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:) I loved "Route 666" it is a great episode, and I recorded it so I can watch it again whenever I want too, even though I've already seen it at least 6 times :lol:.
I don't blame you 915! "Route 666" is a wonderful episode to re-visit again and again. :D

Here is a question for everyone:

What are some of your favorite quotes? [from any episode]
Okay favorite quotes let me think of one. I've got it!

Sam: "Kids are the best? You don't even like kids."
Dean: "I love kids."
Sam: "Name three children that you even know."
Dean: "I'm thinking!"

Dead in the Water
:lol: That's an awsome one. Dean really had to think hard about it too! I have TONS of favorites, but here are a few.


Dean: "Hold me Sam, that was beautiful."


Lynda Bloome: Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or...
[looks at Sam and Dean]
Lynda Bloome: sexual orientation.
Dean Winchester: Hmm, right. (to Sam) I'm gonna go talk to Larry. Okay, honey? [slaps him on the butt]


Dean: What are you going to do?
Sam: I'm gonna watch Meg.
Dean: Haha, yeah you are...
Sam: I just wanna see about the symbol!
Dean: Alright you little pervert.
:lol: Great quotes guys. My favorite has to be:

Phantom Traveller

Sam: Are you humming Metallica?
Dean: It calms me down.


Sam: Well me? Not much, but...Dean's a cop.
Dean: ..*smiles* Detective.


Becky: What do you think this is, Hooters?
Dean: I wish.

Pilot episode

Dean: Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.


Dean: *drinks coffee* I still don't know what we're doing here at five thirty in the morning.


Sam: *pointing gun* Where's my brother?
Dean: You're about to shoot him!

:lol: ...That's all I have for now.
:lol: I love those speed_cochrane! It was so cute how Dean was so nervous about flying. Here is one of my favorite quotes from "Faith"


Dean: Hey you better take care of that car or I swear I’ll haunt your ass.
Sam: I don’t think that's funny.
Dean: Come on it a little funny (long pause) look Sammy what can I say it’s a dangerous gig, I drew the short straw, that’s it end of story.
Sam: Don’t talk like that we still have opinions.
Dean: What options? You got burial or cremation, I know it’s not easy, but I’m gonna die and you can't stop it.
Sam: Watch me
[I apologize for the double post]

I saw "Hell House" last night and I love that episode! The boys played some great pranks on each other. I kept laughing when Sam was squirming around while he was making his way to the table and when he was sitting down. The beer bottle prank is awsome. I love Sam's laugh. :D

Here is a quote I love from that episode:

Hell House

Dean: Looks like old man Murdoch was a bit of a tagger during his time.
Sam: And after his time, too. The reverse cross was used by satanists for centuries, but the sigil of sulphur didn't show up in San Francisco until the '60's
Dean: Exactly why you never get laid
:lol: I love that quote. Dean is hilarious.

I can't wait until season two starts, I'm excited to see what they come up with for another 20 some episodes. :D
:lol: I love Dean. I love his quotes too. Everything he says makes me laugh. My favorite quote of all time?

Dean: Dude, you're fugly.


This week I think we had the episode where these three sickos hunt people for fun and Dean teamed up with a policewoman to find Sam. Couldn't remember the name of the episode. :p
:D Yeah, Dean has some amazing quotes. I am too speed_cochrane! I'm looking forward to what they'll get into and have to fight next season.

That's a great quote DoreenCSI! The episode you're talking about is "The Benders". Those people were crazy! It was so sweet of Dean to do everything he could to find Sam.
Yeah, it was very sweet of Dean. All the more reason to love him. :D And Sam was like "Don't call me Sammy" somewhere in the episode. Too cute.
Yeah! That was when Alvin Jenkins and Sam were caged in that barn. He was trying to jimmy open the lock or something and Jenkins said, "Why don’t you give it up, Sammy, there’s no way out." and then that's when Sam said, "Don't call me Sammy!" He's let Dean slid with calling him Sammy a few times though.
Dean is the whole reason I watch the show... well that and I just love the supernatural/scary stuff. The show has excellent dialogue and Jensen has amazing comedic timing. :)

I'm excited because they just aired the first show I haven't seen- they put it against CSI last year and since I watch and tape CSI at the same time, I couldn't watch Supernatural anymore. Now I get to see how the season ended! Yay! :D
Oh yeah Dean has the best combacks and lines. The show really does have amazing dialogue and great writers. I love they dynamic between Sam and Dean [as well as Jared and Jensen]. Hope the show remains and keeps on being brilliant.

Yeah, that kinda messed things up. I still got to see most of the CSI: and Supernatural episodes, but now I'm all caught up on both. :D
Ok, I just can't contain myself any longer, I can't resist posting in here any longer...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!!!! I can't get enough of it!

But unfortunately, I have yet to see the last two episodes, and I want to remain as close to 100% spoiler-free as possible, so I'm going to resist reading this thread until then.

But you can expect to hear MUCH more from me in the future... heck, I've had this saved in my favorites for weeks, just haven't actually read it yet. :lol:

Oh Sam and Dean... could you BE any more AWESOME?? And I really look forward to seeing what happens with psychic!Sam. :D :D *squee*
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