Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Business

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Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I watched the eppie where Sam started having strong visions & he tries to save a guy from killing his step mom. In that eppie, Dean was suppose to be shot in the head. I thought that was really happening, I almost burst into tears. It was upsetting. In last week's eppie his heart failed him & now he almost gets shot. Is this a show where they try & kill Dean in different possible ways???
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Is this a show where they try & kill Dean in different possible ways???
:lol: You should watch the ep "Myestery Spot" from S3 :lol:

One thing I love abut this show is how easy it is to watch episodes over and over. Some shows I get really bored watching the re-runs, but with Supernatural, it's just as good the second time around :)

I was watching Dead in the Water last night, and I just loved when Dean was talking to Lucas.

Dean: You're scared. It's okay, I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom - I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe...your dad wants you to be brave, too.

Aww. So sweet. And then a bit later:

Sam: You know, um...what you said about never told me that before.
Dean: It's no big deal...Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?

:lol: Dean and his "no chick-flick moments".
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Wow, that was the fastest engagement ever. Looks like Jared is a swinging single again. Jensen and Jared can have those, "Who is whose wingman?" discussions again. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

aww thats kinda sad though, but atleast they figured things out before they actually got married.
thanks for the links Lorelai!
and i LOVE dead in the water, that whole episode is great, what DragonflyDreamer posted is one of my fave moments from that episode.
and i too can watch the reruns over and over and not get tired from it.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

When I read the thing about the ice, I was LMAO trying to picture him doing that. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Hey guys! Geni has alerted me to a fantastic update regarding Ten Inch Hero:


"As of today, Ten Inch Hero will be distributed and shown in the following countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Lichtenstein."

Congrats to those countries! As I wrote in the blog: One Small Step for man, one GIANT leap for mankind.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Like you said, it amazing how each episode can be seen over and over again, and still feel good! ;)

This is perfection. These scenes could not be better!

I didn't deserve what he put on me! And I don't deserve to go to Hell!


You can't escape me, Dean. You're gonna die, Dean! And this, this is what you're gonna become!


And the end of "Dream a Little Dream of Me" it's the best episode ending that I have ever seen.

I've been doing some thinking. And well, the thing is, I don't want to die. I don't want to go to Hell.

Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Aw, Dean :( For someone who doesn't do "chick-flick" movies, he certainly has his moments.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I am so glad that Ten Inch Hero is coming to Holland and I am definitely gonna go a few times when I can just to see Jensen, which is a rare thing here. :p

I wish the TV here would stop pushing Supernatural around, but if it gets on a earlier time than 10:25pm then I am all for it, but if not then they should just air it now and I am impatient seeing my boys back on TV.

I can't wait for the DVD to be released on September 2nd neither and it's gonna be an amazing with the new season starting 2 days later again and JDM being in the theater here also then. :D
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Jared new interview

From Splatter Films:
"On Friday the 13th, June 13th to be exact, I was sent to the set of Friday the 13th, which was just about to wrap up principal photography in Austin, Texas. Of the many people we got to talk to from this fresh new horror film was Jared Padalecki who stars as Sam Winchester on the hit CW series, Supernatural. As we were wrapping the interview up, I asked the actor for some tidbits on the upcoming season, which he'll start filming soon after this film wraps. Here's what he had to say..."

Quotes:"...Usually, Smallville premieres and we premiere a few weeks later, but they're bringing us back early so probably late August, early September is my guess..."

On both of our sites, MovieWeb and SplatterFilms, there is a pretty big fanbase for Supernatural.

Jared Padalecki: Oh, right on!

I read an interview with the creators and they said that Dean might be in hell for longer than we may think. Can you elaborate on that at all?

Jared Padalecki: Yeah. I don't know a whole lot of the specifics, but I know there are a few episodes written. They're going to give me the outlines for them very very soon. I do something weird and if we're shooting Episode One and (the script for) Episode Two comes out, I won't even read it until I'm done with One, because I just don't want to start thinking about it. It started because Season 2 had a sex scene and I read about it a few episodes before. All I did was think, 'Oh God I have to wake up and go to the gym.' I was thinking about it three weeks before instead of worrying about what I'm shooting. So I've been careful because with the demanding schedule of Friday the 13th, but, while shooting those episodes, I don't want to start getting into Sam Winchester while I'm playing Clay Miller.

I've heard whisperings that he's going to be in hell and I might have to figure out a way to go get him, which would be wicked cool. I hope they end up doing that and I think there are whisperings that Sammy may have to get a little bit more dark-side that we've seen him, which I've been waiting for years to do, so I'm excited about that.

So when are they planning on premiering that season?

Jared Padalecki: They have us starting on the first week of July.

Will it be a fall premiere then?

Jared Padalecki: Yeah. I know they want to air us with Smallville, which is why they have us shooting earlier. Usually, Smallville premieres and we premiere a few weeks later, but they're bringing us back early so probably late August, early September is my guess.

Watch for my set visit preview coming up soon that will feature a special treat: a picture of yours truly and the new Jason, Derek Mears, in full costume, machete and all! That's all for now, folks. Peace in. Gallagher out!
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Oh, tantalizing info about the season opener... Could be intense! I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle that.

Anybody seen any interviews with Jensen on the set of his movie, My Bloody Valentine? I haven't noticed anything online, but I didn't look that hard. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Ooh, thanks for sharing Lorelai :D Sounds like the new season is going to have a very interesting start.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

^^ I haven't seen any interviews with Jensen, but did put out a blog entry from the writer of 'My Bloody Valentine' where he talks about the movie, the cast and certainly Jensen. You can find it here.

And because it's kind of long, here are some snippets:

I actually suck at playing Hollywood. I'm known to speak my mind much to my own detriment. If I didn't like something I'd tell you. But Jensen, Jaime, Kerr, Edi, Betsy...the entire cast...they really are just that good. Their performances make me look like a better writer. Sure, it's just a horror movie but man is it going to be a well done horror movie. I'm just proud to be a small part of it.

This is just a small thing but I found it endearing. I guess it was day one. I had not yet been introduced to Mr. Ackles. And there was no guarantee that I would be. Writers tend to drool, belch and break wind so the powers that be like to keep up away from the talent. Truth is, writers, we do our part early on. We may tweak a line or two during production or make a quick change due to budget restraints but our job is to stay out of the way once the cameras start rolling. We become both unseen and forgotten.

So, I was well hidden in the shadows across the set from where Jensen was shooting a very intense scene. Cut. Then as the crew moved camera and lights for the next set up, Jensen crossed the entire set. I remember looking up and thinking, hmm, wonder where he's going. Turns out he was coming to introduce himself to me.

Looks, talent and just a wonderfully nice guy. Keep him safe, Fandom, he's one of the good ones.

And speaking of dreamy…Jensen Ackles. Good lord. No fella should be that good looking. And that deep voice of his? Swoon. Mel adored him on Smallville, which led to our watching Supernatural where I was introduced to his talent. I like Supernatural. I like him in the show. But I just didn’t expect the performances I’ve been seeing. I guess I was prejudging the good looks. Sue me. We’re all bastards in our own way. His role is one of those challenging roles that can be played vanilla or stunning. It’s a risk for an actor to take on a role like this. I once saw an actor not only lose his job but I personally rewrote his character out of the script because the actor had gone with vanilla. Jensen went with stunning. I watched him shoot a scene on night two that gave me goosebumps. Patrick refers to him as a young Steve McQueen.

Aw. :D

And thanks Lorelai for the interview!

Also, bah! I hope 'Ten Inch Hero' gets released in Canada--Lord knows a lot of Jensen's fan base is here. Wee.

^ Megan, I know what you mean about the whole 'chick-flick moment' thing. Dean sure doesn't like 'em but he can deliver 'em like no tomorrow. I need to start counting how many times the boys cry because it's a lot more often than a lot of other shows. :lol:
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Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Wow, the writer really likes him, huh? That's nice to hear. I know we get to see how goofy they are in the "behind the scenes" stuff for Supernatural, but it's really amazing to hear that he's also very professional, and perhaps just as importantly, respectful. I'd admire people like that. It would be too easy for a young up and coming actor to take the prima donna route. I'm glad Jensen didn't.
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