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We all have our dirty little secrets; even me.

Yeah, poor Sam... it must be so hard for him; and Dean is doing such a great job at playing the role of big brother.
I'm happy now i've found the Supernatural thread. I love this show it's brilliant and i'm glad there's going to be a second season because it should go on. I'm loving Dean he's HOT and i'm all excited every sunday night now for Supernatural. Looking forward to the Vampire episode tomorrow night, i'm kinda into vampire films so yeah this should be a good episode, and plus it's got their father in it. I LOVE Jeffrey Dean Morgan, i love Jensen Ackles as well, but i have to admit to liking and having a little crush on JDM, ok so he's 40 but i'm 20 so it's not so bad, and it's not illegal cause i'm over age............i'm dreaming. Anyway back track. I'm looking forward to the season final my sister showed me a clip from it of the ending and wow my heart was in my mouth.
I liked the finale. Even though I'm a recent fan and I haven't seen all of season 1.

Aww Dean IS such a good big brother. If he was my big brother I'd be proud to be his...Little sister.. :lol:
Yeah i know i love Dean he's great isn't he. And i loved the episode Something Wicked because we got to see Dean opening up a bit more about their past. Dean always seems to change the subject or clam up whenever Sam talks about their mother or about what happened. And it was good to see him open up more, and i can tell he's still probably hurting from it all.
*huggles Dean*

I think in season 2 he'll open up a little more. I just hope that the personal development doesn't get in the way of the humor a$$-kickingness.
No me either, and i'm hoping Sam will be a little less selfish in S2, cause at the moment i think in S1 he's been selfish at times. But that's just my opinion.
He does seem a little selfish. But I like him anyway. You can't be perfect all the time. ;)

*Is excited for season 2*
No your right you can't, and yeah i'm excited for S2 as well. I'm looking forward to tonight's episode with the vampires. We get to see John again yay.
i saw the one eppy where dean was in trouble for raping a girl right? and the whole time i was like NO DONT RIP YOUR BEAUTIFUL CHEST!!! :lol:
^^ which one is that?!

I liked that vampire one last night as well. I liked the way the had perceived vampires, how to turn someone into a vampire and how to kill vampires - all very original! :)
LMAO! It really annoys me when I am watching Supernatural with me parents because they talk all the way through, saying what is going to happen and complaining about all the soppy scenes - I LOVE all the soppy scenes, it is what makes Supernatural so great, on top of the actors and storylines :D
I'm guessing you like Dean? :lol:
I love sarcasm so that is one reason why I like Dean so much, but I also really like Sam, just because it's Sam - the way he looks reminds me of someone :D I don't like their dad though, but I don't know if that is just me or the way they have protrayed him...
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