I'm thinking it'll be The Trickster/Gabriel. I think they've been through enough to consider each other friends.
:lol: It'd be cool if Gabe was on Team Free Will.
Well, Gabriel is set to return in next week's episode (according to imdb)... so if that clip of Dean looking surprised at who is behind him... if that scene is at the very end of the episode and they leave the identity of the person as a cliffhanger then I could see it being Gabriel since he's in the next week. Otherwise, it must be someone else. I can't really see why they'd refer to him as "an old friend". :lol:
As for the "angels' new plan that will horrify Sam, Dean and Castiel", it'll probably be using Adam as Michael's vessel. Bleh. I would have preferred if the plan was to be Dean, that it would actually BE Dean. Screw the Apocalypse.
Yeah, I definitely think that might be their plan. Though I'm hoping God steps in one last time and brings Adam back to give Dean another reason to say no to Michael. :lol: In the spoiler pic, Adam looks beat up. I wonder how that happened. But then again, even if Michael takes Adam as his vessel, he couldn't use him to kill Lucifer because the prophecy stated that it has to be Dean.
That's why I think Dean is gonna get some angel powers at some point. That's the only other way he can successfully kill Lucifer without Michael taking over. But then again, they may just put Lucifer back in his cell rather than kill him. I think if Zach doesn't die, he should be forced to be the new "devil". He admitted he's petty... and I wouldn't think that that was a trait becoming of an angel of the Lord. :lol: Petty is also sometimes followed with the word "jealousy" which is basically one of the seven deadly sins isn't it? :lol:
On-screen sib Jared Padalecki then added that Sam and Dean’s bond could hit “rock bottom” by season’s end."
Don't they say that pretty much every year though?
Yes, they are always saying that. But they also said they'd repair the relationship before the end of the season. What repair it for a couple of weeks and then destroy it again? Yeesh. I know they're the descendants of Cain and Abel, but isn't this taking it a little too far? :lol: And there's still that whole thing with Lucifer telling Sam he'd say yes in Detroit. I think it was Detroit.