Awwwww... Poor Dean. How much more can the poor guy take, seriously. He got me all choked up there!
I really think they're positioning him so that in the end, he's really at risk for letting Michael take him over. Poor guy. He needs a hug! :lol:
Anything but a hug from Cupid, right :guffaw:
You know the blood at the beginning is starting to make sense now. With the bloodlines information from the last episode ... and I guess Sam and the demon blood
Really poor flashback, showing that they've dealt with a horseman before and you think it's not going to be hard figuring out that's what they're dealing with here ... smart!
:wtf: Seriously! The beginning was disgusting yuck ...
"I'm still wondering how she did it, well didn't do it" :lol:
"Unattached drifter's Christmas," :lol: "so you're not into bars full of lonely women," uhh uh Dean's not himself
Wow at the lady coming to her boyfriend's job :shifty: and the crazy thing is that there are probably people like that in the world ... but my thought when she opened fire on the other guy "who's the one who's whipped now"
Agent Marley :lol:
"Hey, Be My Valentine," :lol: sadly ... that reminded me of My Bloody Valentine :shifty:
"I'm there now," "yeah I get that" "I'm gonna hang up now" "right" :guffaw:
"you mean the little fat kid in diapers?" "they're not incontinent" :lol: Only Cas!
"I mean a cupid has gone rouge and we need to stop him before he kills again," "naturally," "course we do," :guffaw: for some reason that part cracked me up
"Dean, you're not gonna finish that" :lol:
:guffaw: Cupid!
"this is their handshake" "I don't like it," "no one likes it" :lol:
"that's a good idea, give him help cas," :lol:
"I love love, I love it and if that's wrong I don't wanna be right" :shifty: :lol: that was pretty erm lol
I was sort of confused about Cupid however. He still had nothing to do with the people dying? Or when Famine was around, did he just make these people who were branded by him so hungry for whatever it was that they urged so strong that they killed each other? For a second I was like, wait, the heaven's are killing people to make a horseman stronger :lol: but I know that's not the case.
:lol: Dean punching Cupid, reminded me of him punching Cas :lol:
:lol: "you just punched a cupid," "i punched a dick" :lol:
"Twinkie binge" that guy looked like he was about 5 months pregnant ... geez
Sammy, not sure to feel sorry for him or to :scream: it wasn't his fault afterall, it was Famine's. But then again he was having the urges in the beginning of the season.
:lol: Cas eating White Castle Burgers ...
:lol: at the "for what" at the same time.
Famine was really creepy! I don't know what is creepier old men on Supernatural or kids ...
:lol: Cas with his mouth full
:lol: Did Dean call Cas a Hamburglar?
:lol: "these make me very happy," "how many is that" "lost count it's in the low hundreds" :lol:
"wait your turn" that probably shouldn't have made me laugh ...
"hey happy meal" :lol:
Sam's gotten strong enough to excorcise more than one demon at once :wtf:
Dean asking for help
oh and off topic, but I just had to make that as my icon * points at icon * :guffaw:
Have a great day everyone