TalkCSI: RolePlay


CSI Level One
Hey, look! A roleplay for people who want to pretend they're CSI's. We can do a roleplay, but instead of playing the characters from the show, we can play ourselves, as CSI's! Do you get what I'm saying? (I don't know where I should put this.. I think here.)

Okay.. To start off, a breif discription of what's going on. I claim supervisor (yuss) as I started the roleplay. Uhm, we can have a team stationed in.. Newfoundland, Canada (my province) and we do our thing.

Here's what I look like (I think everyone should give a breif discription, real or pretend):

Name: Alyssa Ellsworth.
Long, brown hair;
Blue eyes;
I must say, fairly pretty. Not gorgeous, although some say I am.. But, I say, fairly pretty.

Anyone interested? :)
Hmm, this seems interesting... I'll give it a whack!

Name: Evan Pulford
5'11", longish dark brown hair(think Greg length)
Green eyes, contacts, but wears glasses sometimes
Youngish, but experienced
umm ok kinda weird but sounds funn.

name: Katlynn something
5"8, long brown hair
brown eyes, glasses
if i may say so myself...i am very smart!
Rella something.
5"4, long black hair
Hazel eyes
Crazy, likes listening to loud music and smart.
I love the idea. : )

Name: Sara Something..
Age: 15.
Medium-Length Auburn-Brown hair.
Hazel eyes that change colour daily.
Short, 5"1,
LOVES music,

and that's all i can think of on how to describe myself, lol.
Yay! I think we have the beginning of a team.

Here are some more traits to describe your supervisor:

Likes to laugh;
Sense of humor;
Good leader;
Fun to be around;

Okay, our first cases.

Alyssa walked into the St. John's Crime Lab (woah, that sounds weird. We don't even have a forensic's investegator :S) and waved at the receptionist, Holly, with a small smile and a cock of her head. She strode down the hall to her office, her high heeled black strappy sandles clicking on the floor.

Upon arriving, she noticed a small commotion outside the door. There were Sara, Evan, Rella and Kaitlynn, all standing infront of her office, and Sara looking very, very ticked off.

"'Morning, ladies and gents. How was your weekend," she inquired with a silly smile. All of her CSI's cast death glares her way as she did a twirl on the spot, her kneelength white dress spinning out around her. Evan laughed, breaking the hard silence and causing smiles on all the faces.

"Well, that's better," Alyssa cried in a happy-go-lucky voice, "Let's head to the breakroom for that mornin' pick-me-up of coffee and new assignments." She waited for them to move, and as they stood stock-still, she cried, "Scatter!" They all shook their heads at her silly antics and laughed as they walked down the hall, a light, airy feeling hanging over their heads.
(woo! I get to be ticked off! And I have no clue why! :p)

Sara walked with the others to the break room, she had a black tank top, that had chains for straps, and fishnet sleeves. With a black, knee-length jagged edged skirt, and black converse on her feet. And she had a tattoo of a black butterfly beside her left eye.

Yeah, so Sara was different and looked like she was making a anti-social statement at a high school, but she was smart, and thorough in forensics. Besides, no one really cared how she dressed, as far as she knew anyway.

They reached the break room and Sara took a seat on one of the two white couches that were in the small, blue room. A counter was along the east wall, along with a fridge that was so old it was turning beige. There was a white table in the middle of the room, from a garage sale, with six blue chairs around it to match the walls. The two couches faced eachother along the west wall, and a coffee table was in between them, which held many forensics magazines.

Sara looked down at the magazines, and shuffled around for one that she might not have read yet. None, she had read all of them at least once. She sighed, and leaned back on the couch.
Alyssa follwed te crowd into the breakroom, turning on the coffee pot and watching it drip. She danced a little bit to music in her head, then turned around to face the people sitting around the table or on the couches. She stood infront of them, smoothed her dress, pushed her freshly curled hair behind her ears, and ajudsting her glasses, spoke in a friendly, chirpy voice, happy for someone up so early.

"Alrighty," she started, taking the folder with the assignment slips off of the table. "Evan, Rella, today, you're working together on a 4-19. Dead body in Mount Pearl, 16 First street. Get to it." They nodded and stood up, walking out the door. "Kaitlynn, you're working solo today, a simple b&e at Need's Convience Store in Mount Pearl, also. Det. French is on the scene waiting. Sara, you're with me. We have a triple on George Streeet, in the Cotton Club (the Newfoundland version of a strip bar.) That should be.. Fun. Two dead strippers and a playboy." She rolled her eyes and motioned for Sara to follow her to her Jeep.

This does sound fun, so I've decided to join. :D

Name: Natalie something
5'3" long dark blonde hair
blue eyes
very quiet but smart
loves to listen to music
bit of a computer geek, haha you couldn't tell by looking though
hate mornings

I don't know if we're supposed to choose what we are, but I wouldn't mind being a lab tech. Hope I'm doing this right...
Okay, well, I'll give this a go. But I warn you, I have no idea what I'm doing :)
Okay, so, about me:
-Name: Megan Paige (Paige is actually my middle name, not my last, but I happen to have a strong disliking for my last name, and would prefer to use Paige as my last name for this)
-Blue eyes
- Blondish hair, just reaching shoulders
- cheerful, friendly, intellegent, mature, fun-loving, funny... um... I'll think of more later. Oh! Sarcastic! How could I forget that...

I think for this I'd like to be a detective.

[blackened623] if you are 'a bit of a computer geek', perhaps you should be the AV tech? Just a thought.
Also, for the people who gave 'Something' as their last name, perhaps you could make one up? It might make things easier.
Sure, I think the AV tech could work. I'll just be that then. And as for the last name, I guess I'll be Natalie Erin. My real last name isn't really that interesting so I just used a nickname I used to have...
((to the name thing, I totally made that up! I'm a girl! And by the way, is Rella a boy or girl? Couldn't really tell, sorry... And 'Evan' is comical, silly, but serious all at the same time. Nobody really knows much 'bout his childhood except he came from Tampa, Florida in the states, totally different climate. He'll do anything, anything, for the sake of science and justice. And is a little on the flirtsy side with the girls at the lab too.))

Evan jumped up and pulled out his keys. "I drive!" He was definitely one of those people who didn't need coffee in the morning. In fact, that would make things worse. Grabbing the sheet from Alyssa, he walked out the door with Rella, his black sneakers squeaking on the linoleum floor and totally clashing with his jeans and blue button-down shirt.

Walking in to the locker room, he grabbed his kit and vest, strapping in on, and headed out to the truck.
((Okay, I'm Sara Scarlet if we have to pick a last name then :p))

Sara followed Alyssa to their lockers, where Sara got her kit and her vest. Then they walked to Alyssa's jeep. Sara put her kit in the back and put her vest on over her tank top that had chain-straps and fishnet sleeves. The vest very much clashed with her outfit, but you could still see the sleeves with it on, so she didn't mind.
Name: Mel something
shoulder legnth, brown hair with blonde highlights
Blue eyes;
short, not even 5ft
Not really super-attractive, just kinda average
Computer geek, kinda introverted,pretty smart but sometimes easily frustrated and a bit impulsive from time to time.

(ack I'd do the AV tech too but someone did it already. What other lab jobs are there?)