Super Summer Showdown: FINAL ROUND!

Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 2

Vegas: Al and Archie
NY:Sid and Adam
Miami: Valera and Alexx.

I like the coroners, and the others, well, I just like them, and they were more memorable than the others.
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

ok round 2 is done! conrats to hodges, doc robbins, maxine, alexx, sid and adam who will be moving on in the next round!

now, heres where things get interesting. its time to vote for your favourite csi! like always, you can vote for two from each show. but if you want to vote for only one or no one from a particular show that is fine too.
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

Oh, this is a really tough round to vote in! All the CSI's are fantastic it is so difficult to pick just two. :p

So, after much deliberation I picked Grissom (my first CSI love) and Nick. And from NY I chose Mac and Danny. I didn't vote for Miami because I don't really have any favourites for it. :)
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

This ones too hard.

I watch CSI mostly for Nick so I voted for him. Didn't vote in Miami since I don't really like any of the characters that much (that's why I keep falling asleep during it). And I voted for Danny in NY since he's the only CSI I really like there.

I know - I chickened out and only voted for 1 in each so I wouldn't have to make the decision on who else to vote for. :lol:

Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

In Vegas I voted for Nick and Warrick
In NY I voted for Danny and Hawkes
and in Miami I voted for Speed and Calleigh. It was hard to chose between Calleigh and Eric, but Speed was a given :D
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

I voted for Grissom and Cath because they are my favs

In Miami I voted for Calleigh and Ryan

In NY I voted Mac and Stella

this one is hard because all the CSI are great :D
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

Ok my first choice of CSIs in CSI is a no brainer. It's Nick of course. I also voted for Warrick.
In Miami I voted for Calleigh and Ryan they both add a bit of creditably to the show.
In NY I voted for Mac the reason I watch the show and Danny.
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

Not too hard to pick from Vegas I have to say. First has to be Nick hands down. Second choice was a little more difficult as I really like pretty much all the CSIs. So - second was Greg as I like the dynamics between those two.

Miami was Horatio and Ryan. I got into Miami quite late on mainly because I felt the ensemble characters didn't work together as well as in Vegas. Not sure what changed, but I'm hooked on that too now (much as the original will always be my firm favourite).

Couldn't vote for anyone in NY as I've seen so few, although I think Gary Sinise is a fine actor.


I could slap myself for not noticing this thread earlier so I could vote for the lab techs. Gotta love Hodges. :D
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

well make sure to come back on the next two mondays to vote in the final rounds! :)

vegas for me was a no brainer. nicky and warrick. they work so well together and i think they have the greatest chemistry out of all the actors on the show. i enjoy the scenes they have together the most. which is why its a shame they didnt work together too much this past year.

from what ive seen on miami i picked calleigh and eric. havent gotten enough into the show to know everyone too well but i enjoy these two so they swayed me over the others.

and everyone feel free to let other forum members know about our little competition! especially since this monday we will be pitting all three shows against each other!
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 3

I picked Catherine and Warrick for Las Vegas because they are so different from the rest.

I picked Horatio and Calleigh for Miami. Horatio fights for the weaker members of society. Calleigh because she manages to be assertive and feminine at the same time.

Mac and Stella were my favorite New York detectives. Mac will do all he can to protect his city and country. I love Rambo Stella. She can take care of herself. If a man tried to rescue her she would probably push him out of the way.
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 4

ok, heres where things get really interesting... its time to put the shows against each other! can the characters from the spin offs take on those of the original? time to find out!

vote for your favourite lab tech, cop, and csi out of all the shows! feel free to spread the word to others on the board :) btw, since greg and nick tied in the vegas csi category i decided to include them both instead of putting them against each other to pick only one of them.
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 4

Ooh, that was difficult! I'll be interested to see the results of this one. :)

I voted for Don Flack and Jim Brass, Sid and Adam, and Grissom and Nick. But it was tough to choose just two, I could have easily voted for at least 3 or 4 in each category!
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 4

This was tough :
Fav cop/det Brass & Flack,I stopped watching Miami but Tripp was pretty funny...or,more likely,a little bit pathetic...
Fav lab tech,Hodges & Sid,but I love Adam too...
Fav CSI,Grissom & Danny Messer.
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 4

Tough decisions to make

Brass and Flack for the cops. I know it splits the shows but I have to take Flack over Sofia.
Hodges and Robbins for lab. It goes against the grain to vote for Hodges but he's good comic relief sometimes
Nick :) and Greg for CSIs. It was a no brainer on my part that it would be Nick :) and Between Grissom and Greg I decided to let the former lab rat have a go :)
Re: Super Summer Showdown: Round 4

Well it was Brass and Tripp for the cop vote. Good job I didn't have to pick just one - would've been tricky.
Lab techs was fairly straight forward - for me anyhow. Hodges and Robbins. I got to vote for Hodges! Yay! :D
CSIs. Well Nick (goes without saying), and I struggled between Greg and Ryan but chose the latter. :)