Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done


CSI Level One

I just heard a really stupid thing that my sister-in-law did and thought that I'd share it with you all and encourage you to share your stupid stories - make someone's day by them laughing at your stupidity! :)

The story I just heard is that my sister-in-law, Erin, is trying to give up smoking and has a little spray thing that she sprays into her mouth that should help her to stop. But being as stupid as Erin is, she thought that she would try and make it work quicker by spraying it up her nose! :rolleyes: As a result she has burnt all the inside of her nose :lol:

Please share any funny stories you may all have...


Edit: Changed subject a bit because netlingo is annoying. Even it was used just because full words didn't fit. -DaW
Re: funny stories about stupid things u or some1 u know has done

:lol: cool!!

My mom went to a community college in New York to improver her English, right? Well one day she and her classmates were talking about how they've all been losing their memory. One of them, Songul, decided that she would go see a doctor about her memory loss. When she came back to class a week later, she told them he prescribed these pills that would help her memory... so my mom told her she would be using them too if they started to work for Songul. A week later the class asked her if the pills were working well enough... she replied: "I dont know. I keep forgetting to take them."

it'll take a while for you to get it...
Re: funny stories about stupid things u or some1 u know has done

hehe I LOVE that one :lol::lol::lol: Didn't take me long to get it (makes a change) Ahhh I'll be laughing at that one for ages, thanks :) Anymore anyone? x-x-x
Re: funny stories about stupid things u or some1 u know has done

ive shut a door on my head once, got no idea how though, haha. ive tried to do it on purpose and i cant, LOL!
Re: funny stories about stupid things u or some1 u know has

Speaking of hurting your head...
We have this tiled bar thing in between our kitchen and our living room, and one time I dropped something and I bent down to pick it back up and as I was standing up I hit my head on the corner of the bar and knocked off the corner tile!

I'm surprised I don't have brain damage I've hit my head so many times!! :lol:
Re: funny stories about stupid things u or some1 u know has

I work nights for a security alarm co. One night my partner went home sick so I was by myself till around 7am. Well around 3:30am I decided to grab something out of my truck, walked out the side door and as the door closed behind me I realized I had locked myself out of the damn building. Had to call my boss to come down and unlock the door for me. That was sooooo stupid. Blondes a spirit, not a hair color sometimes. :rolleyes: :eek:
Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

HA HA HA!! :lol: Oh god I love the security alarm company one - must have been so embarrasing having to ring your boss! Thanks for the website 'Roka4csi', I believe it's from the Amanda Show -
Hillbilly 1: Knock knock...
Hillbilly 2: Who's there?
HB1: Gonna hit you over the head with a fish...
HB2: Gonna hit you over the head with a fish who?
*HB1 hits HB2 over the head with a fish!*

Sorry I couldn't resist that, it's so ultra stupid and is even worse if you haven't seen it! Anyway back on topic:

When my brother was little he was given a science set for Christmas. He was experimenting one day and went running into where my parents were, screaming "I'm blind! I'm blind!". What had happened was that the experiment had blown up and he had goggles on that had got covered in black dust stuffy so he couldn't see - so my dad just told my brother to take his goggles off and then amazingly he could see again! :lol: :D

I love that one and always make fun of my brother for it! hehe :) Anymore? x-x-x
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

Golden_smile youre one of the rokas too!!! Amanda is my mentor. I want to be like her when i grow up, please.

Story: I have an ear obsession. I can't pass by a cotton swab thingy (the thing you clean your ear with) without picking one up and cleaniny my ear... even if I just cleaned it an hour ago. And I know its bad to clean your ears so much, and my biggest fear is going deaf, but I cant help it. Well, during this past summer, my obsession grew even more, because we bought these new ones that were fluffy, and I had to try one every hour :lol:... well one day I cleaned my ears so much that one of them started bleeding, I had scratched it with the stick. By the next morning, I felt the most horrible pain in my ear and it felt like there was an ocean in my ear... even though I had absolutely no wax. I went to the doctor the third day and he told me I had an infection, that the stick had scratched my ear and it had swollen inside, and thats why I was having difficulty hearing anything because of the water sound in my ear. That night, I was in the living room and my mom had the tv on and I was still thinking of what the doctor said... I hadn't noticed that the tv was on MUTE, so I thought the characters were talking but that I couldn't hear them... I screamed "MAMA" and my mom goes " what?" and I go "I CANT HEAR" .... see... i heard her say "what"... but I was so scared that I forgot I had heard her and ended up thinking I was deaf...
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

hehe! I bet your mum had a right laugh at that one! Your obsession with ears seems really bad! And I can see why you are scared about going deaf... have you ever spoke to anyone about you trying to stop it? Just an idea because it does seem to be getting very serious :( Good story though, thanks :)
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

that one about the goggles going black is hillarious, its like, ahh, hu turned out the lights? lol
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

Hey, sorry for double posting but I was just trying to think of some more funny stories and came up with this one that I am ALWAYS making fun of my sister for now:

My sister, Carrie Anne, who is now 19 (she was 18 when she said it) came up to me one day when we had just had chicken for dinner and said "does turkey come from the same animal as chicken?" :lol: :lol: I couldn't believe that she had said it! I'm laughing my head off just thinking about it now! :D x-x-x
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

My cousin was so bored in school one day she fooled around with a stapler. Then we heard her say, "OW!" Then we say, what? "I stapled my finger!" She took the bullet out and her finger bleed a little. The next day she was seen playing with it again.
She is so dumb. Lol.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

ive staplegunned my shirt to a wall before :lol: that was rather amusing, what was crazy was we couldnt get the staple out, so i had to wriggle out of my shirt and walk to get a new shirt in just my bra :lol: i got some weird looks, and then when people saw my shirt handing off the wall they were like, that explains a lot
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has done

:lol: my sisters friend was using a wall stapler and told the teacher that she knew how to use it when she didn't. So she had the stapler facing the wrong and ended up stapling her mouth closed!