Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

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Went home from school and there's a pretty big wind outside again.. another one storm maybe? :rolleyes: :p +8C, that is pretty warm for January in here :p
We haven't had any snow but one day was a light dusting for like a couple of hours than it was gone. Winter not my favorite season but I do want it to snow at least once during it. Today is just cold and overcast. ;)
*singing* Florida sunshine! :D ok, not exactly :p
Sunny, clear sky, no wind .. can you believe that? i can't! :lol: not in here :D temp +5C beautiful day :)
they say that we'll have a big storm the next couple of days.
and i gotta walk to my uni. *gets blown away*
well, this definitly looks like a bad hair day for me. :lol:
Hy :D yes indeed, the warning for storm until 180 Km/h :(
but good, for my hair :lol: very short anti storm dress :lol:
Currently about 1 degree, is still kinda windy and oh-my-gosh it think it snowed a bit!!! Ok so it was kinda sleet but there were some flakes in there I am semi-sure about it *wonders if she is so desperate for snow that she is inventing it?*
It's very stormy outside! And now it's raining. A rainstorm! :eek:
I won't be able to get enough sleep tonight, I'm afraid. ^^
But it's not cold. That's a positive fact. :)
MAN... it's so strange people talking about wind km/h because here it's always m/s and then I don't want to do the calculations how much it is in m/s

Been around -2 today... very...icey.
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