Tara/Megalyn #1

I think its way to soon to give her a storyline, they didnt give Jon/Ryan a storyline straight away, they gave us sometime to get used to him. Im sure that when Rory left that the viewers werent happy b/c from what i can see there are still some Speed fans out there even after all this time and i bet they didnt like Ryan at first for takin his place, and thats just the way i feel at the moment i just dont really like Tara at the moment. Speed was only on the show 2 years but Alexx has been on right from the start. So as it did with Ryan its gonna take me a while to start liking her. And she probably will grow on me just like Ryan did, she looks like a sweet girl :)
I hope they show something where they have to get used to her after Alexx leaving, like they did with Ryan when he first came on. I HATE it when they just throw in a character and no one reacts at all.
I think its way to soon to give her a storyline, they didnt give Jon/Ryan a storyline straight away, they gave us sometime to get used to him. Im sure that when Rory left that the viewers werent happy b/c from what i can see there are still some Speed fans out there even after all this time and i bet they didnt like Ryan at first for takin his place, and thats just the way i feel at the moment i just dont really like Tara at the moment. Speed was only on the show 2 years but Alexx has been on right from the start. So as it did with Ryan its gonna take me a while to start liking her. And she probably will grow on me just like Ryan did, she looks like a sweet girl :)

I'm with you on the whole Speed thing,I didn't like the fact of Ryan coming in but now I absolutely love him lol. I think like you've said she will grow on the hearts of the millions of Miami viewers out there.She is already starting to grow on me :)
As Eric said 'She's cute', she is. She fits in perfectly and took no time to feel at home. Don't bother to compare her to Alexx, cause we all knew Alexx more and longer and bonded with her in some way, so that leaves almost nothing good to say about Megalyn. Just give a good year long on the show and lil more screen time plus that practical joke they're gonna play on her, and we'll love her.

Oooh, i can't wait to see what joke they're gonna play on her! I certainly hope they will, it'd would be great to see Ryan be a part of it! And i doubt i'm the only one to think it'd somehow be a great reminder of earlier seasons, and of how some things don't change ;) :lol:

I agree fully with many of you; Khandi will never be possible to replace. She was one of a kind, as was her character Alexx, and no one will ever be able to play the mother of the team like she did. She was the mother of the team and a mother can't be replaced.

I am too convinced that Tara eventually will grow on me and become another character to care for. However i hope they wait with a storyline for her - we've got to get the chance to get to know her. Right now, i think she's ok. What i don't like, however, is the fact that in a lot of the scene's she's got on the show, Eric's there too. I don't mind him getting to know her - it's not that - but c'mon! Like earlier mentioned, Calleigh has barely talked to her (if they've talked at all), and nor has Natalia.

So what i'm hoping for is a new character whom we'll be able to love and care for, a character who will have an interesting story to tell us eventually. And I don't doubt that the writers have something interesting in store for us regarding Tara's personal life or her past - just please wait a little while with that. First we want to get to know Tara - after all she's got some pretty big shoes to fill, and it might take some time for us to get used to her and start liking her.
So what i'm hoping for is a new character whom we'll be able to love and care for, a character who will have an interesting story to tell us eventually. And I don't doubt that the writers have something interesting in store for us regarding Tara's personal life or her past - just please wait a little while with that. First we want to get to know Tara - after all she's got some pretty big shoes to fill, and it might take some time for us to get used to her and start liking her.
I think Tara is going to be az interesting and a likeable ME, although her character is not very formed yet and needs to be detailed. And yes, she has a great challenge filling Alexx's place and being the new one in the team, too.
For me it's strange to see a so young ME after Alexx, because i loved her, but i'm sure Tara is gonna bring some new lets say color to the whole show. In the beginning i didnt liked the idea of her being the new ME, but im sure she'll grow on me and im gonna like her as much as the others :D
Im really looking forward to see what she's got.
She's no Alexx, but she still seems like a pretty good ME! She just needs time to develop into the show and bond with the CSI's more
I liked her a little more in the latest episode, she seemed to match the others' intensity a little better. I think she'll be more likable when she gets a story line and we see a more personal side of her. Right now she kinda comes off as a flighty 20-something.
There wasn't very much Tara in tonights episode. But at least she had a scene with Calleigh. Yay!

I love her way of putting things. "Our killer planted an American Flag."
There wasn't very much Tara in tonights episode. But at least she had a scene with Calleigh. Yay!

I love her way of putting things. "Our killer planted an American Flag."
Oh I love that scene so much, it was finally time to make these two interact:thumbsup:

So what do you think Tara will do this night????
I loved her interaction with Calleigh tonight! It was nice. :)
I liked the prank too, and even though she got pretty mad I can understand why. Loved how Ryan got in the apology first by sending her flowers. :lol:
Ok, surely, her interaction with Cal won't be the same Calleigh had with Alexx, but I must say that I love this one too :D
I thought Calleigh could be in some way mad at Tara, but she was very nice.
Same thing for Tara.
IDK know whtether to put in a spoiler box or not, guess no since the episode has been aired. (mods. correct me if I'm wrong;))
I have to say that I agreed with her about the joke. You can make every kind of joke also the one they one they made to Ryan, but this one could jeopardize her reputation as an ME very quickly, also because I'm pretty sure it's her first experience like ME.
So I guess it's understandable why she got mad at Eric in that way.
Loved also the fact Calleigh was there to check on her because they guys told her :lol:.
At first I thought Tara was going to take off Calleigh's head too, thank god she didn't do it.
Loved also when she thanked Calleigh for helping her with the cadaver position.
The prank in itself cracked me up especially Tara's reaction:guffaw:

The scene right before Calleigh's arrival cracke me up too:lol:
*T:I'm gonna kill them!*
She's such a refreshing character.

It's too bad they didn't this kind of job with Khandi:p
I recently watched the ep where they played the trick on her.Now that part cracked me up I liked the way she reacted,it's more calm then I would of reacted :lol: but I think she played it out well.Made me think of curse of the coffin with Ryan.All in all so far I love the way she is with everyone I like how her and calleigh fit together perfectly as well.
Ok we haven't seen any new episode with her for a while and here's her last interview during these holidays.

Hope you enjoy it:p


i really like megalyn's character but I justn hope they give her a proper amount of time to devolp and don't throw her into a huge love story that would be a mistake,,, i think..
