Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Business

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Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

wow, i did not know they had an online game either. thats neat.
yeah i am in total agreement with everyone, i just don't think 5 seasons is enough, of course thats just me beeing greedy and wanting more but still ha.
yeah so did any one else get totally ticked watching the rerun on friday and seeing the spoiler
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I didn't get to see the rerun. So what did they do, actually show what was going to happen, that's just stupid! How exciting is it going to be when you actually get to see the show * grr * :lol: Glad I didn't watch it ... I would've been ticked, what were the writers thinking? :lol: "Let's spoil the whole season premiere, we'll have more viewers than ever!"
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

yeah so did any one else get totally ticked watching the rerun on friday and seeing the spoiler

Could you please elaborate on that spoiler? I'm a spoiler junkie. :lol:

And, those 5 seasons, well they almost cancel the show , and the fans kept it going. So , my guess is that if we beg and cry Kripke will probably come up with a little something and give us another season. ;) Basically just gotta keep the ratings up.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Just a quick question: Were you ticked because they showed a spoiler or were you ticked at what happened in the spoiler? I just want to know if I need to worry or something. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

GNRFan, basically we are upset because they are showing spoilers for NEXT season during reruns. Some of us (me, for example) don't want to be spoiled at all for the upcoming season so it's very upsetting.

I found out from Geni that Supernatural's been nominated for an EMMY! ... for sound edititing -_-. OH well. It's a start, you know?
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

LOL. I'm sure the sound editors are very proud of themselves though. Good for them. :)

^ I didn't see the spoiler crawl, but er, I'm not sure that's what the fans meant when they asked for more publicity/love from the network. I was *this close* to sending a snotogram to The CW for the way they underpromote and ultimately underappreciate the show. I was reading a whole schpiel in TV Guide about it.

And count me in as one of the yokels that'll whine and cry to Kripke for at least 6 seasons. It's getting good and more popular every year. :eek: C'mon, don't end it yet. Although I do understand he wants to end it while it's still good, but it's one of those shows that could stay good for 10 seasons.

I don't get why he thinks since the 'find dad' and 'YED' arc is finished that the story is over. Oo The entire premise to the show was 'two brothers on a road trip hunting Supernatural beings and saving people as a horror-movie episode each week'. The 'find dad' thing was just a pretext. PRETEXT I TELL YOU. *cries in my soup* I have said it before, and I'll keep saying it. *pout*
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

i was just ticked because there were spoilers in general, and i, like Happilyhappy am trying to stay spoiler free, but if you want to know what was in the spoilers i'll tell ya.

Dean wakes up after 4 months, and doesn't remember being in hell, and hell time is different than earth time, so he was in there for a very long time, and will slowly remember what happened to him.

Sam has changed during Dean's being gone. (More than he did after Dean being Dead even longer in "Mystery Spot?")

There will be a time travel episode where they meet their Grandfather, who will be played by Mitch Pileggi (Yowsa!) from "The X-Files", and we'll see their parents as teenagers

Henkickson, Meg, and Ron (the guy who was hunting the shape-shifter in the bank) will be back

The boys will meet Dracula and the Wolf man, and there will be a mummy episode shot in black and white, and will look like an old movie.

There will be a Halloween ep that explores the holidays origins
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Holy Geezus, they gave that much away? :wtf: Great job CW.


I'm not sure how they'll encorporate Henrickson, Ron (YAY RON!) and Meg into the season but I'm assuming they'll be ghosts. Well, Meg is still out there somewhere so she's probably still a demon.
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Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

well there seems to be a crap load of csi info out already, maybe everyone is trying it to lure viewers back after the strike? the ideas all sound really cool though, i am already dying that i will have no tv access in grenada. will probably cave and get things off itunes, i caved and bought season 1 and 2 to catch up so who knows what will happen :lol:

there is so much folklore and legend out there, they could have many years more of storylines. i know angel did only 5 seasons, but i dont think joss whedon decided until season 4 to do only one more. but even with a year advance the last season and last big story arc felt rushed. i would hate supernatural to be rushed out of existence!! they should end when the time is right, none of this 'five years and then no more' hooey.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I agree, allmaple. Each week is supposed to be a new folklore/legend, and with hundreds of different legends (and this is only counting the american ones :p) they could easily go fullspeed for a good few years.

One legend I would absolutely LOVE to see (but most likely will never happen) is the Sara Winchester House Legend. It would be ironic to do so because Sara Winchester is the hier to the Winchester Rifles, and with Sam and Dean's last name as Winchester. :lol: I always thought that would be a cool one to see.
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Holy crap! Dracula and the Wolfman? Awesome! Meg? Egads! Enough of her already. Who is Ron? Henriksen sounds familiar. Is that the hunter that was trying to kill Sam and then he got turned to a vamp and had to be killed? Maybe Meg and Henriksen will be in hell when Dean's there? I dunno. Are we gonna get a more badass Sammy? :lol: It would actually be funny if Sam and Dean switched roles and Sam was the "kill everything demon" type and Dean was the more leniant type. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

the winchester mystery house!! how could that thought not have occurred to me? i tell you, every day there is more proof of how unobservant i am... i saw that house on a travel channel of the most haunted homes in the us, scared the crap out of me. always wanted to go there. there are some in new orleans that i did a night walk of that would be pretty cool too, the axe man in particular :)
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

That's how I learned of the house too! :lol: I just remember it because it's such an insane design, with the windows to nowhere and doors that lead to a "x" story drop. When I started to watch Supernatural I was like, "Dude!" I could so see Sammy walking in there, and because of his "psyhic abilities" see all the ghosts that have been trapped there. Or have the storyline be that Dean and Sam have to put to rest a crazy, restless spirit that likes to trap workers in mysterious rooms. :lol:
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

I've heard of that house! I never would have thought of it, but I would love to see that in an episode! That would be so great!

I also agree that the show should end when it feels right. They shouldn't set a timeline to it :p
Re: Supernatural #2 -Saving People, Hunting Things, the Family Busines

Ron was in the episode 'Nightshifter' in season 2. He was the one who thought the shapeshifter was a mandroid. :D Henrickson was the FBI cop that was chasing after the Winchesters. He first showed up in 'Nightshifter' and later appeared in 'Folsom Prison Blues', 'The Usual Suspects' and also season 3's 'Jus in Bello', where he was posessed and then ultimately killed by Lillith.

And ha, yes it would be funny to see Dean more lenient and Sam be all 'LET'S GO KILL SOME BADASS SH*T'. :lol: I can see Dean's face now: :wtf:

Oh oh! *raises hand* I've heard of the Winchester house! They need to use that. Or, something to do with the Winchester Rifle thing.

Happilyhappy said:
When I started to watch Supernatural I was like, "Dude!" I could so see Sammy walking in there, and because of his "psyhic abilities" see all the ghosts that have been trapped there. Or have the storyline be that Dean and Sam have to put to rest a crazy, restless spirit that likes to trap workers in mysterious rooms. :lol:

See this is why they should hire some of the fans to write this. :lol: Then again, a lot of the fans think like the writers anyhow. I don't know, I thought 'Ghostfacers' was the best idea ever. :lol:
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