Henricksen: I shot the sherrif.
Dean: But you didn't shoot the deputy.
This is the only show that can take the lamest line and make it the most hilarious 10 seconds of the entire episode.
^^ And I actually like Bela. I think she has an edge to her and we don't know a whole lot about her. The door has been cracked open on her life (see: Red Sky At Morning) so it would be great if she were delved into a bit more. She seems heartless on the outside but she does have a bout of humanity to her.
I wonder why she stole the colt. Was it to fend off demons on her own? Because I think she knew what was coming. So I don't necessarily think she stole it to sell it.
Oh man ^ That Lillith chick scared the crap out of me. She had them white eyes.
Holy nutcrackers Batman! This is interesting--the boys up against a little girl. Assuming of course she'll stay inside the little girl. I think it makes her a lot more creepy, in a 'Children of the Corn' sort of way.
And Dean, my gosh. His obssession about the virgin was enough to make this serious episode a lot more light-hearted. :lol: Leave it to Dean to oppose killing a virgin.
Dean: I have virtue.
Ruby: :lol:
Loved it.
Is it just me or does Dean get shot in the same shoulder every time? He needs bullet proof sleeves. >.<