Rellaaaa, I didn't know that about the episode's title. That's pretty cool. I love how a title or a storyline always means something when it comes down to lore or even history. Me loves the research they do on this show, makes it that much more fun to watch.
The episode was awesome! Not so much for the plot, but because of the revelation concerning Dean and that he can't get out of the deal. I think I just about freaked out on MSN and some on this board can attest to that.
Dean's line was awesome about the bunny. I didn't know he felt so strongly for fuzzy warm creatures. :lol: *squishles him*
Gah, but about what Ruby told him. POOR DEAN! I have a theory that he might come back as a demon and it'll be all 'Angel' where he's hunting what he is. Bwaha, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of the show, no?
Thank GAWD there are a few episodes left. I think this writer's strike has got me on my last nerve. Supernatural is the only thing that will pull me through without flatlining.
The episode was awesome! Not so much for the plot, but because of the revelation concerning Dean and that he can't get out of the deal. I think I just about freaked out on MSN and some on this board can attest to that.
Dean's line was awesome about the bunny. I didn't know he felt so strongly for fuzzy warm creatures. :lol: *squishles him*
Gah, but about what Ruby told him. POOR DEAN! I have a theory that he might come back as a demon and it'll be all 'Angel' where he's hunting what he is. Bwaha, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of the show, no?
Thank GAWD there are a few episodes left. I think this writer's strike has got me on my last nerve. Supernatural is the only thing that will pull me through without flatlining.
OMG!! EVIL!DEAN! OMG!! Okay, I'm 100% sure it's a dream anyhow but YAY EVIL!DEAN! So I finally understand the demon eyes with it. Dean's worst nightmare is himself as a demon. Bwaha, I've been waiting for this episode ever since I heard of it which was...months ago. Please thursday, come quickly.