TalkCSI LIMS . Round 2 . Challenge #8. FINAL RESULTS ARE IN

Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

08 - the white colour is a little overpowering
06 - the colouring makes Brass's face look a bit unclear
05 - too much green colour and the colouring on Brass's face is too heavy/overwhelming

Tough choice! :eek:
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

I hope I still get to vote :)

05. I think he's too far away, and the green colour is a bit overwhelming.
06. Too much green, and his eyes are really standing out, which makes him look a bit devil-ish.
08. The texture of the icon looks a bit weird, and maybe the text should've been moved down a bit (since it's right under his chin). I do like the font though.

Good job everyone! :)
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

All great icons and a difficult choice.

# 8: Too much contrast.
# 10: Too bright.
# 1: His face looks weird and a bit too bright.

Well done everyone!!! :D
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

6: His eyes are...weird.
1: Texture (or brush...The white one, however) is confusing
5: Paul is too yellowish...
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

Wow amazing icons everyone!! Yet another tough decision...

08 - Too bright, and the icon's texture is a bit overpowering.
05 - Paul's face is too bright.
10 - Too sharp? And the text seems out of place.

Good luck everyone!
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

08 - too much contrast
06 - His eyes look very weird, too blue, I think.
10 - Too sharp
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

This is getting so hard!

5: too much green, I think.
4: to me, the cropping seems odd.
6: he looks odd... I'm not sure what it is. The image also seems slightly blurry.
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

#8 - the white dust or whatever it is across his face looks weird
#10 - too blurry
#1 - the white texture is distracting
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

8 - texture should probs not cover his face
5 - too much contrast
10 - oversharpened a little, and he looks a bit grey/green

good luck peeps!
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

jeezz it's soo difficult :(
5 - too saturated
8 - he has too blurry face
4 - cropping is odd... he doesn't have whole head :p
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

5 - His face is too bright
3 - He is resized too much
9 - His face is dark
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

Better icons, harder to pick the worse... :(

05 - too saturated and bright
08 - too bright
10 - too much contrast
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

No more votes. I'll post the results in a bit.

Challenge #5 : Paul Guilfoyle ~ RESULTS

We must now say goodbye to two iconmakers:

by Lauw
and by MissRoosFox

Thanks so much for joining! Hope to see you around. :)

Mod's Choice

Simple yet effective. Very nice cropping, not too sharpened or blurry. Totally hot.

01 : 04
02 : 02
03 : 02
04 : 03
05 : 26
06 : 12
07 : -
08 : 33
09 : 05
10 : 09

Congratulations to everyone who made this far. We're past halfway through! :D I'll post the next challenge in a little while.
Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2

Sad to see you go, Lauw & MissRoosFox!
Congratz to sherlockanne!

Oh gosh. Now it's me against the giants!
:lol: I'm afraid I'm next. LOL