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I don't want him to die. I don't think my heart could take it again, especially after that "Mystery Spot" episode!
Every time Dean died in 'Mystery Spot' my heart jumped! I hope that they don't do another episode like that. Although I haven't seen evil Dean but those eyes do creep me out :wtf:
Thanks for the welcome speed_cochrane.

At first I kinda found it funny that Dean kept dieing in "Mystersy Spot" but towards the end it was sad because you could see that it was really getting to Sam that he was powerless to save his brother.
i'm a little late with this but welcome Cara1090! i hope you enjoy it in here :)

as far as the whole dean dieing thing, i think it would be interesting to see what kind of things would conspire between him and sam. especially if dean comes back as a demon. like Geni said it could get a little 'angel' like which isn't a bad thing as long as the writers don't stary too far away from the relationship that they've built between sam and dean.
the 1st few times dean bit it in 'mystery spot' i cringed but, i have to admit that the ways they kept killing him were creative and funny as hell. i think i laughed more through that episode than i expected.
Welcome Cara1090! :)

I laughed loads through "Mystery Spot" too, but at the end with Sam it was really sad and really broke my heart seeing how he dealt with it and his obsession finding the trickster. :(

After nearly 2 years we're finally getting Supernatural back on Dutch TV here, but the time they gonna air it at night isn't a good time at all unfortunately :(
The thing is, according to Ruby you slowly get turned into a demon in hell as it slowly kills off your humanity, right? I mean, look at John- when he escaped he was still his old self; he hadn't been destroyed by hell yet.

So even if Dean does go to hell, it would be a long time until he became a demon...
Okay, I was reading the synopsis at and the new episode totally makes fun of Paranormal State/Celebrity Paranormal Project etc. :lol: I can't wait to see it. I was kind of confused by the randomness of the synopsis but I suppose I'll understand the episode better when I see it.
After reading the interview with AJ, this sounds like it could be the episode his character is coming back for! :D

didn't know if that should be in spoiler text or not, but better safe than sorry :)
I'm not even sure what the program is that they're referring to in the spoiler is... but I guess I can figure out the gist of it from the title. Could be entertaining to say the least. I can't wait until the end of April for a new episode! Grrrrr... arrrrrrg. They need to get crackin' sooner!

So, I guess the boys are back in town again (Vancouver). Too bad I'm never out in the burbs where they seem to do most of their filming. I hope their apartments are somewhere cooler, or at least that they get to spend some quality B.C. time outside of Burnaby! Bleh.
Hey I was just re-watching the one where Dean thinks that kid might be his son and it got me to thinking... I wonder when they're going to touch on all of Sam and Dean's mothers friends being wiped out by the yellow eyed demon? I'd still like to know what that's all about.
Somebody please create the new thread :D By the time it's done, I'll lock this one.

The new thread is located here.

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