Re: Talk LIMS #7: Round 8 - Valera ~ Now Up!

Least Quality:
01 - The text is oddly placed
06 - Valera seems a little too bright
04 - The opposite problem. Valera seems too dark for me.

Best Quality:
10 - I like the pattern of the background and the black and white just accentuates it more.
09 - I really like the placing of the font as well as the font.

Axelsonfire I believe you're voting for the last set of icons the ones for Valera and not the ones for Henry. There's not a number 10 in this set ;)
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Re: Talk LIMS #7: Round 8 - Valera ~ Now Up!

^^ There's also no Valera. :p

:lol: well yeah ;)

I wonder if it threw her off since it says Re: Talk LIMS #7: Round 8 - Valera ~ Now Up! How exactly does it say that above her post, did she reply to someone's post from the Valera voting ... * is confused *
Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

08 too blurry.
09 The cyan takes over the icon to much, makes it look odd.
03 too blurry, makes the face disappear in the background.

Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

08 - Image is blurry
09 - weird coloring, too much blue/cyan on the icon.
02 - text texture doesn't fit that well w/ the icon

Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

08 - The icon is blurry, the crop is odd and the text is placed too close to the edge, IMO
05 - Henry is a bit grainy and the background is blurry
03 - see comments to entry #08; it could have used a touch of sharpness

07 - The icon really stands out because it's so bright and clear. Like it
01 - Nice coloring and the text goes well with it
Re: LIMS #7: Challenge 9 Voting!

09 - As much as I love the idea of the text, the icon is too cyan &, honestly, I really had a hard time to find out what it was.
07 - sorry odd cropping & I really don't understand the texure, I mean all those lines above his head.
05 - the cropping is good & the idea is quite good too, but Henry's (is it Herny since I've never seen this guy, sorry I'm not following LV too much :lol:) face is too grainy & all the formulas behind his head drive me crazy. It would have been better, if you had put them next it.

06 - love the texture, it matches perfectly w/ the rest of the icon
02- great texture & grea idea of putting the brush in that way.

*cough*whoever voted for 10*cough* well, as far as I can see, it doesn't exist ;)
EDIT: oh well I didn't see the posts before :lol:
Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

Right...this is getting harder and harder!! And isn't Henry adorable?!

09. While the crop is interesting the icon itself is messy and cluttered, I had to look at it for a while before I could figure out what I was looking at.
06. The icon is really faded and nothing seems to stand out. The focus is split between Henry and the text so the eye wanders a bit while looking at the icon.
04. The icon doesn't stand out and the eye-hole effect doesn't seem to suit the crop.

05. The icon is crisp and the colour/lightening compliments Henry. The addition of science text adds interest while keeping the focus intact.
07. I love this icon! Nice work on getting Henry out of the background, the text and texture are interesting without overpowering the icon.
Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

Come on everyone, I know it's tough, but I need more votes than this! I have fresh cookies...
Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

9 - The coloring is interesting but might benefit from being dialed back a bit. Particularly in regards to contrast. It begins to overpower the image making it almost unintelligible which is important to avoid when the crop is unusual. I also wish there was more clarity in the font because it's such an appropriate typeface I wish it was better shown off.
4- So much softening light and glow in the image and the text is making the area of focus harder to understand, even though the coloring is great. You might also try using vectors when you create shapes to help make the edges of that circle much more clean.
5 - Crop works great, but I wish coloring and contrast were handled better. The bright patch on his head makes an unintentional focal point.

7 - Simple. Clean. Adorkable. Love it.
3 - Nice crop and simple composition are great. I just wish the artifacts in the image were cleaned up a bit.
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Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

5 - font not clear, too much going on in the top right corner, bright spot is overpowering making it hard to focus on anything else
6 - colors muddy, seems blurry
9 - too much contrast and saturation, font hard to read, image grainy

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Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!

OK, I stared at the icons for two days now, and still I'm not sure. Thanks Meg for another tough round! ;) :lol:

4 - it's a great idea, but sadly the circle effect doesn't work well with this cropping and coloring, it's hard to identify the subject.
9 - nice idea, and I personally like the font you used, further more respect for choosing that screencap, it's the hardest to work with, but as it's already been said:
the right half is too saturated and with too much contrast, so the left side appears to be too grainy and blurry, it'd been better to "wash out" the cyan a bit instead of increasing the color. I hope I made any sense, sorry, it's hard this round.
8 - too blurry and also grainy, and the place of the text isn't the best. Perhaps working with a light effect instead of text would've fit better?

2 - I like the whole composition of this icon: crop, use of texture/brush, coloring, great! Perhaps a tiny bit too bright in some areas, but that's a matter of taste ;)
6 - using this capture alone earns applause! :D Seriously, I think you chose a great coloring, I like such icons, and also the crop is well done, nice lightning. The text is a bit distracting from the subject, though, perhaps a bit smaller? IDK, overall great work!
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Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Voting!


09 - The icon is somewhat cluttered, and the cyan colouring kinda takes over.
05 - Henry seems to be somewhat oversharpened.
08 - I really like the idea, but to me Henry looks to be somewhat blurred.


02 - I just generally love the icon, the texture works well, and the crop is great.
07 - I like the crop, and the brush effect looks great.
Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Results!

Challenge 9 Results

It's that time again. This time, we say goodbye to:

by lusiana88

by dopebabygirl

Sorry to see you go, congrats to both of you for making it this far!

Voter's Choice:

Congrats Vera! Great icon :)

Mod's Choice:

Cute crop, wonderful colouring, nice overall feel. Great work!

01: +1
02: -2+6 = +4
03: -3+2 = -1
04: -5+1 = -4
05: -6+2 = -4
06: -2+3 = +1
07: -2+7 = +5
08: -7
09: -9+2 = -7

Well, that brings us down to 8 participants, which means that we have only 3 challenges left. If you thought this one was tough...
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Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 9 - Results!

Sorry to see you go lusiana and dopebabygirl! :(

Congrats Vera!!!! I loved your icon the second I saw it :)
Congrats to roxi as well!