This episode was from last Wednesday, we finally got around to watching it last night, so my overview of this gripping episode~
A little boy Nicholas almost gets hit by a cabbie, and 3 other people were arguing~
ing and disputing who was right and who was wrong, meanwhile, as the boy is walking away, someone pulls him into a colorful van. All 3 give different theories of what happened. Olivia, Elliot and Ice-T are confused. Sharon Stone as Jo, with another guest spot was great in this one. THey find the B-day van and a clown who wasn't involved. They move on and find the van who did take the boy, and they find his backpack and books inside, but no boy~
They think the mom is involved, have video tape of her at his school earlier, giving him an "amulet" for good luck. The dad [Paul] comes raging into the station and shouting "where is the bitch", and they were never married. Her name is Sofi. He had total parental custody, because she wanted to take him to China and he said "NO". They talk to the mom and they both have totally different stories. They go to her apt. and find a 'pot of gold' in evidence. A passport for him and a one way ticket to China. All points to her having him kidnapped. A former Green Beret seems the possible perp. but they find him and realize he had nothing to do with this. He backed out when he realized, the dad had sole custody of Nicolas. Then get a call and find a car in the bay with the kidnapper and the boy..dead.. in the back seat

Horrible for everyone. The mom Sofi, freaks out and goes psycotic, and think's he still alive. The morgue with him so sad. Dad burst in and screams at her, she goes "get away from my son", then pulls out a gun she absconded from a officer.. Olivia pulls her gun and Sofi starts shooting and Paul the dad ducks and she shoots Melinda, the coronor

She starts threatning everyone and it's a horrfying scene. Olivia and Joe try to stop the bleeding and they get gauze to stop it form the cabinet. The dad again starts screaming and she goes "Don't talk that way in front of my son"

Meanwhile Elliot finds an air-conditioning duct and crawls up into above all of the, She hears it and shoots into the ceiling but misses. He then gets a call that it was the dad who arranged the kidnapping:wtf: He had hired some low-life wih a prison record to kidnap the boy. Olivia inserts a tube into Melinda with her wounded and bleeding but concious enought to gve her instructions, Stunning:wtf: Jo, starts talking to the mom about Nicolas to pretending he's still alive. She removes the amulet from around his neck and is sobbing.. Tell me about him", she does then she shares her sad story about her mascetomy and how her boyfriend left after wards "I died inside" she says, but you've got to move, on, I did, and came here" with Elliot listening.". The mom finds compassion and hands over her son, [who's she's beeen talking to, acting like he's still alive] and singing to him, she drops the gun and it's all over. Melinda is ok. GEEZ, this was stomach and heart wrenching, from the beginning to the end. I swear these finales are sucking the life out of me. This was a earth shattering episode. All cast members were awesome:bolian: