all summer, so no computer :(. but I'll be with friends so it's all good.

cainesugar! I'm dropping my badminton team next year, so I can play softball.
We have exams right now, or they're called CST Testing here (because well, I'm not yet in high scool, and it's basically stamdardized testing, with finals at the end of the year. CST Testing ends, for eighth graders, next Tuesday) We graduate June 26th, so not too much time left to go.

Enjoy softball, it is the best sport (besides soccer) on the planet. What position you want to play? I'm the catcher. Hope you have fun with it, I'm sure you will!
Wow, you all seem to have lots of exams. I just have regular tests, those we do during all year. But, yeah, I might be considered lucky so far. I didn't have exams in 4th and 6th grade, and now kids have. I am not going to have exams at all subjects next year, and until last year, students did. :) Though next year I am still going to have Portuguese and Maths exam...Anyway, I just hope they don't change everything now, as so far so good.

About sports, you seem to be active, I know both Lilly and Ashley do love their sports ;) I don't like sports that much. I have thought many times about joining a sports team, but I never did it, and I don't think I will, simply because I don't like competition, of any kind. I do like to play, basketball, for example, or even soccer, but just for the fun of it. I also like tennis. If I decided to go practice something, that should be my option :rolleyes:

What are you like at school? Are you part of the nerds/geeks? Joks crowd (or whatever they call it)? Those who are popular or those who get laughed at? I though I could ask this. I don't know, but from what I see in movies, it seems like in other countries (mostly USA) people are always divided, there are always groups and stuff. And the cheerleaders, all that...Is that real or just for the movies?
My grade is only 80 people, and since we switch for every class, we all get to know one another. There is no really "groups" in my school, because even though it sounds weird....everybody is nice/helpful/polite to everybody. The boys get along fine with the girls, and there is no nerd group, because the boy that could be considered nerds are very good at sports and the upperclassmen like them. We DID have a popular group, but they sort of all left after middle school, so now the school is like "You have your close friends, and your friends". I have about 12 really close friends, and then in every class everybody gets along and we all have fun :lol:. So cliche i know.

The only thing that could be considered a group is the "crew cult". The girls and boys who are on the Crew team, and talk about nothing BUT crew. Some teachers don't allow it to be talked about in class it's so annoying. haha.

I think that if my school had a Football team and Cheerleaders, things would be different....
Dani, don't even get me started on sports. I play almost every sport imaginable, softball is just my favorite. :D

At school I'm sort of different all the time. We switch classes, so I have my groups in each class. PE is my favorite although my two best friends at school aren't in it, we have this sort of seven-some group that just is always together, and it is the funniest things, what we do. Today one girl, Liza, started talking in a Russian accent (she's Russian) to Brandon (he's Mexican) so he started talking in a Mexican accent and they gave everyone these Spanish names and we were all talking funny to each other, doubling over with laughter (however we all talked like our parent's might, as in, our own culture so we weren't being mean)

But then in other classes I have other friends I hang out with. And then at lunch, I hang out with my two best friends and we stay put, but then other kids, other friends (not as good friends, but friends from each class of all of us, we get a variety) come over and we all just mix. It's different every day.

I have a question. Anyone here get in fights at school? I was thinking about this because today one of my best friends at school and I got into a fight. It was stupid, too. This girl that she doesn't like but I'm friends with came over and sat down, and I know that my best friend doesn't like her, so I (nicely, but giving her a dollar when she asked so she'd go buy whatever) kicked her out and then, as a joke, my friend said 'maybe we should kick you out and she'd stop coming around.' I was like 'what?' She explained she was joking. Then I explained that I was sorry she came around, but she was also my friend, and I couldn't be forced to choose between my friends, but that I would have to sometimes- this time, I chose her, my best friend. She stopped talking to me.

The next period, I told her 'we could talk about whatever's going on or we could drop it, what do you want to do?' She didn't say anything, and my other friend (we're a three-some) told me that she just needs space. For what? What the hell did I do, besides choose her over my other friend?! Get RID of a friend for the day for her! What the HELL?! I've avoided her, given her space, but I spent the rest of lunch alone, because our bench is where people come and I had no people. My other friend thinks I'm being the bigger person but I can't change the fact that my friend doesn't want to talk to me. *sigh* I really don't want to lose her as a friend.

I was just sort of wondering if anyone had any advice, or had similar problems. Any takers?
Wow, switching classes seems cool, because that way you get to know and get along with much more people :). In my school, and in most(if not all) schools where I live, we have classes, and those have all their classes together. Some people do have friends in other classes, but I don't think those friendships where made in school. I think they came from other activities in fact. Anyway, I don't think there are groups in my school either. But obviously, there are always the popular ones, those everyone know by their names, those that just seem to feel superior :rolleyes:

About fights, I try to stay out of them just as much as I can. I'm not one that gets pissed at everybody because of anything. That is one of the things that most annoy me in people. By any little thing, that we didn't even do on purpose, sometimes is just kidding, other times it's not intentional, and they stop talking at us. The only thing that I feel like doing in those situations is like come right next to the person and tell him/her "Are you doing this just because it's funny for you, seeing me feeling bad, or do you really think this is a way to work things out?". And then, one day later, they don't remember anymore anything of what happened. Then there's those who are like "I am never going to talk to you. Never ever again. You don't deserve it." And the next week are all kisses and hugs. I just don't get it, I don't understand it. But seriously, I don't say anything about this, because I think that will get me another one-hour-of-i-dont-talk-to-you, and I don't want it at all. So I keep my thoughts to myself, as always, I would say. I haven't argued with anybody for some reasonable time. The last time I did (sort of) was in a PE class, but as I always try to do, it was all talked and cleared up in the same moments. I think that's the way things should be. When we have some problem, we talk directly, we don't just ignore the person. That girl in my class yelled at me because I hadn't put the ball in the right place. It was kind of difficult when she was giving me orders :p Still, I told her I hadn't liked the attitude, she said she had overeacted but that she thought I could have done better. I was a bit pissed, I must say, she didn't have the right to yell at me, it's not exactly my fault that I can't do things like she does. What pissed was not the fact that she told me that, but the way she did. Anyway, she apologised and I did, too, and things ended up there. I felt so good for being able to clarify everything with her. But that is what usually doesn't happen between my friends. And with the 'boyfriends/girlfriends' thing, it gets even worse. Everybody finds problems where they seem not to be. :p

Lilly, I don't think I am really good giving advice, but I think you did what was right. It is a hell of a situation when you have two friends that don't go along and you sort of have to chose between them, sometimes. (knows what she is talking about) The worse is when they start gossiping about each other with you, and you fell like crap because you don't want to deny it, as they could be mad at you, neither agree, because that's not what you feel, either :rolleyes: Maybe your friend reacted like that in the moment, but thinking about it, she will realise you acted correctly, and things can go back to normal. That would be the easy way. But things just seem to not go the easy way, in these times, I know...Anyway, I understand that you are sad about everything, you just try not to be bad for any of them, manage both friendships, and they can't see it. Something like getting jealous and possessif. I also know what it is :rolleyes: *huggles* Trying to talk to her would be good if she answered. As she doesn't, you can try to say things anyway, people might not answer, but sometimes things are kept in their minds and they might reflect about it. I don't know if she is too proud to admit that she overeacted. I don't know if you are too proud to forget what happened, and not think more about it, forgive it, if your friend tries to get along wiht you again, not mentioning the subject (with me, that's what people usually do), like if she just started acting normally as nothing happened. That would be what I would do: if she was able to come back, and even though it was stupid pretending nothing happened, I would keep it that way. because it's just like I said, I feel like continuing like that doesn't work for me. But I know that maybe that's not a good option. So, I am not saying what you should do, but what I would do. :rolleyes: Because in this kind of stuff I am so bad :p So, I am not of any help, I know it, probably someone else is better than I am. In the meantime *huggles Lilly again* :)
Hi everybody! I haven't been to TalkCSI in ages. I love this thread, I started the first one, it was my baby and its growing up. LOL. so what is our discussion at the moment?