Ah Lisa and Dean :O Seriously the only woman I liked with Dean besides Jo
"Yeah I'm amazing," :lol: I don't know why I found that funny.
"Melitia" :lol:
"I hate to tell you but those were Demons and this is the Apocalypse, so buckle up," :lol:
So many of these people are familar
Brett Dier "Dylan" Was on an episode of Smallville called "Apocalypse" :lol:
Michael Shanks "Rob" Wasn't that Hawkman on Smallville? I didn't watch that episode only saw clips/promo pictures.
"Wedding, seriously?"
"Is that a 12 year old packing salt rounds?"
Yeah ... don't trust the "cute" girls Dean.
"you are the cutest, I mean that with total respect of course" :lol:
"You have reached the voice mail of..."
"I don't understand why do you want me to say my name" :lol: The dialing :lol:
I giggled everytime Dean said "Padre" :lol:
"having backup" :lol:
"you saved my ass twice already, once more time you can drive" :lol:
Poor Dylan
Dean does get sad when he's not able to save someone/protect them.
"No drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex. That just outlawed 90% of your personality."
"Yeah whatever, When In Rome" :lol:
"Where have you been,"
"Had a drink,"
"Rebel," :lol:
"I would have had more but it was curfew" :lol:
"Since Angels got the only lifeboats on the Titantic" :lol:
"It's pass curfew" :lol:
:guffaw: Drunk Cas!
"I got your message ... long message and I find the sound of your voice grating,"
"What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?"
"No ... Yes,"
"What the hell happened to you?"
"I found a liquor store,"
"And I drank it," :guffaw:
"Don't ask stupid questions" :lol:
"Where have you been?"
"on a bender,"
"did he just say on a bender?"
"yeah he's still pretty smashed,"
"It is not of import," :lol: "we need to talk about what's happening here,"
"what is she exactly?"
"the whore,"
"wow cas tell us what you really think," :lol:
"you breed with the mouth of a goat ... it's funnier in Inokian," :lol:
"poor example of one" Cas...
"You should probably just down the whole bottle"
"don't be so sure whore"
:wtf: So Dean's thinking of saying yes, I'm thinking that's why he was able to kill her.
Oh ... the whole part with Lisa and Dean Wow ... I'm sure something is going to happen to her and Ben, which will cause Dean want to say Yes even more. Then watch it come out that Ben is actually his